Favorite Signatures

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by The Lone Stranger, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. YodaDog New Player

    I love you for this post. (Its platonic, dont worry. ;))
    @Nerd: Love the new sig, man!
  2. neptunesBeard New Player

    I'd put one but I don't know what to put. I'd want something with Aqua Man.
  3. Stitch Well-Known Player

  4. Circe New Player

  5. The Kitsune New Player

    Personly I like Yodadog signiture.
    The cop is like What looking at his hand.
  6. Gr3enMachin3 New Player

  7. Gam3r4Lif3 Dedicated Player

    Mine.....and if you disagree I will be forced to use the force
  8. Adell New Player

    I like MercPony's Sailor Batman sig xD
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  9. Mermaid Dedicated Player

    Fredom Reborn signatures rocks!! Makes me want one!!!
  10. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Me too
  11. The 13ht Doctor New Player

    I do like MercPony's signature because I just found Batman random. I also like mine because it has a quote from every Doctor in Doctor Who. Quotes are cool. It's also colorful and has a quote from the 12th Doctor no one has heard yet. There, now this is not a meaningless 'I like mine' comment.
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  12. Minx New Player

    This was always my favorite Vengie sig... ;)


    All your creations are pretty awesome Sir Gant.
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  13. KrimsonScourge New Player

    I have to give the one with the Death Star/Baseball game top score, Arwen Skywalker I think.
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  14. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

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  15. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    MetalMax and Quantum Edge are two of my favorites. They both crack me up.
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  16. Crimson Jonni New Player

    There is this one user idk who it is, but its a fight gif between two women and its edited to look like a video game. Like the first lady swings this sword and the other blocks it and pulls out a huge orange hammer and hits for 9999 damage. Has me rolling every time lmao
  17. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Also, I'm glad you posted, I was about to have to search the forums to remember whose sig that was...
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  18. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    I think Wildthing recently changed his, I like it quite a bit, too.
  19. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

  20. The Doctor Loyal Player

    MetaMax75 hands down