Favorite Signatures

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by The Lone Stranger, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Our signatures often show our interests, or senses of humors, and other personal details - sometimes more than we wish to tell. Which signatures do you like?

    My current fave is from ZEUSofGODS
    "Devs, scissor is ok... But please nerf paper, it's OP!!! Yours truly, Rock!"
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  2. Ilunis Dedicated Player

    My personal favorite is YodaDog's.....and mine...
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  3. JayJay2515 New Player

    I have quite a few but I don't remember their names :(
  4. TrueMarvel New Player

    Can't remember. Mine is great to
  5. Itazuki New Player


    Oh, I don't have one.

    Well then... whoever posts after me.
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  6. MercPony Devoted Player

    I seen quite a few random ones... personally I love mine :3
  7. Buckley Loyal Player

    playing in Photoshop.. but it would be nice if we could use a sig generator


    Main icon is for avatar pic
    and the 3 on the right is for Mentor: Superman, Movement: Flight and Class: DPS

    What do you think Devs? Can we get some thing like this?
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  8. MercPony Devoted Player

    Everyone +1 this! This idea is awesome!
  9. Snow New Player

    I like signatures that relates to your in game character somehow but I also love some humorous sigs!
  10. ARI ATARI New Player

    The audio dev has a pretty cool signature, milbarge i think his name is.

    some of you have really fun signatures. Mine is too serious. I admit that.
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  11. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    My favorite signature is the one on my paycheck every Friday... LOL

    There's quite a few on here I like, no way to pick just one.
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  12. recespieces31 New Player

    Mine, of course
  13. YodaDog New Player

    lol...everyone loves their own sig the most... I mean, heck, you did craft it yourself, amiright?

    I would concur, I like mine's the best. XD (Thx Ilunis!) But other than mine....hmmm.... I'd go with...

    MetaMax, Spicoli and KarmaPolice. Awesome sigs, guys.
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  14. YodaDog New Player

    Ooohhh.. And let us not forget Krampon and his lizard-wrestling-tears-motif sig. That was epic.

    Where for art thou, Krampons!!??
  15. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    I must agree, YodaDog's is great! Ilunis, yours reminds me too much of myself back in the '80's!!!
  16. Tesseract Prime Dedicated Player

    No one's who makes me scroll past more than 150 pixels.

    *grumbles about lack of height restriction*
  17. Daddio New Player

    you'll hate my new one then..
  18. FESTER665 Devoted Player

    Huh ??? There is a restriction, Mepps said it was 350 x 500 (might be a little off) for the entire signatures including links or lines before/after an image....
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  19. MetaMax75 Devoted Player

    Mine. And the The Rebels sig that is a take on The Warriors.
  20. The Lone Stranger Devoted Player

    Haven't seen that one. Are you talking The Warriors as in the movie... "Warriors! Come out and Pla-ay!"?
    Sounds cool. See if you can get him/her (don't know The Rebels) to post on this thread so that we can see it, please.