Faustian Bargan on Position

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Carbon Based Unit, Nov 27, 2016.

  1. Carbon Based Unit Well-Known Player

    It has been reported for a long time that Felix Faust does not spawn in the proper place for the Chinatown battle. Since this is a T1 solo, people see it all the time. It has been in the tracker since May 2015.

    My suggestion is this:
    You trigger the spell wall being dropped by killing the people casting the spell wall. On the same trigger, at the same moment, adjust the XYZ position of Faust to where he is supposed to be and clear any targeting, etc. that could have moved him.

    It seems like a simple fix that would be easy to implement. And, the way it stands now is confusing to new users because there are cut screens with nobody in them. Also, since this quest is early on it introduces new users to the bugginess of DCUO early... something I think you would want to avoid.