faction switching...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by COMBATICUS, Feb 11, 2015.

  1. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    I know this has been said before, also know that from devs side it might be a bit tough to do but not impossible, never said it was impossible.

    I always wanted to be on the villain side, no offense heroes but kinda gettin tired of them lol. Not sayin villains any better but I have seen more nicer ppl on villain than hero, this is not the reason and def a different subject lol. So I always wondered why they truly never made a token to switch factions?

    I know it hear they said they will have hard time keeping track of characters or data of sort. But what if u could do it once every 3months or something, limit us so that way our data isn't all over the place. I also know that style in heroes can't be used in villains but I don't see why they can't just have it temporary locked and only use the ones that are shared by both factions.

    I kinda thought one day maybe they would implement this and give us the option that way we explore the villain side as well, the token would first ask u what mentor u want and from there it would phase u to the hall of doom.

    I don't know if I'm alone in this, not sure how others feel about it either. But I really really hope one day they would do this I always liked the music in the villain side like the night club music when u go there. Anyway feel free to post ur opinions, ideas regarding this. And hopefully if enough ppl are on board then maybe we can push the devs to at least think about it u know?

    P.S. Also when u do switch, hope ur skill points and plans also carry over. I know with skill points specially there will be some issues, because of the feat names and what not. But maybe they can make it in a way where any feats u get whether ur in hero or villain anythin u earn after switching will remain in that faction and can't be carried over unless the feats are identical with heroes and villain.

    Ty for reading
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  2. Ralkram New Player

    I agree I think it would be nice, but I doubt they would do that. I would imagine Feats being one problem because Heros and Villians have quite a few different feats. So if you were to switch I would think that only a small handful of feats/sp would transfer over like some of the general stuff, base, r&d. The devs would automatically grant us the opposite factions coresponding feat.
  3. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    To be honest i really just dont see these happening, to many issue from the ones you mentioned and many more. A faction switch would encompass more then a simple token could do, a GM would have to manually change your toon which means it would never happen. Just make a toon on the other faction buy the SP you have unlocked that are shared and call it a day.
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  4. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I think this would be a bad idea, because people would gain lots of SPs from it which would give an overwhelming advantage. Also, your gear would become unusable, so you'd have to start from scratch on Tiered gear, as your current gear has a Hero or Villain requirement. Seeing a whole bunch of 100+ CR characters being forced to buy lower tier armor and rebuilding their CR would be quite funny, but would ultimately upset the players that switched.
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  5. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    That's why I said that if u unlock feats let's say in villain while u just transfered from hero then go back to hero those feats won't go with u but like the above person mentioned guess too much issue arises
  6. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Yea I understand, I mean I do have a villain just I'm so far behind and ppl already ask for ridiculous cr requirement for stuff as small as fos or prime. 2weeks ago I was hearing cr 108 and above for fos 3 lol
  7. zeroman New Player

    I do not wish to see any hero's come over to the villain side. They will just make a mess of things. I give this thread a 1.
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  8. Impulsively Committed Player

    Almost all of the reasons why I personally would want to faction switch is being fixed with cross-play... population issues.

    Besides that, I don't really see any advantages to being able to switch sides other than cheating the feat system. It's simple enough to just create one toon for each side and level them in tandem. Even F2P people can do it.
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  9. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    Again, as I stated the feats that can't be carried over simply can be locked away, like stat clamping basically. No1 wants to see a cheater to just switch gets feats and go back, I also stated once u do switch back to w.e faction u was the feats u gained won't be carried over. Simple as that, but I guess it's a bit more difficult than I thought. I just wished it would be possible one day if they can control it to a degree, which I mentioned, lock feats/sp u unlock on that faction so if u switch nothing carries over
  10. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    This has been raised many, many times - and good ways to address styles and feats (such as linking feats so that if you have the hero version, when you switch you get flagged as having the villain version, Superman mentor? Welcome to Lexcorp. Full Atalantean Monarch? Well, we're taking that away from you....but here, have the Manta gear) have all been raised.

    Sadly, I don't recall ever seeing a green name respond :'(

    And yes, yes I could create a duplicate character....but how do I get all her stuff across? Like lair items, and the smoke aura?
  11. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    First off, if this happens, you would gain additional SP due to the difference in Iconic Gear and other feats. This would cause further separation between eltie players and non-elite players. When I say elite I'm talking the 200+ SP crowd. These players would swap, get all missing feats and go back to origin fraction, no joke. Now instead of having say 210 SP they are walking around with 220 or even 225 SP. Some of the players in the 185 range would join the elite due to this and than those of us who are on the cusp would as well but players in the 130 range will be like, F this I'm done. There is no reason for a fraction token as it will surely cause some players to rage quit.

    We do not need that. If you want to play a Villian, create one and level said toon up.
  12. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    You're making the assumption that feats would not be linked.

    Linking of feats (and styles and mentors etc) would mean that there is minimal chance for additional SPs. I say minimal, because I believe villains have a light edge in available feats.
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  13. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Why not...I mean you get feats for switching powers and movement, why not if we change fraction. I mean seriously, do you think you would lose the feats you have? NOPE, but you could get the feats you do not have on the villain side. So yeah, it would be a feat thing.
  14. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Again, you're making an assumption.

    Movement and powers have feats that can be obtained by switching....by either faction. And there's not too much in it.

    Faction switching is a whole different kettle of fish. You couldn't implement it without linking feats and such....if you did, you'd arrive at the scenario you raised.

    Linking feats would simply require matching the feats, and then when you changed faction, the feat description / name changes.

    Have the feat for gaining full Atlantean Monarch? On switch that changes to the feat for gaining full Manta. You shouldn't be able to get both feats. Note you don't get the new feat and keep the old....the hero version is replaced by the villain version. In the end, you still have 50 feat points for completing a T5 Iconic style.
  15. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Let me take a step back to discuss movment mode feat. The feat for obtaining level 30 speedster is only available to those with super speed. If I start off as Flight and Switch I obtian said feat and I do not loose my 10 point from reaching level 30 with flight.

    Using same logic, when one switch fraction any obtained prior feats are still earned. Even if you cannot see the feat; I would imagine many players complaining if feats were taken away and many would spend $$ to gain additional feats, and $$$ is good, so older earned feats will not be removed.

    With all of that said, anything not yet earned or where they do not carry over will only entice the elitest to take advantage of such a in game mechanic, which happened when Respect Token became available for movement and powers. When the game first launched no such items exited and now they do providign additional feats.

    I'm netural on this idea, but prefer it not to happen but if it does, I will take advantage of it as I have completed quite a bit of content on the Villain side.
  16. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    Faction switching and movement / power switching is like comparing apples and oranges. They're both fruit, but that's where the similarities end.

    There's simply too much involved with the differing factions to not consider linking feats. And anyways, faction switching shouldn't be about feats....it should be about moving a character to the faction he or she really belongs in, or where you have more friends, or to experience different content without losing your characters progress and items.

    To be honest, if faction respec was added and feat linking wasn't enabled, I'd view it purely as a pay to win money grab.
  17. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Movement mode you should not get the feats than and here is wehy. Why should you keep feats from flying when you cannot fly no more if I swtich to arobatics or super speed. I cannot fly and therefore should not have said feat.

    When you switch fraction you are going from good to evil or evil to good. It is the same logic as you lost one and moved on to another. Just like movement mode. Why should I lose those feats, I already completed. them just like the flight feats that I did not lose if I switch movement mode.

    See what I did there, gave you something to think about.

    You are right they are difference but the idea of moving from one thing to another thing are the same. If I get to keep my flight feats I completed, if fraction switching happens, they better let me keep my hero feats I completed.
  18. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    U haven't read what I stated and just assuming. First and foremost I mentioned that any feat u unlock if u switched then go back to w.e faction u was the feats will not carry over they'll be locked to that faction only. Also any feats that isn't cross faction gets locked, I've stated all those, and stated if there were sone right and things were fair. So no those elite won't get the upper hand if they put these restriction. So u can't come to villain side with 158sp for ex. Then gain 50sp and switch to hero and have over 200 sp, those sp u unlocked will be clamped to ONE faction and cannot be carried over. But as some1 stated, probably too much data and back and forth gonna happen to keep track. But only if there was a way it be real cool

    I mean they could let u keep the feats that are tied to both faction and just lock away the 1s that aren't. Or just. Take ur toon with the items and some styles that u can with a minimum of 150sp. I'm sure they can do something to balance it out. Besides why would there be complainers if ppl know if u do switch ull be opt out of some feats and might lose sp
  19. bareheiny 10000 Post Club

    You would get to keep your feats...just with a different name.

    If you have to, just consider it a penalty for faction swapping. You don't get to just flip a switch and decide you're tired of being a dirty villain so you'll be a filthy hero without some sort of consequence.
  20. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Have you played on the hero side...I think there are more villain on that side than the villains...LOL...

    You know if it does happen, feats would become available....