F2P and Premium - Unable to Purchase/Unlock Legends In-Game

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by xhalur, Sep 17, 2015.

  1. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Not sure if this is a bug due to GU52 launching or not, but F2P and Premium members are unable to purchase/unlock lots of Legends characters for LPvE and LPvP in-game.

    As it stands, the Legends characters available to all players that have a cost of in-game cash and 85 Marks of Legend currently require a subscription ("Legendary Access"). This includes all of the characters introduced with "The Last Laugh" DLC/Episode, as well as Doctor Fate, Felix Faust, Donna Troy, Cheetah, Atrocitus, Saint Walker, and Classic Batman.

    This was discovered on [USPC] on the Villain faction, specifically the machine vendor in the Meta Wing of the Hall of Doom near the R&D Station. I haven't checked the Hero faction yet, and I'm not sure if this is affecting other servers.

    Please fix.
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  2. Owl Devoted Player

    Access to DLC Legends characters with Marks is a member benefit.

    Non-Members can purchase the Legends characters with Station Cash or Marketplace Cash.

  3. xhalur Well-Known Player

    I am aware of this, and I'm not talking about this though.

    I have been Premium since around the start of the year (I've been playing for years, and I've been a subscriber on-and-off while making other MP purchases). Up until today, I've been able to purchase characters like Kilowog, Saint Walker, etc. in-game for around $1,050 in-game cash (I'm not in-game right now, so that number might be a tad bit off) and 85 Marks of Legend without any trouble at all, regardless of membership level.

    Now after Sept. 17, 2015's maintenance, all legends except for the original Batman-family ones are unable to be purchased by F2P and Premiums in-game.

    EDIT: I'm not talking about buying Legends for SC/LP/MC. I'm not talking about the Marketplace at all. I am talking about not being able to purchase them from the in-game robot/machine vendors. Just so we're clear.
  4. Heero Blaze Well-Known Player

    I get what xhalur is saying. If you purchased Last Laugh or any DLC that included Legend characters prior to the shift from DLC to Episodes, you will maintain access to those Legend characters for purchase. Therefore, the problem is assigned access, similar to players not designated as Legendary.

    As Owl quoted
    I had purchased all DLCs prior to the shift. I just checked an alt who did not purchase Legends previously linked to DLC and could not purchase them, vendor states "Access Level Required: Legendary." All my characters should be able to purchase these legends since I had the DLC. This was on USPS.

    Bug Reported: DC-858

    Note: the title of the post should exclude F2P, since you'd be Premium if you purchased a DLC.
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  5. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I realized I shouldn't have mentioned F2P only after enough time went by and I couldn't edit the thread title anymore. I figured since it could be earned with MoL and bought for less than the F2P cash-cap of $1,500 that it would affect them too, not thinking that it would require previous DLC purchase (which would make them Premium by default).

    Anyway, thanks for the support, and for adding this to the Issue Tracker. :)
  6. loupblanc Dedicated Player

    Just to add, I am on this F2P account and I cannot see any promo Legends characters for this week.
  7. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are investigating.
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  8. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

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  9. PoKTLi Active Player

    Well.. i think they should fix this, becuase i did not pay 1.99 for The last laugh. or 4.99 for Hand of Fate episode (for example)... like the rest of here complaining I paid 10 dolars (or the equivalent on SC) for all that was included in those DLC , meaning Legends included.

    Either they unlock that membership requirement or they send to all those that bought those episodes before new adjustments a market place token redeamable for all char of the account of those legends that was previously part of the pack.

    Im just saying is not fair taking something you have paid for... away.
    As always forgive my bad english. paz y bien
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  10. Tsigalko Well-Known Player

    +1 for this issue

    i'm currently premium, but i have the Last Laugh DLC. i bought it full price which include the legends characters, only few weeks after it launched back in 2012, way before the shift from DLC to episodes. i just check on one of my alts and he cant buy the last laugh legends. and yeah this is a new issue after GU52, coz i just finished pvp-gearing up another one of my alt 1 week ago and i can buy all of the last laugh legends along the way while in premium status, like usual.
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  11. Tygerfyre Committed Player

    This came up as a question when the DLC first was broken down into its component pieces, and we were definitely told at the time that anyone who had access via Marks of Legend thanks to the old version of the DLC would continue to have that access. I'm expecting this will be fixed, and was probably an oversight of some kind either in GU52, or more likely during that issue last week when no one had their Legendary status.
  12. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    I do want to reconfirm this is definitely a bug, not intended. We're working on getting it fixed.

    It may be helpful for us if you could post your character name and server, so we can more quickly track it down.

    Also, for the characters you should be able to buy Legends with but cannot, do you have the other things included in that DLC? For example, if you're unable to grab the DLC4 (Last Laugh) Legends, can you create a new Shield character, and can you play the PvE content?
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  13. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Sent you a PM. :)
  14. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Thanks for the help! We have identified what is causing the issue and will get to work on a fix.
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