Executive Producer's Letter Hype

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    While this is true, I've had those non-tradable Nths sitting in my alts banks since before they took stabs off the daily rewards. I've been thinking maybe they came from the daily rewards, as I have occasionally claimed the rewards while on an alt, but the Nth we get from the daily rewards is account bound.

    And it's just occurred to me it might be from older time capsules. For awhile, I was opening TCs on alts, so they could get the feat and reward for opening 15 of them.
  2. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    The mission that teaches you about artifacts gives untradeable Nth metal. In addition, if for some reason you had vault tickets on a character and used them after the artifact system was created you could have gotten more Nth metal that would also be untradeable.
  3. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    I put all I had into that 1 Artifacts. Mystic Symbols of the Seven on my Fire Tank Villain.
    I went hard in it. All metal i collected in my hero went to my villain.
    Rank 160 is about 680k.
    Up to a total of 8 Destiny Tokens in a month. If by so.
    1 Destiny Token * x35 = 35k XP x Amount of Destiny Tokens Spent.
    I do remember having 8, totalling 280k
    Plus the Daily from Members, and by playing on 1 toon in a month. It's possible to get it to rank 120.
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  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    At this point I'm not sure what side of the argument you are on. Is it super easy to knock them out in a month or so, or is it hard? The fact you blew all 8 destiny for 2 months worth of grants to get enough Nth just to get to 160 (of which about 2/5ths WAS that purchased Nth vs 'drops') kind of sounds like you are in the it's harder...rather than easy...camp.
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  5. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Its a fundamental thing. Okaying casually.
  6. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    And +15 days for 2 extra tokens for the seals? Maybe..

    So, 2'5 monthsx3= 7'5 months 1 art 200

    A "casual player" need almost 2 years, paying allacces (200€) for finish 1 set. With montly SC can reduce to 1 year

    And all this having very clear how/what to go up from lvl23 when you discover the art, and don't make the mistake of wanting to be support role or you want to upgrade the account with some inventory.

    I stand by what I said: with 12 years behind it may seem easy and ignore micropayments, but it is an unpleasent game to start.
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  7. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    To me, the most likely suspect would be the old daily Vault runs, before they became a "just for some seasonals" thing.

    Since Vaults were a quick run, I'd usually take all my characters (even bank/storage characters) through the Vault before running on the character in my rotation (each active character gets a turn, once I get gear for them I move on to the next character in line). I'd then use the accumulated Marks to pick up things like catalysts for Artifacts or other things.

    Those bank/storage characters of mine still have quite a bit of "cannot trade" Nth in their banks on each character from their Vault runs, all of it just sitting there gathering virtual dust. LOL
  8. BƖack Dedicated Player

    What's all this hype for?
  9. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    Yet another element taken from Cryptic's MMOs.

    They mention the pets as well, which likely means they're trying to implement actual companions like Neverwinter and several other MMOs utilize, like rival Austin studio Bioware did with Star Wars: The Old Republic (before it was handed over to Broadsword).

    Cross faction leagues are likely the result of the plummeting player population and is an uncommon function in many MMOs, so is more of an original idea than typical.

    Abandoning the episode format is definitely on the right track, but not if it follows Cryptic's Star Trek Online. The format they use is extremely hit and miss, and has a lot to do with bad writing, directing, scenario planning, and even lack of understanding of their own gameplay mechanisms (like making plenty of 'hallway simulator' content where the camera angle spazzes out because it was not designed to have ceilings so low and walls so narrow that it's hard to see). Will have to see how they do it, but would hope things are a much needed step up from the slop in the Harley DLC. Bad acting, bad animations, bad cutscenes (which are still, for some reason, not skippable), were just the start. The Doomsday raid's intro shows us what could be done with such an aged system.

    The new VFX in the new areas does look a lot pretty good. Better use of lighting is something the game has needed for a while. While the engine is still fairly limited in what it can do, it was always possible to do certain things that just weren't done.

    Will see where this goes next month. Time to see what the... (Lorin, Larry, Jack, Absentee, Andre)...5th? EP can do with this old game.

    Organizing the episodes into arcs are also a great idea. Will also highlight story threads that were left to collect dust for years, like the Black Adam/Isis arc was until a year or so ago.

    Removing group size limitations in content? Need more info on how's that going to work. 8 player solos? Duos? 1 person raids? Walk-ins? All ears, especially if they allow a player to queue a raid solo and fill the group with summoned allies or something. Would be a monetization dream if they did it right and tweaked raid mechanics. Unless it's for new content, going forward, that scales to group size.
    That would allow the creation of faster content by making all purpose instances, one at a time. Instead of having to pop out a whole episode they can put in a new scaled mission every month or two (more if locales are repurposed)

    Can wait another month. Gave up on this DLC like the last one and stopped logging in but will be checking back.

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