Executive Producer's Letter Hype

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Sorry....this is just not factual. YES...by running more alts, you likely will play more time...and yes...that means you will get more Nth, but if you played on that 1 character for 2 hours a day, you'd have the same Nth in the same time.

    As far as can you get enough to level to 160 in a month? Sure, I suppose, if you are a member...and you can boost drops by using detectors to pad timed drops...however if you had detectors on each of those 2 toons, or used 1 toon with 2 detectors for the same amount of time...it would be the same drops.

    And a 160 is only about 1/3 of a 200's XP. So instead of 2 hours...it's more like 5-6 hours a day...just using your calculations...not even saying that's actually accurate, but I'll go with those for arguments sake.
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  2. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Yea as. Member and with Destiny Tokens also.
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  3. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    It's not stupidity as long as you keep your membership active go get ur free 10 seals those should get you to rank 160 at rank 180 and 200 get ur free seals of completion.

    As long as you got an active membership and you're a paying member the rest is pretty simple no need to open your wallet more than a membership.
    If you do not plan to use a membership then you're going to be stuck at rank 120 140 if ur lucky 160 without seals you'll waste a lot of resources
  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    If you do not want a membership then you're going to be playing the open your wallet game quite often
  5. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Not exactly, several times a year alts can help you level up artifacts faster, every time an event has a vault you can significantly speed up the leveling of artifacts, from 50 to 1100 nth drops in a vault, if you have 36 characters and the event lasts 27 days, then in general you will have an average of 558900 nth per event ;) plus Catalysts drop in a vault...
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  6. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    I got about 12,500 from a BOP artifact cache that I THINK was non-tradable. You also get some after doing the artifact mission.
  7. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    So the message for someone who wants to get started:

    - Play 5 hours a day

    - Buy 20 slots (10,000SC-6,000SC membership = €40?)

    - An annual fee (€100?)

    - With those 200 stabs, 75 x capsule being generous, 27 capsules are missing (€1500?)

    - Now we add the new mods for 5 episodes (€40?)

    - An armory for aoe/single or dual role (€10)


    Of course you can extend the target time to 2 years, reducing the cost in stabs or you can create a dozen multi-accounts or give up capsules completely.

    You can also give up wanting the mods and the armory

    You can even give up having artifacts/allies at maximum

    Resignation from completing old content due to lack of population

    You can have a basic character without much cost, just accept that you will be a mere observer.

    I don't understand why people don't come in mass to play DCUO!! WITH THE COOL BACKBACK BUTTON THEY HAVE CREATED!!!!
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  8. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Same. The oldest of my current toons on PC date back to Fall 2022, so none of them were around for the original stabilizer event. I suppose it's possible that, on a few of them, I somehow didn't spend all of the Nth they got from Constantine. But it feels more likely that it dropped somewhere, or maybe was part of some giveaway from a year or two ago.
  9. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    With the above I don't mean that they do everything for free. Only they realize that the initial wall is too high (for many) and that as the veterans abandon (tiredness, life, etc.) very few will be replaced, forcing them to create increasingly aggressive micropayments to the dwindling community (where we are).
    And from our high thrones of seniority it can be easy to maintain a level of 20k SM and buy everything they release, several B$ with which to buy capsule content, level artifacts/allies to a medium level 120-160/6-8 with those who try alternatives without pressure, ignore those feats/instances that we hate... and it seems to us that whoever can't is a lazy person who only wants things now and for free.
    So the new letter of good intentions, like so many others, will come to nothing. People who don't know the game (oh sorry, they've played undercover for 2 months), refuse to interact with the community and can't/want to address the big changes that are required. Who knows, with 2025 being the year they will unify the money, maybe in 2026 we will have a "read-claim all/delete all read messages" button in the email
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  10. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Ok, sure...throwing using your destiny tokens at it, thats probably enough. Of course, it might be nice to use those on seals too, but if all you wanted to do was prove some point...sure I suppose it can be done.

    And if we had a 2x week...you'd get 2 200s in the same time, so not sure how it works out as equal as Budoka seems to be saying.
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Now, that's just not fair.

    It's not JUST a back button.....don't forget the new message of the day pop up. THE POP UP MAN!!!
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, a few toons have those, but I was talking to 10s and 100's. My main has about 600+ of the 100s and 2 stacks of the 10s that are non tradable. Those came from somewhere. I suppose it could be all the old vault stuff, but I was still doing artis back then, so I figured it would all have been gone. Especially the 10s, as I blow through those before ever dipping into any of the larger number ones just to clear the most space.

    I'll have to put those into the bank then if I ever see any stray ones after a run, maybe I'll notice.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes....Although I thought the cap was 32 toons. However, I don't think Bud's example was pure vault related, as he was talking about hours over multiple toons, and while yeah...it would probably take a few hours to grind 32 vaults out every day (exciting gameplay) I don't think it was in line with his argument.

    So yes...if pure Nth farming vault is the goal, a month of vault runs will make a difference.
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player

    Yes...but what you and Reinheld are forgetting, is that before the Stabilizer instance was added back again, we used to have Stabilizer Bonus Weeks, where the duo was enabled for the week.
    And we had quite a few of those before the Stab.Duo was added back permanetly.
  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd go back and check, but I'd bet that it wasn't more than 2 a year...probably more like 1. So over the 2 years it was 'gone' that's maybe 3 or 4 weeks max. And for TI99Kittiy's part, where she knows a start date for the toons in 2022, likely less.

    And honesty I didn't mention it to bring up some big conspiracy...it was just a side thing I noticed as I had just been cleaning out my inventory and moving stacks to the bank...and noticed 2 active 10s and 100s...one account bound of each...one non-tradable.

    If the assumptions are correct, now that I moved the non-tradable ones to the bank, I should never see another one show up in my inventory, seeing as daily stabs...and if we ever get another 5x week...won't reward any.
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  16. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    The Deals to get it to 200.
    I've got it to 160.
  17. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    I also used Nth Metal Detectors and Destiny Tokens for the 15k Cache.
    160 doesn't take long if only for that 1 Artifacts and no others.
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  18. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I'm not forgetting that; that was my point. The original duo was before I came back to the game.
  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes, but that wasn't included in Budoka's orginal synopsis. He was selling the fact you could get all that done by running 9 toons 1 hour a day. Again...other than the vault, 9 vs 1 toon doesn't matter anyway as long as the run time is the same. Nth Detectors, 15K caches and maybe even spending the 'Free' $5 you get for membership every month...weren't in there.

    That would be like saying "I got $1000 worth of groceries and spent ZERO cash!".....sure you used a credit card....but not actual CASH.... amiright?;)
  20. Korlick Loyal Player

    You missunderstood what i said.
    Yes, the original duo was before you came back. But the Stabilizer Bonus Weeks (where the duo was enabled again for the week), were after you came back.