Executive Producer's Letter Hype

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'm in the 'meh' camp too, unless that new event stuff and R&D Elite Weapons/accessories also come with feats. I'm tired of them jamming feats in on stuff that just increases grind for grind's sake. The gen mods are about bad enough, having to also grind out a ton of components, plans, etc...just to get a pair of rings that will make almost literally no difference to gameplay or your toon...is more 'rrrrgh' than 'meh'.

    Shared cash should have happened the week they decided mailed cash was gone for good.

    And yeah, I know you can just blow off the feats...however, they also know MOST will not for FOMO reasons.
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  2. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    First off, artifacts aren't going anywhere. IF they did, I'd guess there would be riots in the streets of the game, especially as they released Wolfpacks less than a year ago. And while yeah, they can change anything in the game anytime they want, dropping a $100 item, then making it disappear less than a year later, is likely something that would lose you a LOT of players and would 100% lose all confidence in investing money in this game. Changes to artis? Sure. I could see changes, maybe new ways to generate Nth, or other breakthrough options...but 'the era of artifacts is over'....nah. Doubtful.

    And basically anything they say they are adding or changing to content or gear you will claim as you were correct in all the nonsense you've spouted?

    Congratulations on your correctness then. Your cookie is on it's way.:rolleyes:
  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

  4. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player


    Of course they're going to put feats everywhere they can. It costs nothing and gives many players motivation to grind, or pay.
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  5. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    In all fairness not trying to be correct some of my stuff is speculation.
    If you take a look at how easy episode 48 was you'll notice the end of stats revamp the end of an era as they call it.

    There was no way in hell they wouldn't relaunch the gear system by episode 50 if they would have continued on like that we would have been one shotting everything.

    Now a new era begins where content is designed around three to four gear slots. The money they will make off of mods allow them to continue relaunching other systems already in the game like they've mentioned allies and what not like iv also talked about. You will eventually see a relaunch of the artifact system. where all artifacts are in a skill tree. the skill tree will be clamped all this is how they're going to address art swapping. The artifact skill tree is one of their biggest relaunches designed to massively increase the gameplay it is the most highly anticipated relaunch.

    The artifact relaunch is speculation with the skill tree but you can bet your money on it happening eventually.

    And I don't see an issue with artifact XP nth metal is super easy. 18 stacks of 999 with 9 toons is enough to max 1 art. 2 blue stacks of 999x 9alts is enough to max another alt.

    I can't remember if that takes about a month if you play every day with all nine toons or 3 months everyday either way thats 2 rank 200 arts in 3 months. You still have purple nth metal 999 is 999 000xp
  6. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Super. Must have skimmed over that....however, F that.

    I've already pretty much dropped off of feats except whereas it has to do with meaningful improvement (like getting the adaptives up for 2 less simon games in the solo...or the OP waist), or where I can get things done by just doing what I'd do for normal running like checklist or some counts. Unless the components are dropping quite often, or the plans...or whatever... are grants/drops/cheap...I guess these items will join the ever growing list of stuff I no longer care about in this game.

    But yeah...I was pretty sure their would be...thanks for confirming DBG is as lazy and predictable as ever.
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  7. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This right here is an indicator of how much you don't know what you are talking about. Nth drops on a timer as long as you are active(meaning kills or 'collect' actions). If you do that activity on 1 toon for 9 hours a day, or 9 toons for 1 hour a day, it's the same amount of Nth drops. Now...I'll give you that running 9 would give you more things to do, like daily work, but the resulting Nth would be the same when you pool it...save the FEW we get in something like the seasonal vault...which is a temporary thing a few times a year. Vault Nth might be non tradable too...which further defeats thigns...though I'm not 100% sure on that as I don't really care about Nth or artis all that much.

    And yeah....999 1K Purples. I'm sure that you'll build up 999 in 3 months. Honestly if you have that much purple things dropping out of your rear end, you should go see a doctor.
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  8. DDice_day New Player

    Hard to be excited about it, or about anything really in/with this game, with these new tactical mods being p2w (not even mentioning anything else).
    Look at the forum, full of burning threads/topics with many pages of comments, keep adding etc. and almost non of it it addressed, replied to by the devs or any officials.
    So what are we talking about.

    With that, this comment can be read as negative as well, and just another opinion with all the rest, and a waste of time typing.
    Until what i said is mostly all wrong, until that, am gonna be concerned, worried and might straight up just leave the game.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    One thing I just noticed after watching OC's video where he covered the potential changes....

    Private queues removing restrictions on group sizes

    So...finally AQS will be implemented...in some way at least. Bout F'ing time.
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    So technically nine alts is 9x xp and that just if you run everything in ep 48 with all 9 alts. You still have ep 47 that's another 9x and then episode 46 to keep you busy even more.

    The problem with the community is they want two times XP events because they don't feel like playing DC Universe that much it's too boring or they don't have enough time to invest in more characters. Thats not really how you play an mmo like this one. you need alts lots of them to get there faster instead of opening ur wallet so much.

    If you look closely they've changed the XP system it's a lot more beneficial to run more alts instead of them giving you two times events they literally increased how much ninth metal drops the longer you're active.

    The same goes for Ally favor 660xp every hour could be more could be less 5 hours a day is 3300 favor and 35 hours a week is 115k.

    It's very simple you need more alts and you need to be active that's all there is to it
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You can run those same 9 hours in a solo on repeat. Again the Nth will be the same, regardless of time, however yes...alts make it a LITTLE less repetitive than 9 on the same toon. You aren't getting MORE nth by running alts...you are getting MORE nth by running MORE hours...the toon doing the run is irrelevant. Technically you could stand in front of a reliable exo or collection spawn, put this thing above the key that does pickup actions on a KB and leave it sit for 23 hours a day and get EVEN MORE xp by 'playing' the game.

    And no....no one wants to have to run 9 hours a day to accumulate enough XP to get their artis up...1 toon...9 toons or 900 toons. Not saying that 2x XP will ever return....but it would be idiotic to prefer forced hours a day of running to make up the difference.
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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    The vault Nth is account bound, same as the regular Nth drops. I only know this because I pool all my Nth drops in the shared bank, so I can use it on one toon.

    A couple of toons do have some non-tradable Nth, but they've had it for so long, I don't even remember where it came from.
  13. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    No doubt you can exploit both systems and farm XP. They will more than likely be relaunching the artifact system and Ally system and the way you gain XP will be changed.

    I'm pretty sure it is clear to them that both those systems need to be relaunched for many reasons not just those exploits
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    It's still anecdotal as it's not part of normal Nth gathering...on limited events every year, AND you are limited to a few drops a day on 1 run...so the per timer drops are still 99% of what you'd get in a 9 hour day...even if you did it on 8 more toons.

    But good to know it's account bound. I wonder where those few stacks of 'cannot trade' Nth I have, come from then. Got 10s and 100s.
  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    If i recall correctly, from the old Stabilizer Event. For whatever reasons, when they turned all nth as account bound, those didnt make the cut.
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  16. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Yes, that's most likely where it came from. There's also non-tradable Nth Metal, small amount of which you get from the introductory artifact mission. It's possible, that the old Stabilizer event used to drop the same type of Nth Metal, for whatever reason, which is why it wasn't changed to account bound. I guess they're worried people would exploit the mission, or something.
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  17. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Yep. They're changing faster than underwear.
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  18. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Could be, but I've got quite a pile of it. Doubtful I had it all from 3+ years ago when stab runs dropped it. Same with old daily vault drops like the 3Ks. I know I've got a few of those on low alts, but I burned that long ago on my mains.
  19. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    I challenge you to prove such stupidity, record on YT how you upload an art to 200 without using $ in a month or 100k favors a week.
    I like reading your paranoias, they distract me, but this seems too much to me.
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  20. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    The more Alts the more faster you can get an artifact to 200.
    I ran on 2 characters and got 1 artifact to 160 in a month by playing just an hour a day on each.