Executive Producer's Letter Hype

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Yes apparently the last guy Kendricke was replaced. He was the guy in the Too Many Games podcast. This new guy Andre no one ever knew of him. We’re still not heard from Al Rivera either (I forgot his position but we can thank this current episode to him). Oh Daybreak your ever revolving door is always spinning it seems.
  2. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    kenn is still there i think and listed as head of production, lead producer

    andre is studio head and exec producer and started in april
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  3. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    My favourite part is where he states the team’s achievements to date being:

    - PS5 client release, which is so buggy it’s unusable.

    - Harley vs. Apokolips art, which was so badly trashed for low quality, stiff, glitchy animations throughout.

    - The Message of The Day feature, which is constantly in the way when trying to collect loot and pops up unnecessarily.

    - “We’ve added a back button to vendors”, in fairness this is super useful. But calling it out as an achievement in an executive producer’s letter is mortifyingly embarrassing.

    So they added a pop-up and a back button… Damn. That’s some end of year appraisal coming up!
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  4. KidKretz Committed Player

    seen it in the workforce several times, a new leader comes in, is excited and wants to make all kinds of changes. a couple months goes by and they leave/quit, and the dreams leave with them and nothing got done in the meantime.

    so i am right there with ya, def waiting to see it first.
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  5. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Kendricke is still head of DInk and Al Rivera holds creative director. This guy holds NerdOfPrey job (and I think after her we got a guy that works for Zuckerberg now lol)
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  6. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Oh yeah we also had Panderus who was pretty great and engaged, probably the best executive producer (although back then we had peak most experienced developers like Charon)
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  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    Maaaan, if I didn't know any better I'd swear some of y'all are professional troll feeders. Just put the dude on ignore.
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  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    What has changed and how they're able to do those cross faction things and bring changes they weren't able to do before is pretty simple. It's like I said they've been cleaning old Unreal Engine 3 code which allows them to make these changes that we're never possible before.

    The heavy monetization has helped them have the income for cleaning Unreal Engine 3 code to bring you these kind of changes.

    If you don't believe me then I'm going to tell you it's the only thing that explains all the bugs we've been having recently.

    Cleaning Unreal Engine 3 code is probably a nightmare
  9. Proxystar #Perception

  10. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Other accomplishments from Daybreak/DI include remaking the Marketplace UI, selling currency from current episodes and events immediately in the first weeks, Omega Totality artifact, WW Ally, nerfing Dead King’s Sceptre, Ultimate Tactical Mods for sale, multiple Booster Bundles and Time Capsules every month, Creator League doing most communication for them, limited time only Anniversaries, Outsiders event, no STU or SM this year, incomplete and buggy episode, no repairs for gear, oh and making a Bluesky account. Boy what a stacked year from them. I might’ve missed some other things lol no I didn’t that was pretty much it wow :D
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  11. hugojheredia Active Player

    With the arrival of longer stories by chapters, the open worlds can be new (not remakes), larger and more detailed where all the daily missions that are added chapter by chapter during the year occur in that same area.
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  12. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    You think it will still be around in 2027. That's very optimistic.

    I read nothing in that letter that said anything you are saying here. And unless they are going to change the 2 things that came out 3.5 years back, the clamp AND unlimited gear anywhere, I'm not sure how suddenly gear you can earn everywhere will make things 'matter' again. Running shady nightclub or Manhiems 100x in a row to gear up doesn't sound all that 'exciting' to me. A hud update? Sure...I could see something like that happening along the way, however, that has nothing to do with a complete overhaul. You could change the hud to include more stuff or how it's displayed at any time. A hud update really also doesn't seem that exciting to me...especially as it will also likely come with a pricetag on it.
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  13. Emoney Loyal Player

    Well, I'm not really hyped, I'm worried. I didn't know who Andre was, so I looked him up. There's a quote on his linked in from Al Rivera, who also works for Daybreak now...

    "Andre was my Executive Producer on Star Trek Online for several years. He brought with him a wealth of monetization and retention strategies."

    So, yeah, guess we better open those wallets huh?!?
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  14. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Well, the game is for better or worse Free to Play, even though I am still a paying member. So I can understand from a business standpoint why they would want to move in this direction of “creative monetization”. Doesn’t mean I like it. Especially how ignored and taken for granted members are these days. Talk about getting the short end of the stick, it’s us paying members.

    I believe they can reinvigorate this game, I believe there is still a lot of life left in it that can be expanded upon.

    I don’t know anything about Star Trek Online but I do know about Final Fantasy XIV and they will nickel and dime you into bankruptcy if you let them.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Did you just reply to yourself while still in the edit window?:rolleyes:
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  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Quilty! I’ve done that before!

    Now that I think about it, I could have an entire conversation with my self!
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  17. zNot Loyal Player

    Doesnt sound good,is the content atleast good there?
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  18. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    I thought I was crazy. Could have sworn we got a producer letter in January or February this year making big promises and talking about how this currently DLC will show what the new team's made of and but it is more of the same mundane gameplay. It's hard not to be envious of Wow and FF14 when they have a plethora of contento to do. All we get a re a couple of instances and open world bosses. Bring long form quests back with cool rewards.
  19. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    So my speculation is it's a soft relaunch in the sense that the era of art artifacts is over a new era begins. The era of mods on your gear just like artifacts content was designed around and tuned for having slots three of them. A new era begins called chapters the era of three to four slots on your gear. chapters will be tuned accordingly just like the era of artifacts.

    You're about to find out how hard chapters is going to be because it's going to be all designed around the era of mods. It's going to be designed and hardened considering you have three to four slots.

    Driving gear matters back into the system is already in the works they are releasing Elite weapon rings and face belt and trinket. They are also going to allow you to run content will less players.

    I do not think you're going to be able to run old content if your gear does not matter or even new content mods with gear equals gear matters. Stats revamp does not allow you to run content with less players it's designed to tax your base stats.

    With that said chapters does things differently it's going to be the era of mods just like artifacts with episodes
  20. ClowninAround Well-Known Player

    All I really got from the letter was that they will have new ways to try to open our wallets, and that they will "explore" the highly requested features that will never come to light.

    They need to fix big, current problems (broken voice chat) before "exploring" other things.

    Sure I sound negative, but with how things have been lately, I don't want to get my hopes up in the slightest.
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