Executive Producer's Letter Hype

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BlackGuns, Dec 3, 2024.

  1. BlackGuns Active Player

    New letter: https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/news/dcuo-producers-letter-12-2024

    Looks like some big plans! Overall, I'm excited!

    Love and appreciate the QoL improvements we have gotten! (Aside from the monetized new tac mods)

    One big question though is with Cross-Faction Leagues, like can we merge existing leagues? Will cap be raised? Already tough managing the 500 cap on 2 leagues, no way we can merge into 1 if cap remains 500.

    Definitely leaves many questions, I'm sure more details to come!
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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I’m worried they’re promising a lot in that letter. We’ve been burned before with them promising a lot to get nothing. I remember them talking big game before and all we got was Allies, Emotes and PS5 client so yeah I’ll believe it when I see it. Although cross factions and limited queuing are very much in demand we were told by Mepps and older devs before it was impossible. What’s changed? I’m also skeptical since almost everything new we’ve gotten this year came with an added price tag so there’s that. Although the account wide cash bank is a nice QoL update if we get it I suppose?
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  3. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Eh, they're "exploring" shared cash and cross-faction leagues. Not really a promise, just "exploring" the possibility.

    More importantly, why did no one tell me about this: "and yep, after years of only being able to flip forward through vendor lists, we finally got that ‘back’ button in!" How long have we had the capability to page back through vendor lists?
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  4. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    Yeah Budokai was right how weird and strange how did he know what nobody else knew was coming
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I saw nothing in there about a gear overhaul, or game engine update...nothing about stats or SP.

    Where did you mention any update to sidekicks or allies....or a change to the 'event' system being a full year long 'campaign'? I hate to tell you but the producers letter pretty much looks like this kind of 'hype' every year.
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m excited about the story telling direction! That’s one of my favorite parts of Final Fantasy XIV, the story telling! And some of those stories have brought me to tears they were that good. Overall, I’m excited about this new direction and optimistic. I can see them using this as a way to curb the ever escalating stat increases ( Don’t get me wrong, I am very PRO stat increases as long as I get to keep them ). Any ways, I forgot the rest of what I was going to say after going off on the tangent.

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  7. JasonIsley Devoted Player

    who else is thinking that these new story arcs are going to have a price tag? sure episodes stay free but story arcs you have to pay for or sub.
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  8. Classic Gold New Player

    I would not be be surprised if that is the case , and I am okay with that as long as the pricing is fair .
  9. Classic Gold New Player

    I am cautiously optimistic , but the storytelling aspect I am certainly interested in what that will look like. I can only hope that the results will be satisfactory
  10. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Update to league hall to open it up more since the ‘guy’ left before they finished it. Lol. Been half done for 10 years now!!!
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  11. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    It's a soft relaunch of all the old episodes focused on driving gear matters back into the game. Do you remember when you first played DC Universe that powerful feeling you got when you got a piece of gear do you remember that excitement? Do you remember feeling powerful with your gear stats that's what this is all about. In conjunction with this they are more than likely relaunching all the systems in the game to further drive gear matters back into the game.

    They will later revamp the game in 2027 with the new hud upgrade and a second loadout bar. Your going to be able to have a dps loadout bar and support bar on the fly
  12. zNot Loyal Player

    I rather pay for a quality story arc (content wise) then play what we have currently,a free episode but with bad content.
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  13. TheMikeB Active Player

    You have never mentioned anything remotely close to what was announced.
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Some of this sounds good although I already know based on the ultimate tac kids that any changes with the side kicks utility belt orbitals etc will have a price tag on it .. rather then it be something we upgrade through drops or in game currency.

    Some of this sounds cool but my sub is up in March and I am not renewing … I’m also not even playing at all anymore so I’m not gonna really enjoy any of this new stuff if it ever comes to fruition … hopefully for those still playing they will enjoy it tho

    Also prepare for the cries about weapon neck rings etc cries that only elite player will get to take advantage of.
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  15. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    No soft relaunch was even hinted about .. stop lying
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  16. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Wait is this a new executive producer didn’t we have another guy last year ?
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  17. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    For me there is no hype.

    I'm glad to see that the current team has a direction... but how many times have we had a direction and than it never went anywhere or things had to be reversed.

    Yes I know that this a different team, I'm not trying to state that they can't pull it off, I also know we've been burned enough to not need to be hyped about anything that gets mentioned.

    That's also not even adding any tin foil theory that any of the new systems will actually require a price tag versus using the price tag to speed up. The new tactical mods, regardless of the fact that they are currently tradeable (and I'd argue their are strong past instances why we shouldn't count on those being tradeable for ever) SOMEONE still has to pay the price to get those mods in the game.... which means a price has to be paid (unlike the current things people can pay for it, just speeds up progress for the most part).
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  18. Wiccan028 Well-Known Player

    It could be, I can't recall who posted last time... I also know the last person who posted, back in march?, only posted that one time and can't recall ever hearing from them ever again.

    Communication needs to be stepped up and just provided to us by the creative league.
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  19. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Nah this team failed when they said this current dlc we are on now will be different then dlcs from the past they said it right there in the March producer letter an specified episode 48 https://www.dcuniverseonline.com/news/dcuo-producer-letter-march-2024.

    “Episode 48 is already in pre-production. We will move in new directions, though it is *way* too soon to talk about what Episode 48 will look like, but our goal is to make it as great as and different from any episode that has come before.”

    That falls solely on this team I know a lot of people want to give them an out and say it was still part of the old team but they said the dlc was in pre production meaning they were working on it before they were actually producing it. And as we see episode 48 is anything but different The only thing different is we can purchase the marks with out ever even playing the content.

    After reading the March producer letter the guy who posted it said this

    “Hello DC Universe Online! My name is Kenn "Kendricke" White, and I’m the new Lead Producer for DCUO. ”

    So he is the lead producer not sure if that equals executive producer cause the new producer letter says this

    “ My name is Andre Emerson, Executive Producer of DC Universe Online,”

    So not sure if Ken is still there or if it’s two separate jobs
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  20. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    The things they are actually doing are pretty "meh" from my perspective.

    "Chapters" or "Episodes" - I fail to see the difference, except, I suppose it might mean less pressure for the writers to wrap things up story-wise within a single DLC.

    Renown being easier to get - whatever. I mean - in recent years renown has been pretty easy to grind, since we've been getting it from solos and other relatively easy daily content.

    New Event stuff - seems like more busy-work to keep us playing (and/or paying) all year round, for fear of missing out on some "exclusive" rewards. Fine, I guess.

    R&D Elite Weapons and Accessories... It's going to be a pain, as R&D usually is, but I guess it'll be something to do.

    Things they're "exploring" seem much more interesting, but "exploring" might mean anything, or nothing.

    Cross-faction leagues, or any such integration could be a life-saver for villain populations, although might be too little too late.

    Shared cash would be convenient, but - I hope people realize that - inflation would go up, simply because more people would have more of their money available in one place, so they'd be able to buy more stuff at higher prices on broker, driving the demand and therefore prices up.

    Custom queues would be great for some, but potentially worse for those who rely on Omnibus and LFG to get into instances, since more experienced players will be able to enter instances without the need to tag along randoms.

    KO/Revive thing - I guess it could use some changes, but I can't imagine what they could have in mind.

    Expanding summoning systems - sure, why not? Although I do expect it'll probably mean more MP exclusive stuff...
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