Excuse from instance

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Nightraider, Mar 15, 2015.

  1. Nightraider New Player

    Is there a reason I can't excuse from instance anymore.#pissed
  2. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    I guess you haven't been keeping up to date on what's going on.

    A few days ago they made a few temporary changes. PVP maps are fully available, the kick system has been turned off and the deserter penalty has been reduced to 1 minute.

    With a penalty of only 1 minute there is no need to be excused form an instance, just leave and by the time you can re-que the timer will be finished.
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  3. Nightraider New Player

    Thank you
  4. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    Kick isn't really the same thing as the excuse feature.
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  5. Krypton Dedicated Player

    Ummm no....for some reason kicking is now bad....I had the very few days I could play this weekend killed for this reason.

    It is what it is...
  6. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    When did I say they were?

    I clearly connected the excuse to the lowered deserter penalty time as to why it isn't there.
  7. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    yea i suppose that is a good enough reason to remove it.
  8. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Its bad cause of how many people were being kicked for leaguemates and friends of "c-bags" then coming to the forums and making thread after thread about it.

    Its gone for now cause thanks to those guys who kick for friends, leaguemates, and the infamous "this heal/troll/tank/dps sucks, lets kick and get a new one". Plus people being kicked for cr and sp (thank you census...) in content they're obviously going into to try and gear up which ticks them off as well.
  9. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I can counter...I have puged for the life of this game. I have never been kicked ever.
    I was asked to be kicked once, and they did it...i did say at first it never happened....I wanted to make sure it was right. :)

    I understand this happened for people, but I have been here since launch. This was put in because of people doing exactly what happened to me this weekend. I am in with a group, someone says hold on 15 min later we are still waiting sorry. We are not on your schedule...if you have like a 5 min window where the game kicks you for not doing anything fine...

    I have a very limited window to play, and when I am on I expect to play...

    I am sorry if you feel that is outlandish for me to expect.
  10. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Different people have different experiences. I've been kicked for dumb reasons a few times and for zero reasons others, and I pug a lot too.

    I have more time to play, but that doesn't mean anything.

    Again: different players have different experiences. You just happen to be lucky thus far to not end up kicked for cr/sp/other dumb reasons.
  11. Krypton Dedicated Player

    So....does my experience in this game mean less?
    I mean I have played since beta...every friend I had was met in a pug...Most of them of left now, maybe its the game that is the issue not the community?
  12. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    Or its a community issue because players have the option to check stats now and if you run into those elitist ones who whip it out before even leaving the starting room, you're likely to be booted if you don't reach their selfish minimums of: 150 sp, 1-2 cr from current max, and if you have a power that they don't like (usually fire, mental, and earth, instant kick unless those other 3 are met).

    Personal ex: I queued up for all T6 raids and assault, then Throne popped up. Everyone loaded in, one guy at 114 saw my 110 cr, whipped out his phone for the dc app, then complained about my (then) 97 sp. No one moved a step from the first room while they bickered like jocks in the locker room, then kicked me after about 10 minutes of doing nothing by anyone. However, they completely disregarded the set of roles they even had in the raid the entire time (6 dps, 2 tanks, 0 heal/control) just to bother this one person who didn't have 150+ sp.

    So, yeah. Definite community problem, even moreso when you can look up personal stats now mixed in with an "i'm better than you" attitude.
  13. Krypton Dedicated Player

    That could be an issue....I firmly believe most people don't go to the forums and use that app. You can argue...
    Since that app I have still never been kicked...I again still pugg this game...

    I did however run into 3 times this weekend when someone who was not playing, we could not kick...Ummm when the game started we did not have a kick feature....it was put in for a reason...because people are crying yet again...we get another origin crisis....nuff said.
  14. Celestial Demon Dedicated Player

    This back and forth is going nowhere. Just because you yourself have never been kicked from anything does not mean it never happens for stupid reasons to any of the other million or so players who pug.

    So, I'll end this with a restatement of what I said earlier: Different players have different experiences.
  15. Krypton Dedicated Player

    I never said it didnt...I have played this game for awhile and have never been kicked...i did however play before you could kick players..and yes raids, and alerts were held up over people who would not leave who were not wanted...it is what is is...
    I am just telling you my play experience, not trying to argue...it is what it is...:)
  16. MrB Dedicated Player

    I actually use the app to check other trolls vit so I dont have to ask. I have never kicked a player because of the app or their gear or their sp. I have kicked people for being rude for no reason or not doing their role.
  17. HersheyKiss New Player

    Um the excuse has been missing for over a month and mepps acknowledged its a bug. It has nothing to do with the recent changes to the kick thing.
  18. Chocolate Enforcer Committed Player

    Is this really the reason why? Rumor has it this was implemented because a certain someone was kicked from a pug raid....
  19. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    Rumor dude i saw this on the forums with my own eyes they didn't kick her they had her a group and after they found out
    that she was a she well they started Harrassing her and wouldn't stop.
  20. Lord Jareth Steadfast Player

    as for the kicking people from,group thing goes i just think they are testing too see what would happen if they didn't have that option
    And well lets say the results are not great my Thought still counts Walk ins should be available this is the truth this would fix a lot of things.