Excessive freezing after update

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by RealGODofWar, Mar 25, 2015.

  1. Businessman Ultra Well-Known Player

    I'm on lock up five since the update. First lock up was in Bludhaven Legends PvE and I was linkdead for 2 and a half hours, couldn't get past the loading screen. Second and third times were in Throne Elite and Regular respectively. Fourth and Fifth times were in Lab. USPS - Businessman Ultra
  2. montazumas revenge Devoted Player

    Wt after teleporting from lair, outside diamond district pd, midtown metropolis, just skimming, not in mission or fight
  3. Businessman Ultra Well-Known Player

  4. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    Froze another 3 times just doing pvp legends in ace chemicals
  5. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    The freezing is happening to me too, especially in raids. I havn't frozen this much in months either. I heard a few other people online talking about it.

    My Characters name is Deaths Exile EUPS3 Villain
  6. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    #5 Froze in 2 hours.

    I froze 3 time in TOD so I rage quite, then I froze twice in Legends PvE, and it wasn't loading back link death.
  7. Treskar Committed Player

    Since last post. Spoke with another player in game stating only times would happen was during alerts and raids.

    Now I have been OVERWORLD this whole time a good 2 hours nothing. In metropolis went to map hit the go to Watchtower and BAM. The loading screen froze instead.

    3:50 AM Eastern Time. TRESKAR USPS. LOADING SCREEN. from metropolis to watchtower.

    On a side note. I did do a CAPE CARMIN LIGHT HOUSE DUO that I did not freeze in before doing a PARADOX WAVE that I did freeze in.
    Items are called undefined if you donate them to the mail looking object near leaguehall teleporter.
    Can no longer auction off more then 5 items total. 5 items then when those are sold thats it.
  8. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    froze again for like the 8th time tonight...im done
  9. Parker Level 30

    I froze while I was in the Bludhaven PVE Legends event. Tried to log back in while dead linked but couldn't. I tried for 30 mins. I finally had to wait 10 until the dead link expired.
  10. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    Also I am seeing this occur everywhere. I froze in Throne 3 times, I froze in Halls of Hades once and wouldn't load back, I froze in Legends Bludhaven twice, and I froze while shopping in the Broker.
  11. DcuoRebecca Level 30

    Constant freezing, can't really play the game until this is fixed.

    I've frozen in Nexus raid, right as the fist boss fight ended the game froze. Had to force restart my ps3, had by then been kicked from instance.
    An'B right before the first boss fight the game froze. Had to force restart my ps3, had by then been kicked from instance.
    T5 4-player operation. Froze mid instance with the objective yet not completed in the open world. Had to force restart my ps3.

    After about 5 tries i gave up. Even froze 10 seconds after log in trying to queue up Legends PVE, froze at the character selection in the on duty menu.

    My character name is Meryl, USPS Hero.
  12. DCuOphan New Player

    worst update ever. nice auras DC. too bad you can't even play the game anymore without it freezing 10 minutes into an instance. I'm done with this game its a joke.
  13. DCuOphan New Player

    so glad I've put hundreds of dollars into this piece of ****. what a waste of time and money. I'm writing this game off.
  14. DCuOphan New Player

    all they are worried about is grabbing your cash, whether its replays, booster bundles, or membership.
  15. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    It happens everywhere. Most often after rallying, but that could be coincidental. I've been running along in the HoD, I've been in Lab/HoH/Throne, I've been at the Themyscira Outpost. No specific place seems to be immune. It does seem to be confined to PS3 players, while PS4 players have only been complaining about lag. Not something I like to admit, because of the inevitable "it's all PS3's fault we can't have nice things, leave those users high and dry."
  16. Dark VVolverine New Player

    Funny thing is, I haven't seen a Dev even acknowledge that the freezing is an issue or that it's being worked on. PLEASE MAKE A PLAYSTATION TEST SERVER.
    • Like x 1
  17. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Not experiencing this on PS4 this morning. Yesterday I was experiencing lag along with several other leaguemates, but I am guessing that is just everyone was trying to log in.

    However I know alot of people in the watchtower who play on PS3 were complaining about freezing back to back.
  18. Laz523 Well-Known Player

    game froze up on me three times last night while metropolis battlezone during the daily missions and just happened now while trying to complete last daily quest. USPS toon name Slagh
  19. CosmicHorror New Player

    i have now froze at least 10 times since last night. this has made it impossible to complete any content other then quick PVP matches. i have froze in Hod 5-6 times, in LPVE, in TD and ICW. my toon is a villian name CosmicHorror
  20. undrline Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Just had it happen while standing still in the HoD at the group invite prompt.