Every single time...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Mohican378, Jul 26, 2018.

  1. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    So, today my main was teleporting back to his base, and he never made it. The game crashed. Now I can't log in with that character. I can log in with any of my other characters, but not that one.

    Why is it that every single time a change is made to this game (catalysts dropping in titans content) it always come with some kind of glitch, or bug, or a day of constant crashes?(not this time, but others)

    I love this game. I've defended some of its more divisive gamechanging decisions before, but I really do feel like we're starting to get nickel and dimed around here. You guys make these changes, you have virtually ZERO testing and quality assurance staff, you release this stuff and we all just grin and bare it.

    Do better, development team.

    When can I expect to play my main toon again?
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    There is an ongoing issue where what you're describing happens to a small number of people every day. We are tracking it down. It has nothing to do with the bonus weekend.
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  3. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Thank you for the timely response.
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  4. Proxystar #Perception

    What happens in this circumstance though can support move the character again to make it playable?
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  5. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    When can I expect to be able to log in with this toon again, or is he in limbo indefinitely?
  6. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    He just answered you a couple of minutes ago. Give them time to investigate it and try to resolve it before you ask the same question again.
  7. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Actually his answer didn't give me any time frame as to when or if I will be able to play this toon, my main toon, again any time soon.

    Are you Mepps?
    Then I'll wait for him to answer, thanks.
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  8. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Support can move the character, or it will eventually resolve itself if you stay off of that character. I sent you a PM.
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  9. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    Of course he's not going to give you a timeframe, if he doesn't have one to provide. Why would he tell you "it will be available in 24 hours" if it could take longer than that? Have you also tried sending in a support ticket, so you can get a more personal response? Then they might be able to provide you with an approximate ETA when it could be resolved.
  10. Fawkes2574 Dedicated Player

    There you go. He was typing as I was. All I was saying was just to have some patience. Chillax.
  11. Mohican378 Dedicated Player

    Just want to drop back in here and give a quick thanks to Mepps for his timely and courteous response and help getting my toon back to playable.

    Here's hoping the dev team is able to resolve this issue completely for everyone soon.

    Thanks again Mepps.
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  12. Shadowdragon Devoted Player

    I've had this happen a few times, exactly as the OP described. Here are some more details I noticed each time if it helps pinpoint the problem:

    - When this crash & lockout happens, it has something to do with the base and not the character. I've logged on to a different character and traveled to the same base. That character just gets locked also. I've also done this with a character on another account/system.
    - It's not related to the theme of the base as I've logged on to a different base of the same theme and was able to get in.
    - Support has told me to scan my assets, but it's not a local problem if another account can get locked by just entering the same zone.

    Hope this helps.
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  13. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    Have you cleared your temp files cache etc..... recently??? Always do this at least once a week and especially after hotfix and updates. I do this daily myself and I rarely have issues with the game. Computers will try to use old temp files first and if there are in conflicts with old temp files and newly updated game files you will have issues.

    After clearing your temp files.
    Validate game assets from game launcher.
    ( these two things are the go to if you have issues with any online game )

    Good luck.