Event group is really annoying

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by kallader, Jul 11, 2024.

  1. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    I don't know about any of that - I'm not seeing it on my server, especially, that at this point everyone is so over-geared, that even if some mobs do join Bizarro fight, it's barely - if at all - noticeable.

    But wait... Are you telling me that sweaty score-chasers on US server use... flight? lol... Not buying that.

    Yeah, when I see a flyer in an Elite instance, I'm less worried about whether or not they're going to ruthlessly dominate the scorecard while I'm in cutscenes, but rather - can they get to the boss area, before the cutscene is over. Not that it matters, because I'm going to have to do most of the damage myself, as well as deal with the barrels, anyway, but at least I could use them as a human shield, to split some damage... :)

    You want to finish instances faster - don't pick flight to begin with. :p

    The goal is really for anyone to be doing something, which is better than no one doing anything for the duration of the cutscene, at least in terms of pure DPS. Any DPS > 0 DPS.

    Then what are you complaining about? You go, start the cutscene, which has to be started, somebody else either does some damage or doesn't. If it was a solo, wouldn't you be happy if after a cutscene the boss had 5%-50% less health?

    Perhaps the issue you have is psychological, rather than practical - another player silently waiting for you to start the cutscene may be implying, that they think they should do the extra damage, because they are a better DPS than you, which can understandably be perceived as a dis. If that bothers you - fine. Otherwise, I fail to see what your problem is with someone doing some damage while you wait, instead of being stuck in the cutscene with you.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    I remember having a laugh with someone yesterday, slowly inching towards Bizarro to see who would trigger the cut-scene, eventually we both did, and just typed "lol" together in chat.

    It was more one of those funny moments where we both knew what each other was trying to achieve, outside of having a laugh like this, who really cares, why are people getting upset someone else is doing damage in a cut-scene and ultimately saving both people some time. Some players in this game need to calm their inferiority complexes, it's kinda sad.

    Who really cares who's winning the scoreboard as long as you're completing the content and getting it done.
  3. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Inch forward you say? I’m first one there to bizarro and there is no cut scene. I fly in and go pew pew while other person be picking their loot.
  4. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Wanting to be 'sweaty DPS' and being so are 2 different things. I've seen wannabe scoreboard chasers using any number of 'bad' things and still come in last. They just still do all the 'sweaty' things they can. Like my old dog...just because you chase a thing, does not mean you catch it.

    I suppose it's more of an annoyance than anything (which is why my first statement was 'those guys are annoying' not 'DEATH TO THE PEOPLE WHO WAIT 10 SEC TO PROCEED!'. I think you are reading way more into it than was was laid out. And I'm not sure it yields a positive result every time. Sure if the other guy is 448 and super sweaty swapper extraordinaire, likely his pause is a good thing.....but I don't generally end up seeing those in many runs....and definitely not EVERY run.

    And if it were a solo...I'd be in here asking for a skip button and NEVER have to sit through it....as all solos SHOULD have them.;)
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  5. pete pultinski New Player

    perhaps you missed the part " not bothering with the mechanics ". the OP cited low dps on the scoreboard as their evidence of people being AFK. form your post, im guessing it would be fair to say that you do whatever it takes ( including mechanics ) to get it done asap. i was attempting to point out that just using the scoreboard as evidence can be misleading. your post did make me go back and realize my choice of words was, at best, poor.
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  6. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    The only mechanics in that instance are those 3 buttons that need to be pressed once at the end of the fight, if DPS is high enough. I don't know if people who do a lot of damage in that instance are the ones not doing those mechanics, maybe some of them think they are too good to do that. But in my experience, it's usually low level players, who don't really know what's going on. Either way, there are 4 players and 3 buttons, which are not far from each other, so it's not a huge problem, even if half the group ignores them. Idle players can be a bigger problem, especially if DPS is already low, because then you may have to do the mechanics several times and waste a lot of time.

    Still, it's a laughably easy instance, even for a seasonal, so personally - I don't really care what happens, because the actual fight is always finished in seconds. It's the damn cutscenes, that are an annoying waste of time.
  7. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Anyone else think he was talking about the event version of the raids and alerts originally? But ya i hate afk players in seasonal events. And no I don't buy into the bs that something came up because its happens to much. Like op I have 36 characters and its happens alot. I just wish the ignore did more then make it where you can't see a players msg. I don't want to play with you if your on my ignore list.
  8. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    I don't care about the cutscene and I usually am the one that starts the cutscene. I have numerous alts that I have to get stuff done for and don't care if someone wants to start their burn first so holds back. I run the mission, do the mechanics, help my teammates and move on. Whatever other ppls motivations are for trying to get stuff done fast or for being number one at something are not mine. Mine is and always will be completing the mission and having fun. Having fun is sometimes difficult because of other ppls style of play which is sometime not my style of play. However, whenever I don't have fun on a mission, I just move on and don't let it ruin my day. I love the game even with some of its current issues.

    Peace and DCUO Forever