Even More Stats Revamp 1.1

Discussion in 'Stats Revamp Archive' started by Mepps, Jan 4, 2017.

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  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Hello DCUO!

    The public test server is back online with the latest version of the stats revamp. This round of testing will be aimed at gathering powerset feedback from players in end-game content (Amazon Fury Part III) and raids.

    Why? Before making decisions and further adjustments to powersets, we want to get as much feedback as possible. We have feedback from leveling characters and early tiered characters, but we don't have feedback from players at the high end, in modern content, with appropriate skill points/stats.

    Little has changed between now and the last time the revamp was testable, but we do have a fresh new database so that you can level your characters to the end-game (or wherever you choose) and really get into testing what's possible in content you have freshly played on live. All characters will start at level 30, have about 170 skill points, and will be able to utilize the test vendors to obtain gear appropriate to whatever content you want to play.

    1. Download and log into the test server
    2. Once logged in, you will need to create a new character. Create a new one as Ice, Mental, or Electricity.
    3. Visit the test vendors in your HQ to equip yourself properly.
    4. Play end-game content, with a focus on Amazon Fury Part III (all of it) and other raids.
    5. Return to the Testing Feedback forum, and share your experiences directly in the appropriate thread below. What is your experience at high level? Is it the same or different than your prior testing?
      1. It will help us IMMENSELY if you can also post your test server character name, power, and level/CR with your feedback.
      2. For general comments from testing the 1.1 changes, please use these threads:
      3. For feedback specific to the power sets, please use these new power threads:
      4. For feedback on content, please continue to use these existing content threads:
      5. For non-testers, please reply to this work-in-progress thread you are reading now.
    It is imperative that these testing feedback threads remain only for feedback from testers. Off topic comments from those not testing will be removed. General questions or comments from non-testers about the overall revamp should stay in this thread, and feedback should be posted in the appropriate thread above.
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  2. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Tips and requests from the team:
    • Compare your experience putting many of your points into Power and playing heavily from the tray vs. putting many of your points into Precision and playing heavily with your weapon.
    • Play with different amounts of points into your crits to feel how useful (or not) those points are.
    • Use mods!
    • Note that Snow Devil has been fixed and will now do appropriate amounts of damage.
    • Note that some tooltips have not yet been updated.
    • Don't use movement mode abilities (as they have not yet been updated).
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  3. Only Forever Level 30

    No Power (the cost of power its absurd), Slow Rechard and no Power Interactions.
    and pls put some sparring targing to test.
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  4. light FX Steadfast Player

    Playing strictly from the tray still doesnt seem to be a viable option. When its said play from the tray what most of us take that as is using powers most if not all of the time. So if i have to use my wpn a whole bunch that is not playing from the tray. Just want to clarify that in case there is some confusion. Maybe the devs can confirm that this is also what they mean when saying "play from the tray"? Do they have a different meaning for that term? Because i feel like maybe we are on different pages here as far as what playing from the tray means. Cause i tried and wasnt able to do it. I felt like i was using my wpn 50% of the time or more. I was out of power a lot but there seems to be a bug there. But at times i wouldnt have been able to use powers anyway even if i had power due to the cool downs.

    Also i dont want to have to dump large #s of sp into power. Not saying the final build will be that way. Just giving my opinion. If i have 280sp like i do on live, then i want to use them for my role. If im dpsing then i get crits/prec/might. If im trolling i get vit/dom/power. Tanking it depends on the power but dom/health/resto. And healing resto/dom and oh the crits for healing and trolling too that i forgot to mention. I hope it doesnt end up being we have to sacrifice our main stats to spec into power.

    Im not sure why power seems to be such a huge issue. Is it not possible to give some power regen and also adjust power cost so people arent running out of power after using 3,4 powers? I would think this would be an easy solution but idk maybe im wrong. Give us too much power we dont need 2 trolls or even 1 sometimes. Give us too little and we cant really play from the tray and we run out of power quickly. All i know is power usage and cost has been an issue forever until AMs. But with AMs we got too much power back and power cost was lowered which lead to 1 troll raids and no troll alerts. Please try to find the middle ground ;) Or maybe it might be time to redo the troll role entirely. Because after all this time and multiple revamps this is getting exhausting when trying to deal with the power issues.

    Also i wasnt sure what thread this belonged in. So i put it here. Sorry if its in the wrong spot. Please just move it to the appropriate thread if need be. Thanks.
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  5. Ichiro Loyal Player

    How long will this be up this time? I would prefer though the weekend as I'm sure most would as the mid week releases don't work for those of us with jobs.
  6. TripleOG Level 30

    Anything being done for Iconic Powers?
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Iconic powers are disabled still.
  8. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Can mental get TB back and resonance returned to a conus AoE with the burst capacity taken back from pyro? Mental still has a place in my heart of hearts, no changes up to this point have offered any enthusiasm or excitement for the future of the power.

    If not, why is mental being so far removed from the power I started with?
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  9. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Posting this here. I made an Ice toon tonight and it was the first Ice toon I've played on stats revamp, devoting most of my time to Electricity. Ice flows much better in playstyle than Electricity. I think there is greater potential for overall damage in just my limited time playing Ice. I used the update Frost Blast tonight and actually saw a hit of 25K! It was probably rare, but nothing in Electricity has ever come close to hitting that hard with the same CR, spec and SP.

    I ran the Raising Hades duo and it was much quicker than the times running it with two Electricity powers. We got the harpy 1st boss feat and I had not come close to it before. Electricity just doesn't feel like a power I want to play in the future for Damage or Healer roles.
  10. Alrighty Then Loyal Player

    From what I'm seeing Stats don't really matter.
    I've run as a Mental troll with a lot of power and Vit.
    DPS with a lot of Power, DPS with a lot might, DPS with a lot of Precision.
    Basically the time it take to complete things is relatively the same.
    It seems that Using a weapon sprinkled with power to stun is the best option.
    Like PVP. Just avoid a mob scene because the stuns will only affect a couple adds.
    Otherwise it's like PVP, but with NPC's.
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  11. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    No straight answer, yet?
  12. Only Forever Level 30

    Hello mepps, me and my friends have been playing this game since 2011-2013, and have gone through relevant revamps and mechanics, as wm, and sincerely, this actual testing is been the most painful among all of them because is a lot different, looks like i'm playing another game, so, I was testing the new General mechanics and have some questions and statements:

    In General Power Trees was very cool ideia, separating Crits, Prec, Might, Dom & Etc

    Mental Troll
    - Solo Playing i have no problem :)
    - does the stats display correctly in the stats menu?
    - the passive group power over time is working properly? Because the numbers shown are similar than my character on the normal server with half of vitalization.
    - will the cooldown of the instant power being as is? Because I think the cooldown is a little longer than it should be
    - the group power supercharge is almost useless, I'm seeing ticks of power of about max 2k on power criticals, but cannot sustain even the power of ONE SINGLE dps or Healer
    - The power regen could be better, since we are regenerating 1,5k more or less, but the power bars generally are ate 25k, so its being impossible to sustain power, even with more tha one troll
    - Will precision affect how much power we get back from weapon combos in the troll role?
    - The menace buff is viable as troll?
    - The debuff lenght will be this one around 10 seconds?

    Mental DPS
    - Power Cost too much
    - Power back with weapon still low, even using recomended Prec and Power. (note. not all like to use long weapon combos)

    Electric Healer
    - Power Cost too much
    - Coldown Still Absurd (minimum 2 power need to have quick CD)
    - Will be nice to Increase HOT (healing over time)

    Electric DPS
    - Power Cost too much
    - Cant do a real test bout Coldown if Power not enough (need to fix sparring target, combat log and PI Description)
    - Some powers like Arc Lighting little useles without old PI
    - Old Static Push PI not working Appropriately

    Ice Tank
    - No Problems with coldown
    - No Problems with power Cost
    - Shields not working Appropriately
    - Defense have been nerfed so Without Shield works Appropriately its a little hard

    Ice Dps
    - Power Cost too much
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  13. MolleaFauss Active Player

    Yup, I felt the same. I've ran Seeing Shades Again as a test content.
    I basically ran the content up to Artemis with no issue using the gear from CR166 box and no skill point assigned.

    Then I put ~50 points into precision and/or might and found no change in effectiveness. Looking at numbers, those were accounting for about 4% of overall increase of stats.

    Also, the point allocation is pretty puzzling.
    The fist point will add 120 points in might/precision and subsequent will add 2 for a while, then 3, then 4 ... So only if you really get VERY deep into the stat (> 100 points) you will get an appreciable result. You basically can't spec (for example) power/might or precision/dominance, or spread even more into the different stats. Understand the rationale, but this will be puzzling as this system seems really targeted at people with 200+ SP, a newcomer or someone (like me) which left for a while and came back (I've 159 SP on live) will not find easy to understand if he's just allocating stats that don't add anything noticeable.

    Besides, if item stats will be scaled, a new item of higher cr will cause the effective return of the stat points decrease rapidly until you get a number of relevant skill points.

    Just to check numbers, with the CR 166 box, I had
    7785 might
    8834 precision

    I put 55 points into precision for 436 precision and 55 into might for 349 might, which brings me to
    8134 might
    9270 precision
    Meaning that the stats are accounting for ~4.7% of precision and ~4.2% of might.

    Now, if I buy gear from the episode 242526, getting to cr 173, then my stats will be
    9003 Might
    10252 Precision
    Meaning that the stats are accounting for ~4.2% of precision and ~3.8% of might.

    Now respeccing an putting everything into precision (134 points, I kept 20 for crit chance and some for enabling a weapon mastery combo) yields 2088 precision which is now 17.3% of precision.

    Nonetheless, I kept fighting Artemis in the Seeing Shades Again and didn't see any particular change in effectiveness...
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  14. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    Hmmm...sounds like stats don't matter then. #onlypowermatters
  15. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    Still nothing regarding the state of mental?
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  16. Pale Rage Dedicated Player

    Many people were afraid the stats matter update wouldn't end up where stats actually matter. Typical...
  17. Absolix Loyal Player

    Were any changes to Defense made, or does the amount that it takes to get 1% mitigation still scale with cr?

    I suspect it hasn't changed, but I would rather prefer some confirmation if at all possible.

    The reason for this is that this is notable is that if it was not changed to something similar to how it was preGU47 then that is likely why older content feels too hard at harder cr.

    PreGU47 enemies would ignore part of a player's defense, making it valuable when at tier, but also at higher cr the player could potentially hit higher levels of mitigation or potentially hit the mitigation cap as their defense increased giving players higher effective health.

    PostGU47 the same effect was accomplished not by having defense increasing mitgation as cr went up, but by giving a secondary mitigation via the cr differential.

    Now that the cr differential is removed, if there isn't something implemented to give Defense increasing power similar to preGU47 or some other effect to give players effective health implemented when well above the relevant cr of content older content will feel much more difficult for higher cr players than the community is used to.
  18. Black Jaq Devoted Player

    actually, I feel defense and health is fine when overgeared. I think defense and health is pretty much ok for duos and solo. Because of boss health we have to stay alive much longer which can be quite hard without a tank or heal.
  19. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    *twiddles thumbs*

    Mental doesn't need a pull, the encasement on TB was fine except it was given the sc regen and nobody likes heavy encasements in group play which is fine, the power still didn't need to be converted into a pull.

    Psychic Prison has a pretty animation and all but resonance as a conus aoe that could pop encasements is preferred. Coming from a strict mentalist.

    The debuffs being changed around still doesn't make sense.

    Auto PoT is just silly when the biggest gripes about being a battery are the power dumps.

    I can't speak for much else as I've not been on test for things like cooldowns, damage and the like.
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  20. Sir-Ivy Dedicated Player

    I guess no response is a response. Sad.
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