Discussion in 'PC Account Support' started by naranj0t3XXL, Jan 17, 2017.

  1. naranj0t3XXL New Player

    Hi, today after several years and wanted to play DCUO again, when I log in with my account, I find that it tells me that your access to the game has been revoked. Exploring a little this happens when people are banned for using hacks, external programs or annoying players, and I never did any of this, I just played with my DLC's now I want to play again and I do not know why you tell me this.

    Investigating, this error I think is due to hacks or bad behavior for colleagues, if this is so, please check my account and my status, never use hacks or troll to the community.
    Only a long time ago I did not play and wanted to play my 3 DLC again
    The problem maybe some error in the change of account, when I change from my SONY, ProSieben account to DAYBREAK...

    (Sorry for the bad English, I do not speak English and translate with google.)

    Hola, hoy despues de varios años e querido volver a jugar DCUO, al entrar con mi cuenta me encuentro que me dice que se ha revocado tu acceso al juego. Explorando un poco esto ocurre cuando la gente es banneada por usar hacks, programas externos o molestar a los demar jugadores, y jamas hice nada de esto, solo jugaba con mis DLC'S ahora quiero volver a jugar y nose por que me dice esto.
    Investigando vi que este error 103 es por usar hacks o por molestar a los demas usuarios, si es asi este error, por favor pido que revisen mi cuenta por que jamas use hacks ni moleste a los demas usuarios.
    Solo llevo varios años sin jugar y quiero volver a jugar con mis DLCs.
    El problema puede ser alomejor algun error en el cambio de cuenta, cuando cambie de mi cuenta SONY, ProSieben a DAYBREAK...)
  2. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    First of all: have you installed the latest launchpad? it is here:

    Next thing: Find the CORRECT account. Since you have undergone migration, it is very likely you have multiple accounts and the one that was transferred from SOE to PSG is indeed banned correctly, because the data was moved to a different account and when you migrated from PSG to SOE, you had to create a new account.
    Enter all your email adresses here:
    With that you should be able to find the right account.

    Finally, it might be your account is suspended for payment reasons. Contact Daybreak Games here:
  3. naranj0t3XXL New Player

    Hello, thank you very much for your quick help.
    If I have the last launchpad of the game.

    And finally I sincerely doubt that my account has been banned for payment reasons, I only have two DLCs, I was never premium and never manipulate the payment method
    Please know why my account remains revoked access?
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Do not share your account ID nor email with anyone and especially not post it public.

    With that it only takes a phishing email to hack the account... or even less.