
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Fixty, Feb 3, 2017.

  1. Fixty Active Player

    Quick question. My friend is playing on PS4. He'd like to buy ONE episode with discount. Is it possible to pay DIRECTLY for this one episode or he has to buy 500 db coins and pay within in-game market place? Thanks in advance!
  2. blazeing fire111 Devoted Player

    Nope has to buy 500 DB coins.
  3. Here2Help Devoted Player

    It is his choice, but I'd highly recommend buying and keeping a sub instead of buying episodes.
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  4. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    No longer possible as far as I know. The DLC packs have been removed from the PS store (where he could have paid in dollars or whatever currency) when they split them into powers, upgrades and episodes. Maybe even before. The only AddOns that are still in the PS store for DCUO are the subscriptions, the bundles and the bonus deal for PS plus members AFAIR.
  5. Fixty Active Player

    Thanks for answers guys! I'll let him now. Have a nice day! :)
  6. light FX Steadfast Player

    What bothers me is i cant purchase an episode because im subbed. Im dropping my sub on feb 16th and wanted to see the prices cause i thought maybe ill buy an episode or 2 and when im bored ill log on and run some stuff. What good is a sale/discount on items if people cant even purchase them? Makes 0 sense to me.
  7. Wade Spalding Loyal Player

    PC or PS?