Episode Spotlight: Metal Part II

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Sep 10, 2020.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We'll get this fixed.
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  2. KN1TE Dedicated Player

    The source marks CR relevancy should be changed to allow to earn source marks in the past 2 episodes currently metal 2 & BOP no matter the ceiling of the CR. If there is a special mark associated with the episode source marks should be relevant. A player shouldn't be hindered by having top level CR such as 321 and not be able to go back in the previous two episodes and earn source marks. We shouldn't have to keep toons from progressing to keep them in a mark earning sweet spot.
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  3. Malivic01 Active Player

    Awesome! Great to hear! Much appreciated, thank you!
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  4. tukuan Devoted Player

    If not specifically by episode then collectively by raid like they did with the AF2/3 raids a couple months ago.
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  5. Eve YouTuber

    Hopefully I'll get to take advantage of it, wanted go get the cosmic blue material (forgot the actual name) from the vendor.
    Sadly I'm hospilitized so I'm missing the daily grind for now.
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  6. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    oh, crap! hope it's nothing too serious, matey! you look after yourself, don't worry about the game, we're not going anywhere. get well soon, chum!
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  7. Lara Committed Player

    Damn i wish i would get Dark Metal Coincs :(
  8. Eve YouTuber

    It was but they caught it in time. They call it pressure within the skull :( Bright side I should.be released tomorrow if everything goes well!

    This currency is not in game anymore, It's source marks now.
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  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I have a lot of voices in the skull....they cause me a lot of pressure....should get that checked out. Glad to hear you are feeling better. It's been a long time since I've been in a hospital so not sure If I'd have someone bring the PS4 in so I could run stabilizers at least, but I can guarantee I'd have been on it (once things were 'safe') on PC at least, as the laptop goes everywhere. Double marks will come again, get 'em next time. Now if it happened during 10x LPVE week....THAT's a quandry!
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