Episode Spotlight - Episode 31: Deluge

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Kikumod, Apr 2, 2024.

  1. TheMikeB Active Player

    What rumors?
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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    All I know is that Spindrift Station is such a non starter of a raid. The Black Manta bomb mechanics and then the pipe puzzle room are huge barriers for new players. Starro Theat below is ok but most of the time more than half the group will get Starro controlled. Crown of Thorns (?) 1st half raid is a bit of a slog with King Shark then the thorn golems then Murk mechanics will wipe most. Then 2nd raid Throne will get really messy if at the end no one helps with Corum’s mechs. Deluge aka Starro/Atlantis is just a headache overall.
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  3. Grip Committed Player

    Deluge alert has a half million maps that you'll recognize. There should be very few issues, even with randoms that threaten completion. IIRC, JSA HQ boss has a starfish pool mechanic to do that removes some of the danger from final boss. Star Labs boss has the mc mechanic, but footwork and quicklime neutralize the risk. Avoid going role-less or thinking the invading fishies can't smack I'd suggest, but things should die pretty fast. **Don't leave instance until you open your treasure box in Deluge content**

    Threat Below happens in an original spot, and *unpopular opinion* it's fun raid. Avoid a blind dpsfest and take quicklimes so you don't prolong your adventure there tho. Regular smart play wins early and try to beat enemies with timer cogs quickly even if full group does one at a time. First boss spawns cluttery adds (if hole-plugging mech ignored) and 2 different sized tentacles :eek: There is a control effect that can get a careless tank or malee beast gummed up, so stay mobile and the boss will toss his pitchfork in someone's chest as well, temporarily immobilized them. Breakouts and evasion have no backlash this raid.

    If a tentacle timer elapses, it'll smack down and burst dmg and proximity matters to a degree (in e, it's more of a shield/block or or die situation tho). On the homestretch, do NOT rush down the hall. The contacting starros will cause mc, and who needs that headache? Equip quicklime jic. On lb fight at the far end of the arena, shield/block the Conqueror's spin attack, don't waste big burn on its immune phase, watch your step if you move to center room and have quicklime on hand. There's a rock-plugging mech but tbh besides a feat maybe I don't remember why.

    Spindrift was the 100% fresh raid for the ep and some people hateddd it. I liked everything but the last feat in SpinE which I didn't get til JLD despite trying different things. 1st boss, pick a space in a circle to deactivate a bomb or 2 to prevent a chain reaction that'll kill everyone. When bombs (and giant written warning) appear, stop everything and turn your dials b4 getting back to burning. There's a fake bomb or 2 throw you off, but no biggie if everyone participates. The phase is triggered by boss' health level. He skulls for a heat ray range attack (shield/block) and drops a bomb for the tank. With proper aggro management and smart play... ez

    Hallways are fun again, so go off. If you need Face Your Fear feat, all players jump into the shark pool with movement mode off and swim for a few secs. Next, you split up. Either 1 player grabs a suit and does the mechanic on 1 side then the other or 2 go in to speed up the process. *No McD WiFiers* Task inside- fix the pipes. None of your fancy ss tricks are allowed btw. Pick up a piece, place it and try to make 3 elbow adjustment turns while avoiding the sea chickens' pinchers. Repeat a couple times and if you missed a turn on 1, get it in then turn the exit valve and bounce... ez

    The players outside defend and restore the diver(s)' O2 tanks (1 tank at a time when the current indicator goes orange). Alternately, in a comms group, the diver could ask for air when they have 30% or so left. Pull the adds to the center and KO them there. Dump heavy burn in place on the more pull resistant ones. Feel proud afterwards... a LOT of groups get this room wrong. For the sake of completion, your worries are basically over. On lb, block/ shield skulls, stay out of water drains, burn adds, avoid flying droplets, and if the Morgy pool phase chooses you, kite it away from others. The guy can smack-pass it on.

    A little rambly but I did my 2am best. Check back in with your thoughts about the runs please. I can't be the only person who likes Deluge right?
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  4. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Oh and, so new players can play the episode spotlights., so they can get double Source marks and the drops.
    Is make episode to buff stats for players under the minimum CR requirement. Like Event versions of new episodes.
    So that way all players can que and helps make the que much quicker. New players can feel more freedom in the game. The minimum CR requirement still limits out the Episode Spotlights for what it means for players to enjoy it.
    Of course players can get to CR 400 quickly. That's only CR in gear stats and Doesn't give the strength.
    New Episodes event versions buffs low CR, why not Episode Spotlights.
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  5. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Not entirely seeing your point here.

    My main is 430 CR, 440 SP, 200 arts and I've been playing for 3 years (although it is my 1st MMO and I'm too old to have the natural quickness of youth anymore). I just haven't done that episode to death, maybe because of timidity around doing the raids I don't know. Or maybe because I went from early tiers to what was end game event level at the time, and have been filling in the blanks since then.

    As far as I know a player must be episode level to play a spotlight. Are you suggesting they revisit the Event versions for spotlights? I suppose it would be an entry pathway, those familiar with content could dodge the event level for regular or elite, or take their chances.
  6. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Ugh, I hate puzzles, unless they are relatively easy like the M-TC elevator one, or I have time to figure it out, like the Flash museum picture one. I also hate anything that players have to do simultaneously.

    The thing that I tell myself and that people should remember is that there's a first time for everything. I just need to know what to do. Spindrift Station in particular seems to have a lot of "if you know, you know" challenges, which I find annoying. How DO you prevent the chain reaction? is the pipe puzzle easy or hard? What do you mean Corum Rath's mechanics? Murk just charges everything and does a ton of damage is he the same here?
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  7. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Ooooh, detail... I love you already. Some stuff I can do, like carry quicklime, check...

    Does sound very complicated with a pug though - hopefully there are experienced players in the mix.
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  8. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Really, there is no point. I'm speaking freely and functional imagination of a fictional games.
    Where we can have any imaginations and ideas we want. Where there's no judgment on our own creativity. Not be debated against over facts and logics from the world over opinions and views and what's intelligent and what isn't.

    Actually there is a point. I can't be taken serious.
    The point is.
    New episodes event is pathway to get to play them and get CR up easily. As lower CR stats are buffed for the event version. Skipping the entire content. "Which gives players to not have to do other content to get up on CR"
    And to do that for Episodes Spotlights, The intended way to play through the old content to climb up is already damaged with new episodes event versions. Resulting in the old content to be more abandoned.
    So why not make Episode Spotlights open to all players. The point is to help the ques be quicker and new players can enjoy the double Source marks to get what they like to get. Or save up

    As to take their chances. Yeah, they are only getting stats buff to the episode minimum CR.
    That is still squishy for the raids. Only with a good group the raids can be done. Not just players with Higher CR, but also players that are skilled using new toons.
    But it's the same as non episode Spotlight. New players will have a rough time with the raids. But not a rough time at all on event version of episodes.
    Players can do old content to get marks, and they can get to CR 402 in little amount of time with Episode Event versions they can on older episodes. Gives the the fundamentals and What they can enjoy.

    With long time players not doing old content often.
    New players that has the cr for episode spotlights
  9. Miranda31 Well-Known Player

    Okay, speech is free.

    I do understand the argument, however much of a floating free thought it is. After all, I did the classic journey of doing low level content until I felt I could get into event level current episode, and not going way back until later. The problem is that there is SO MUCH CONTENT, it makes sense to have ways for new players to advance along the path. Perhaps spotlights should be part of that path, but in that case there should be something else going on for long-term players who have done all that. New rewards perhaps.
  10. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    And free grammar. I am bad at grammar. But thats okay. Its not strictly ruled. :)
    Grammar freedom.
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  11. Great Architect Loyal Player

    Threat Below is pretty straightforward as I said previously - There are two major problems new players run into which are not killing the giant Starro Tentacles when they spawn - you can tell which ones because they are on a timer, and explode for big damage if you don't kill them quickly.

    The second is in the last Boss fight - the Starro Conqueror has big roll attacks which deal heavy damage, which need to be dodged or blocked, but the real problem is the Starro Spores on the floor - if people go too close to them they will become Mind Controlled. As a result, and because of the dodging needed for the Boss's heavy hits, it is easy to roll or move too close. The best idea is to just kill all the spores on the floor, from range, whenever they appear (they do respawn occasionally, IIRC).

    Spindrift is a whole different ball game.
    First of all when Manta's Mines appear, they must be disarmed. You only need to break the chain (create gaps in the circle), but if there are too many still next to each other (a chain of three, for instance), you will get a lot of damage, even up to a wipe. Shields and blocking don't do anything - only successfully defusing the bombs does, though you can hide behind the large pillars at the extreme edges of the room and sometimes not take damage if you are desperate.

    The Puzzle Room needs at least three people that are attentive. One goes into each of the side rooms (by activating the suit just outside the portals to the puzzle room, and begins to assemble the pipework needed to solve it. This requires carrying the pipes to the marked locations, then rotating them so the water can flow. There are some minor adds in there to hinder you.

    What makes the Puzzle Room a backbreaker is that the two people in the puzzles need air. There are a limited number of air canisters on each side of the main fight room (4 each side IIRC, but it may be 3) - and these need to be used sparingly. If you throw them all into the pumping mechanism at once, they will all run out at once. There is an indicator on the Pump Mechanism for each room that goes from green to yellow to orange to red - the best time to add a new canister is when the indicator is orange, and one must be added if the indicator goes red, as the person in the affected room will be taking drowning damage otherwise.

    If either of the puzzle rooms goes unsolved, it's a wipe. Oh, and as if that's not bad enough, adds will come down the side of the room towards the pumping mechanism to bother you. They need to be killed quickly.

    What makes it hard with PUGs is that they will get in the suits when they don't know what to do, they will take canisters to the pumping mechanism when they aren't needed, and they will neglect the adds bothering the person doing the air.

    I said earlier that this requires at least 4 people that know what they are doing. One person can handle the pumps on both sides, one for each of the puzzle rooms, and the job of the fourth guy is to do nothing but type in the chat "PUT THAT DOWN", "DON'T TOUCH THAT", and "KILL ADDS ON THE SIDES" - and that is a full-time job.

    I'm only half joking.

    The last Boss, Mawgwar, is pretty much tank and spank, but there are occasional waves that flood across the room that need to be blocked or avoided (they only cross once stretch of the room at a time IIRC), and shouldn't be wipe-inducing.
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  12. Oltron New Player

    How is it weak minded asking for what we want. Not giving members what they ask for after all this BS they pulled isn’t unreasonable. I’m done asking for simple fact they don’t care about their players and they lost me and my money. The disrespect from daybreak is unacceptable. And ps I spend ALOT
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  13. Oltron New Player

    Agreed they ignored us for far too long. We need to take a stand and stop spending money or playing. The amount of disrespect is disgusting.
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  14. GianEsquizo New Player

    In recent months and threads here on the forum, many people have been asking for x2 xp art while many others say that we will no longer have this event, especially after the introduction of the wolf totem. Many rumors and theories, but so far no official statement. What's worrying is exactly that, it's been 9 months without the event and until now we don't know what's true and what's not because no official member has given any news. (this was already happening in the mepps era, before the change in the team and is still happening)
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  15. Icon Well-Known Player

  16. Great Architect Loyal Player

    I'll let you into a secret. If your default perspective is that the rumours are not true until proven, you will be much happier in life than if your default perspective is that they are true until disproven.

    You also need to consider that the large majority (by far) of player speculation and rumour turns out to be false.
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  17. GianEsquizo New Player

    I believe they are lies, so much so that I am keeping my metals until now... The problem is: When will we have them? It's been 9 months without an event/response and the count continues...

  18. The Fairy Well-Known Player

    Boring! Another boring week. At least this will give me time to play something else since I can skip this week.
  19. Oltron New Player

    If they are trying to make us quit it’s working lol
  20. TheMikeB Active Player

    The wolfpack totem has nothing to do with 2x art xp.