EPISODE SPOTLIGHT: DELUGE! It's time to turn the tides and take down Starro one more time. This week only, hop onto Episode 31: Deluge for double the rewards at half the cost. This week – from Thursday, April 4, 2024 through Wednesday, April 10, 2024 – players will enjoy: DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced or mission content in Deluge. 50% discount on Deluge gear at vendors. Source Marks are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the Deluge and other episode vendors. PLEASE NOTE: The episode spotlight will begin this Thursday with daily server restarts and will last through Wednesday to daily server restarts on next Thursday morning.
Here's a way to make base items more easier to get from their episodes. Episode Base items to drop more. Gear Styles to drop more. That gives it the Episode Spotlight. A week time to play the content to get the old drops. Really not for source marks. Makes up for Omnibus and a Beneficial way to play the omnibus.
more people playing spot lights > Fast raid in this dlc > more base items given out faster as a result > sold on broker > farm the raids, get treasure, get styles > done. Next spot light
are you really not going to give us any answers as to whether we will still have x2 xp artifact or not? Many are waiting for an official answer amidst so many rumors
But that's exactly what they are - rumours. They're based on assumptions surrounding the Wolfpack Token, which are also just that - assumptions.
What saddens me is there's so much content in this game that nobody is playing everybody's at endgame for 45 minutes and logging off. Trying to do Feats in these old episodes is nearly impossible let alone beating it with players who have no experience. It is time to either revamp the game or relaunch the game set everybody combat rating back to zero. Bring a new gear system refresh and bring a second skillpoint tree and refresh all feats everywhere to 2.0. Make every episode relevant with the new gear system you can even make episode 1 as your starting point and lock all the other episodes while you work on them. I remember when this game used to be extremely active it has absolutely lost its way and it is not by giving us a new episode that is not how you make your player Base active. It is time to look outside the box and relaunch the game 2.0 let's go!!! Content is way too old to not do a relaunch soon to be 46 episodes doing nothing for anybody let's not have that happen anymore bring us an amazing relaunch new Developers please or a revamp
Don't be such a weak minded fool have some self control. Asking and begging isn't going to make them give it to in all the places you want. If anything Mr it's going to make them roll there eyes and hope you silly ones are going to spend $$$ in the marketplace since some lack self control.
Maybe I might finally get to finish off my Renown for this Episode this week. Got to be worth a try .
https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?threads/episode-spotlight-deluge.330325/ in december 2023....
It was just a question, dear friend. After all, it's been 9 months since we had the last x2 xp art and so far everything is rumors. It's not just me who would like an answer instead of waiting months for something that became a rumor. Is it too much to ask for a ''yes or no''? And if I want to spend it, I'll spend it at the market or in another game, I won't be an idiot who spends money here without having answers or guarantees of return.
The Deluge/Atlantis Raids are pretty much unpuggable. I wouldn’t trust running those with randoms. It sucks that old content is such a barrier for both new and older players.
Threat Below isn't at all difficult with PUGs, but Spindrift needs at least 4 people capable of doing the mechanics - and if there are only 4, then they may as well be resigned to the fact that that is all they are going to be doing until the Morgwar fight.
1. For some reason Deluge is one of these mid-game episodes where I've done open world plenty of times (I have 65/105 Conqueror defeats), and the solo, but I haven't done the alert or raids. So in an effort to be constructive, could people here give me a breakdown on the alert and raids? What to look out for in particular. First time through will probably be a pug, so if the group gets stuck it would be good to know what to do (apart from abandon the instance, I know some will say that). 2. I have 3.3m in Nth and my bank is pretty full. Still, I'm going to keep saving. I might start swapping out the 10x with 100x if I run completely out of room. Not going to assume they won't do it at some point this year, but there is no use trying to anticipate or nagging.