EPISODE SPOTLIGHT: BIRDS OF PREY! The Birds need to teach Lex Luthor a lesson. Revisit Episode 37: Birds of Prey for double the rewards at half the cost. This week – from Thursday, May 11, 2023, through Wednesday, May 17, 2023 – players will enjoy: DOUBLE Source Marks when completing instanced or mission content in Birds of Prey. 50% discount on Birds of Prey gear at vendors. Source Marks are used primarily to purchase gear and rewards from the Birds of Prey and other episode vendors. PLEASE NOTE: The episode spotlight will begin after the server maintenance this Thursday and will last through Wednesday to daily server restarts on next Thursday morning.
wouldnt it be smarter to do all episodes than just one? how many ppl care about the same speciific ep?
We had a bonus source marks week a few months ago or so; that event gives bonus source marks across all content. I think we are due for that one again in the near future.
i know i mean i always wondering why we get such specific ep bonus its mostly a waste of an event week for many ppl
To help players who did not get the chance to finish the content and to help players with characters who are just getting to that content to get through it easier. They also help people who have used the CR Skip to obtain some much needed SP from feats and/or feat hunters in general. Episode Spotlights will help "someone"; it's ok to not want or need to participate. I usually participate for the Justice League Dark Episode Spotlight for one main reason: awesome base item loot drops! The one thing that I think most players will agree upon is the 2x source marks you can farm for; that alone usually gets enough interest from players to participate.
(most players) care the current ep even more bcs its pretty new and the bountys there need alot of time ...i dont think u find many ppl with care about help other doing feats anymore..
sadly, I suspect you might well be right, certainly in the EU, anyway. I went in BOP earlier, not a soul in there. stone dead. nada. bupkiss. the only way I could get the bounties done was by forming a group to run all t5 / t6 bounties, & even then half of them bailed after Themy. . .
yh thats DCUO today everyone fights for himself the only ep they may care is patchwork themy bcs the can get motherbox witch they try to sell for 30 and more millions....trust me if they dont benefit of it they dont care and at all who think diffrend stop dreaming and accept the truth
honestly, at this point, your safest bet is to form your own group for all the T5/T6 bounties. just shout in the HOL & lfg. it doesn't take too long on reset day. I mean, yeah, I'd rather just rock up & get them done, but at a push forming your own group's the way.
Well, this is what I would suspect this early in the week PLUS there is the name reclaim that many players are more concerned about. BoP had a little activity on the US side, but again, it's not the weekend (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) when most people get on and play. Once this name reclaim thing blows over, I think more players will go back to farming for those marks and feats.
We do sometimes do the source marks week wherever everything is bonusified. Spotlight weeks are designed for that - to spotlight a piece of content. This funnels players into that content so it pops more, lets people get whatever they might need from in there, and familiarizes or introduces the content to the swaths of players that just haven't yet had the pleasure.
For many newer players, this is great for open world bounty feat farming. Speaking of which, can you maybe throw Death of Superman in the Episode Spotlight queue? Maybe Earth 3 and Deluge too? Seems the majority of spotlights in the last year have been focused around Tier 6 episodes, with only a handful of excursions into the T5 realm, and essentially none below T5.
I'm bringing up a new Fire Tank alt, and was wondering how long it was going to take to get the Everyman Prototype without shelling out SM for it. Problem solved .