Original post edited to reflect the following updated information: "Drive the Red Tornado Servos into overdrive by using the defensive module to redirect damage taken from another tank. When damage gained, increased stats, and life leech buffs are activated, and once fully charged, it's time to generate a powerful tornado that damages your enemies, heals you and the protected tank with the power of the Red Tornado Redistribution Module."
We aren't entitled. There was a clear schedule... double artifact xp in April and October. Smart people started saving nth metal for double xp. Now, it's been over a year, and our banks and inventories are overflowing. If devs don't want to do double artifact xp anymore, then they should say that and do one last double xp event since we were right to expect one in October and April, and they could say it's the last one. That's the right way to do it. It's the only time I spend real money, and I can't be the only one, so it only makes sense for them to do it. Also, since there was a schedule and we have saved for so long, we can't possibly spend any nth metal on an artifact at this point. We have to keep waiting for the double xp event, or how awful would we feel if we gave up waiting and used it all, and then they do the event? We didn't put ourselves in this position. The devs did. I think we would love for them to do one final and say no more. We would at least know, and we would love to just put nth metal into artifacts instead of taking up so much inventory and bank space. Either way, transparency is always the best way to do business, and there is none. All we know is we were supposed to have double artifact xp in October, and it didn't happen. We were so excited for April to finally spend our nth metal, and it didn't happen then either. I was like, maybe they'll make a new artifact and have the event then! Here's the new artifact, and still nothing. I can't level up any artifacts. I'm stuck. I was ready to finally have an alt with artifacts...can't. My inventory is so full that it's not fun to play. Also, we didn't get the double augment xp the last two dlcs, so my main and alts are all behind on those as well. I'm sitting at 357 instead of 387 for the origin augments. Why? I can't plan a strategy for my characters, artifacts, augments, spending real money on the game, etc. because they got off schedule. We absolutely need and deserve to know when these events are happening, and we need AND deserve for them to happen soon. It's not entitlement. It's planning around the devs' schedule, and then they yanked a rug out from under us.
Similarly, I'm finding membership less and less useful, not only because it's no longer compulsory to be able to enjoy future content, but also because the x2 artefact bonus is no longer available, so paying a subscription to get a few drops of NTH for an endless system of impossible artefact upgrades is frankly not worth it, even for someone who plays a lot, plus the 21st century items are less and less convincing... Finally, one thing to say: thanks for the savings
While I agree with you that they should tell us, one way or the other, if you have so much nth as you say you do, don't let poor decisions by your standard affect your getting your characters up to snuff. I leveled both of these artifacts that just released to 200 and did not spend a dime on XP, catalysts, seals, nothing. Would it have been cool to level two more for that matter? Yes. But since they aren't giving the double xp, I'm still not spending a dime. I use my legendary loyalty points, I use the stuff from membership that I save for months on end. By now you probably have over 40 destiny tokens if you save like you say you have. You have to overcome, as all of us do, thinking someone else is controlling our decisions because they haven't given us an update. You be the judge. Save your nth indefinitely, or if you are like me, get you some 200s and save some more for next time. Wolfpack the artifact too so you never EVER have to level it again. Wolfpack tokens were on sale. I bought 7 of them for the first time, ONLY because they were on sale for a price I think was fair for the first time. They are on sale again, but 20% off instead of 30%. I would buy XP and more wolfpacks if it was 2x art XP TODAY. But it isn't. So fix you up some artifacts and save your money. But I'm not waiting til the game shuts down for the final time to spend my nth. They want my money for XP, they'll do a double event. They don't want it, so be it. Not going to let the idea that they are being unfair or they aren't communicating or they pulled the rug up by not keeping a schedule live in my head rent free. I understand you. But go ahead and live. Trust me, I was the same way, feeling like I'm locked in prison. The door is open, just turn the handle, get out of that cell and make progress.
I get what you're saying and hope you're having fun, but the only way out of this prison is the event. I've actually saved almost twice as many destiny tokens as well as lots of other resources to go along with the real money burning a hole in my pocket waiting for this. It's impossible for me to give up now. They would definitely have the event the week immediately after I dump all that. I really just want to finally have a playable alt or two, and I can't even consider wolfpack tokens for dps artifacts until I have the healer and/or tank artifacts maxed first. It's quite the conundrum.
Just give us x2 xp and not sell ur xp to us and if u dont wanna give us x2 xp anymore then tell us ffs
Because the entire point is to get people to go back to do old content. The point is not to just hand out more Source marks to people just for playing.
Or they could just announce that it won't be coming back, so we know, and you could move on from your extreme sense of entitlement and your passive-aggressive demands. But it definitely would be nice to know for sure, one way or another. I can only in the meantime guess that nobody with responsibility wants to use that responsibility to authorize a statement that might in future be regretted. So from the POV of Daybreak management, I can see how they might think that forever silence is what's best for them. I think that that isn't worth it from insofar as it irritates a significant number of players, but I can't measure how many players care, and it's entirely possible that the forum members aren't representative of the average player. Or maybe they are. I have no idea. But it sure would be nice if they'd commit one way or another to it returning in future or never returning in future. Writhing about to try to come up with rationales for why they "must" do it "one last time," however, is silly. That's just another case of the gimmes-because-I-want-I-want. None of us are "owed" a game gift.
I'm not sure if more recent departures took the method of setting up spotlights away with them, but yeah, another TT spotlight after we had one a few months ago, ALONG with the fact most people are on TT overload running this event on enough alts to score the 300 marks in 'non-tradable' goods for the feats...one has to wonder why TT was picked. Not trying to look a gift horse in the mouth, but we do have a bunch of other episodes floating around. I know Flashpoint and Atlantis were in there too, but other than that I think the only other spotlights since the last TT one (April) were 'current' episodes (I'd have to verify that with the SOBA timing, pre or post going to EEG). As far as the 'artifacts' sale, I know I speak for myself that until a resolution is given on 2X weeks being 'gone' for good or making a return, I wouldn't buy any more XP, even on sale. A) I'm already overflowing with XP, B) if 2x isn't going to return BEFORE Nov, the BF or X-Mas sale...even Anniversary event sale...have all been historically better than 20%, so why not wait for one of those? Chances are it will be at LEAST 20%, and maybe by then we'll have an answer on the first question. I'm guessing the thought is that people will be buying the XP to boost up the new arti, but most people wanting to do that immediately are probably the whales who would have bought the XP at full price anyway. You could have saved DBG 20%. Looks like another week of outside time for me...nice.