Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Geri_mester Active Player

    This is a new low bois. This is the most disgusting thing that i can imagine in a game. They killed my motivation to log in. There is no point. What a horrible gameplay experience. Also i wonder, why would even anyone in their right mind spend money to even play this low quality dlc?! I mean technically you don't have to play it, just pay... and stand menacingly in one place as a plant in full gear.
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  2. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    That’s cool, it’s not even Black Friday, Cyber Monday or Christmas.
  3. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    I’ve never even heard of that game lol. 2003 it probably sucked. Starwars sucks in general though
  4. SkullGang Devoted Player

    I've been away for a couple of years and wanted to see how things were going. This type of decision with the current state of the game will kill it. This seems very intentional as if they are planning for the final squeeze on player wallets before they cut off life support.
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  5. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    It was sarcasm of course. The game went through two overhauls and after a dwindling subscriber base and ultimately, an expiring contract, it shut down in 2011. It was a SOE (currently Daybreak Game Company) game. Star Wars... doesn't suck. But I always appreciate your opinions.
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  6. Dirty Paw New Player

    Ok that's the nail in the coffin for me, I won't be playing this game no matter if they reverse the decision....
    Just the fact that Daybreak has such a thought makes this company NOT a community friendly company for me.

    I mean, come on, it's a massive change that you discuss with the community beforehand.

    Wake up !!!
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  7. Proxystar #Perception

    Honestly the only thing I'm disappointed about is the price, make it half and I'll give the game some free money to finish up the DLC early.

    To be honest though I'm not sure why this is a shocking development and the curious side of me is actually interested to see what sort of impact it has on DLC longevity.

    P.S - Devs, please start selling old content feats on the marketplace as well, k thanks, bye.

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  8. appocolyps Committed Player

    Woke up to this news, im speechless!! I cant anymore, iv defended, backed and hoped they would do the right things!!

    Logic and intelligence teaches us that this is the final plea!! Attempt to improve the games design to help with retention issues over last 12 months is 0, Attempt to improve £££ via means lower than that of a beggar 1000!!

    Dcuo is for the streets!
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  9. appocolyps Committed Player

    You did the right thing leaving bro, im so done with them!
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  10. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The only thing that makes any sense about them putting the currency from Marketplace cash is a leveling system relaunch. The relaunch will begin with gear meaning will all go back to ep 1 with our stats at ep 48 max combat rating. They will work on relaunching the episodes. This has to happen in order for the population on switch server and Xbox to grow aswell and the game as a whole. The fact that stats don't matter is a serious problem on switch server and Xbox as well as every server. A relaunch of the leveling systems is an absolute inevitability and I think that the currency in the marketplace is a clear indication that's gonna be the direction the new lead wants to go. This would also be a great time to relaunch the feat system with a 2.0 update which will have us redo all the feats in the game again but this time a second skill tree will be added. All the feats in the original game will be in a vendor which we can purchase with whichever way they see fit. Basically the currency that you see in episode 48 is the only time you'll ever see an option to purchase currency for gear. This allows players to skip episode 48 and dive right into the relaunch of the new gear system
  11. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Throw in PvP feats in there as well. Im curious about the new episode vendor additions. Just what and how many things are going to be added and what the currency cost would be. Maybe an enhanced no stat version of the Darkseid OP chest from war Factory elite?. Maybe Darkseid ally?. 500 Coney Cons each? who knows. If the Devs set their expectation level for this episode that equals how the last dlc was received... they'll be just fine. Especially since they released an incomplete dlc. As for any type of longevity? Typical toss away after a few more dlc releases ran here and there regardless of buying a full set and calling it finished until seasonals or a new dlc.
  12. thedemonocus Loyal Player

    Putting endgame currency in the marketplace is the worst decision ever what were they thinking?
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  13. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    It was possible before, but at least those players engaged with the game which resulted in more activity especially at the beginning of an episode. Without players doing multi runs, you will have less groups than before (unless players still have glitched replay badges).
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  14. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Lol at them deleting some of my criticisms sorry but there is nothing I could say to pretend like there is something redeeming about this
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  15. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    I might be one of the few in a different camp. Someone like me who works a lot and don't have time to spend all day on the game, I have at least another option to get marks. But maybe it's a bad idea, or the Devs don't not believe their DLC is amazing and not expect people to play it. Honestly after trying it out on day 1, I'm not all impressed with the content. That Harley voice is terrible.
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  16. BƖack Dedicated Player

    That's a act of desperation, litellary. They clearly saying "Give us your money because we're going bankrupt!"
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  17. Geri_mester Active Player

    I suggest to introduce a log in payment. Each time you log in with a character, you need to pay 10 dollars to able to log in. Add fireworks effects when the payment is successful, it needs to be nice and shiny. Also attach a feat to it: Spend 1000000 dollar to log in. You will recieve a special title called: Paypig oink oink. You also get a pig nose accessory and playing the clown music on repeat to everyone to hear while equipped.
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  18. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

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  19. RhaygharOdinson Level 30

    Oh nooooo, some people will have max cr faster than you. What a travesty!!! How dare they?!! Will you even be able to sleep at night? Can you even go on with life knowing you won't see your name on the top of a video game scoreboard? Not to mention that you're locked out of playing content unless you're max cr right? Oh wait, you aren't? My bad. Oh, but then I guess since this is an online shooter/fighting game/pvp only game it means it's pay to win so people who pay will always win right? Oh wait, it's not? My bad, sorry. But I guess since other people being higher cr than you totally effects you and your ability to play the game then? Oh wait, it doesn't? Damn my bad again. I just get confused from all the complaints sometimes.
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  20. Ghostknight Well-Known Player

    This clearly shows the direction DI/EG7 is going with this decision. Milk the cow dry and then decide what to do next with the game and that usually means nothing good for us lovers of this game. I am truly sad to this be done with the EG currency and now that all the big issues (clamp, 2x artifact xp, old feats, etc...) that we players have brought up on this forum will probably never be addressed.

    Very sad but still,
    Peace and DCUO Forever:(
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