Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    No point in "playing" after you've purchased everything.
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  2. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I must admit, I was excited about today to play the new DLC, but now...., sigh. I don't think I will even bother turning on the PS5 today. From the bounties, the increased number of adds to take out during the dailies, and now this fact makes it's easier to just buy the currency. I'm beyond sad right now.
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  3. C0de Well-Known Player

    The dailies take more time than the solo, alert & raid! That speaks volumes. Don't give this game anymore of your time as the carrot isn't worth being chased and hasn't been for along time.
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  4. Gulrick TheWanderer Committed Player

    I think you guys are overreacting. Players already maxed out in the first week, now it’s just more convenient. Pay extra money up front and play something else. So really this only appeals to players who either took a break or need to be 1st. I honestly believe the Devs should pay no mind what we want or ask for. Because to be honest we as a community disagree on literally everything. So instead the Devs should make content based on what the consumer responds to. If this is truly a catastrophe, then they’ll course correct. Wanna make them listen, stop sending money and QUIT.
  5. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They already do that!
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  6. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    Advice taken.
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  7. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    It’s crazy marketing. Almost like they don’t want us to play at all.
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  8. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    They’re a satisfied customer then. EG7/Daybreak totally working on that end. :D
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  9. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Thank you @TheLorax!!!
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  10. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    I couldn't believe my eyes well they might as well put feat packs in the marketplace to seal the deal. What is the point of running anything?? This move will further kill quest like wtf who's making calls like this? Ughhhh.
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  11. Bottled Lotion Level 30

    Fanbase: Add a new Body Type ( Bane/ Kalibak ) well pay for them to cover Cost
    Devs: Oh you said you want to buy currency directly out the market shop, thats all you had to say
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  12. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    It doesn't change much for me tbh, you can already do the same thing farming the raid for a few hours with replay badges and it'll be much cheaper and elite content still can't be sold. At the same time it's just a kick in the face to know the game went so low and y'all probably won't even get much money from it...

    The worst part is 100% not getting info about such an important decision beforehand or even some damage control on the forums because that makes the game feel like it's abandoned...
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  13. Pr0tojay Committed Player

    This game has become more of a money grab than NBA 2K. I don't really play any other games so I can't name any others, but man I'm not sure I even wanna play anymore. I quit 2k a couple years ago, this game might be next.
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  14. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Assorted character boosts with assorted multipliers on various aspects like damage out, shields, damage absorbtion, assorted role oriented buffs incoming. New market place toon boosters to stack with allies, artifacts etc. Double damage gauntlet mods will do double damage output 1 hour duration for 2000 MP cash. .... why not at this point. And sometimes you have to laugh at the absurdity of it all.
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  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    Time was I used to be a huge whale for this game. Huge.

    I used to put thousands of dollars into this game in the span of a few months. I'm not sh*tting anyone. Thousands. I had a lot of disposable cash and back then and I chose to spend plenty on DCUO.

    I've spent less and less as the years have passed. Less and less and less and less in recent years.

    Time was I'd use a ton of replays when an Episode dropped. I was a classic "use a jillion replays and get all of the vendor gear within a couple of days."

    Then I'd finish getting all the vendor gear "within a few days."

    Then "within a couple of weeks."

    Then "within a month or so."

    The last few Episodes I've only spent replays on triple or double Mark weeks.

    This episode? I logged in today, did what was available solo, did the alert, and logged out. Skipped the raids entirely.

    And I'm not even sure I should have done that much, given the rampant bugs.

    Hearing about how more or less zero of the bugs reported from Test were addressed is equally underwhelming.

    So much for EQ wanting to "increase engagement." Good job.
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  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    And that's why STAR WARS GALAXIES is the great and incredibly long-lived game that it is today.
  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player


    Devs: In game currency on Marketplace

    Of course
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  18. Destinywlf Active Player

    No!!! No!!! No!!!
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  19. QuantumFlange Well-Known Player

    Cancelling sub once this month is up. Lame move, we’ll have pop-up ads next.

    DLC is intentionally built to piss players off to the point of conceding and just buying the marks. One bounty you have to do twice, another you have to do 4 times, and dailies of kill 60 adds.

    Interesting that you didn’t have time to get actual working content and feats coded in time, but the ‘$200 pay your way to max CR’ made the cut!

    Either you know the game is ending and you’re wringing a few last pennies out of us, or the game is truly doomed if you think this is what keeps players around.
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  20. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    The difference between this and replay badges is that replay badges inherently demands the buyer play content and reset, essentially increasing likelihood that raids and weeklies will get these players. Selling DLC currency outright is some stupid *** **** not a smart decision. I want to play this game again, but it makes some ******* questionable decisions. I'm not supporting it. I'm not playing it. Hey... maybe next dlc?
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