Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Looks to me like they have changed the bounties to further push people to buy currency because you can't complete either bounty in one go. You have to do Brimstone twice to complete the mission, and the convoy about four times. And it takes FOREVER for the convoy to reappear.
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  2. Geri_mester Active Player

    DC Universe $hopline
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  3. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Still working on it... Nevermind, mobile is terrible for posting a gif... I tried @TheLorax.... I tried.
  4. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Off the the top of head It seems to be cheaper, substantially, by using replay badges to get full, non-elite, gear. Approximately $60 bucks worth of MP cash for either dps / role or $120 for both with some replay badges leftover. 670 Coney Cons = 67 replay runs @ 10 marks per @ 87 rp per = 5829 replay badges.
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  5. CGEMINI Committed Player

    DCUO, did you know you have 30 minutes?
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  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Shop me first. Shop last. Either way, buy some DCUO MP currenc-ay.
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  7. Scrapgear Active Player

    I think you are right (i ripped my napkin while erasing so I will go with it). But the buying currency eliminates time. Insantly I can have the new gear instead of having to keep doing stuff. I cant wait till the next update comes out and we can buy feats, renown, or OP items fully maxed. Though if this forum has taught me anything, there seems to be no point in complaining as they wont listen or acknowledge it. after all, its what they decided and figures its "best for the game"
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  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    On your mobile device, open your web browser and go to your settings, and check "Desktop site" or "Desktop mode". This should make the forums chat box options visible.
  9. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Oh I did. My Google search brought me to your post in these forums. But every time I try to put the gif after inserting the url, it just puts a little picture thing and img next to it...
  10. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Throw in that this dlc has easily the worst weekly bounty's ever seen. The convoy is a big time consuming p.o.s. That and they up the daily mission to 60 counts from 30 showing they did this to make players by the currency. This is designed to be main character unfriendly never mind alt friendly.
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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It might be the URL, inbox me the link.
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  12. AccOp Well-Known Player

    Nice one Devs! You've finally saved me from spending time in-game. As a family man it was always hard to keep the balance between gaming and real life responsibilities and I would always find it difficult to keep up with others in terms of progression as everyone else would replay the raids to get geared up quickly. This way means I can get geared up without the time sink and keep up. Great change, don't listen to all the negative feedback, now even casual players like me can stay relevant without having the need to run content.
    Now if you could just put feats from old content available for purchase, it would be the icing on the cake for players like me since it's very difficult to find people to run old content with.
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  13. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah...this is what I'm talking about. Decisions like this seem to be geared to make it way more attractive to buy vs grind. Same as removal of 2x Nth applied weeks and removal of multiple avenues to get stabilizers.

    Just open your wallet to 'fix' the issue....amiright?

    SP in the marketplace can't be far behind....and then next DLC? Yeah...that 1000x world boss counter feat.:rolleyes:
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  14. Raijin1999 Loyal Player

    This may the be the result of more parity with, again, Neverwinter.

    I've not used the feature in NW myself, but Neverwinter's DLC campaigns do have a market option to buy out the campaign to mark it off as done and get some of the rewards instantly; skipping most (but not all) of the grind. I don't know if you can actually buy out the latest content's campaign completion, but in the translation with DCUO, DCUO's past episodes do not feature campaigns in quite the same manner, as much of a DLC becomes less and less relevant as newer content replaces it, such as gear. It's the feats you'd have trouble getting as content ages out and people you need to run the content with just aren't there.

    I suspect feat buyouts for those older episodes may be something in the works, if not going all the way up to the current episode. That the current episode's currency is up for sale suggests they are definitely having a knee jerk reaction to the poor performance of the last DLC and revenue generation is being scrutinized by the overlords at Shell Company Global 7.

    The talk of big changes coming to the game could be even more elements borrowed from Cryptic titles that have worked for them that DCUO doesn't feature, such as the addition of a tradeable premium currency used in player to player trading. In Cryptic's titles Star Trek Online and Neverwinter, there are premium currencies that you can earn for free, albeit at a snails pace, but can also buy it form the marketplace straight up. That currency is also used in the trade/auction house/broker process as the cheapo currencies (cash/credits/gold) are not used in trades at all. That establishes a player economy that utilizes a trickle down effect where whales and other spenders more readily obtain the premium currencies (refined dilithium ore and astral diamonds, respectively) and use it for high value trades. Free players headhunt high value items and put them up for auction for said currency, opening up avenues for them to obtain it without paying a dime, so long as others do.

    Similarly works like Warframe's 'platinum' currency, though that currency can only be bought from the marketpace straight up and then traded between players. You otherwise don't have options like Cryptic's titles to generate a limited amount of the currency daily at the free level. Given the higher restrictions on what items are actually tradeable, something closer to Cryptic's systems is more likely to be targeted. I wouldn't be opposed to that, either. It works well enough for them and may be an inevitability for DCUO. Was surprised it was not implemented sooner when Emmert was around.

    Also have to look at it this way: If the suits feared engagement would suffer like with the Braniac DLC, adding the currency to the market is a way for them to cash in up front. May also be possible that the 'event' version of the new episode also lasts much less longer compared to prior episodes. The update notes were quick to point that out at the start. Thought it was just copy paste format used in prior episode communication notices, but maybe not.
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  15. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    why even bother making dlc atp? just add better gear to market place as a box combo and do events , like bruh ? no wonder why some players alrdy maxed out cr the furst 20 mints

    honestly ima just skip dlc and just play halloween and christmas events cuz its my fav ,
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  16. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    It's for 1 toon. X 4 toons. 1000 dollars???
  17. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    They seriously need to reevaluate how they run this game. Bad decisions after bad decisions. If DCUO were a reality tv series it’d be in an emergency intervention to stop killing itself. This is crazy beyond nuts at this point.
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  18. Quantum Rising Dedicated Player

    Only whales going to be playing this game by mid 2025.
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  19. Inattentive New Player

    That's it. Uninstalled. Done. Never again. The 60s on the daily mission tears it for me. Talk about wasting my time. This is beyond absurd. No feats on the solo, then telling me you're adding more later? So I have to run it X amount of times before its even worth it for me to run it? Where's the logic? Devs have missed completely with adding the currency to the market, making it even worse than it already is for the player base, they must hate us.
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  20. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    My sub is up in March … I’ll log in daily for the daily reward and stabs and if there is an event I’ll log in for that as well just to get my moneys worth out of my sub.. then I think that’s it for me … your “exciting new changes” are anything but, to those who don’t mind being used in this way hope you keep getting what you deserve .. continue to stick up for the game it’s certainly getting better isn’t it.
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