Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Snowy OwI Devoted Player

    This is tragic..Bye Bye double/triple currency bonus weekends I guess :(
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  2. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    After hearing that 47 was a failure based on what eg7 themselves said with it not meeting the goal (that is a failure for anyone who wants to argue it)

    I thought well I hope
    48 and the exciting changes the producer said in his producer letter would be coming in 48… it better be good cause if it’s another failure the game will most likely not get another dlc … look at champions online they are no longer getting dlcs if I remember correctly they are getting basically events that are like our seasonals they come back same event each month .. and they get new market place items and little things here and there but no new content really .. I can see this happening with dcuo if there is another failed dlc… and I’m gonna predict this will be a failure as well.. why make a dlc if no one cares about it … now they might go to episode 50 just to round it out but I dunno
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  3. C0de Well-Known Player

    At the start of a new dlc they usually announce the new dlc with new tc's and what to expect out of the content. Notice how there was nothing for this dlc? It's because they KNEW there would be backlash with they're "new" direction being complete pay-to-win. Even now, they lock most of the announcements to avoid any form of criticism. And there are a plenty of bugs already on day 1 (nothing out of the ordinary for dcuo). Needless to say, this will be my last dlc
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  4. Andreas Denali Level 30

    What is even the point of running the content when you can just buy the marks on marketplace. They not even hiding that they want to just suck the player base dry!!!
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  5. C0de Well-Known Player

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  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    670 Coney Cons for full vendor gear. 22500 Marketplace cash equals roughly $200 dollars if you outright buy Bully Buster gear. 8 main pieces plus the mask, rings, utility belt, trinket, neck and weapon... and thats for one role. $400 roughly for dps gear and role gear.

    just hahaha
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  7. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    200 Source Marks for 1000MC
    Double Artifacts XP for X-Hours for 1000MC
    CR 368 Skip, 125 SP, 500 Source Marks, 3000MC
    Unlocked Time Capsules first 20 Pack 1200MC

    I don't know. With a small player base, affordable to buy x times per player.
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  8. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    The worst part about this is people will use their in-game currency to buy Marketplace cash. And don't get me started with how many players have over $300 billion who could skip content easily it's already happening people are using their in-game money to purchase replays and skip the new episode in a few days or weeks
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  9. darksptll Level 30

    It's almost like the priority is just extracting money from players.
    It's been ages since mepps was let go and guess what job posting was first, product manager.
    If you read the description of the job duties its literally just about optimizing the extraction of money from players.
    This exact posting was on the company careers website as well and has been filled for a while now.
    We are now seeing the fruits of their labors.

    The job posting for replacing mepps was not even made until like last month.
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  10. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I hope to god that this decision gives a significant portion of the remaining playerbase the sense to quit this game, or at the very least not spend another dime on it.
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  11. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I’m still at work, but is this thread for real? Seriously?! Just use real $$$ buy all your gear off the Marketplace and bam you’re max CR on day one?!

    Surly this isn’t intended to be true. The rich tourist players will prob love this. They now just buy everything and be done with it and come & go as they please.
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  12. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    It's not just the new Coney Coins, either. (10 Coney Coins for $5, 50 Coney Coins for $25, 100 Coney Coins for $50, plus the usual knocked-off-for-members-discounts).

    The currencies for Brainiac Returns and Justice League Cursed are also on the Marketplace now (along with the Source Marks that have been there for quite some time) at the same prices.

    Some people in LFG were already making excuses that "well, you just shouldn't buy them if you don't want to" and "well, you still can't buy elite, so it's not really pay-to-win" and "you still can't buy feats/SP." (For now.)

    Everyone knows that I'm pretty sympathetic to the corporate need to make money, but this crosses a line that should not be crossed.

    STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT and MARVEL'S AVENGERS found that out. Will DCUO? Is it too late in the game cycle?
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  13. Burning_Baron Loyal Player

    What's the price per 10 marks?

    Is it cheaper than buying replay badges in the long run? If so that's certainly an interesting choice. At least Replay badges encouraged playing the game to earn. This would probably end up making me spend less money if it means the end of double and triple marks. That's the only time i would buy replay badges. I know I am not the only one who does that.
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  14. Arwen Skywalker Loyal Player

    Jesus Christ, even coming from a casual league, we have people who spam the replays as it is on day one to get to end game CR.
    What's next? renown in the marketplace?

    This is borderline just straight up asking for money for almost no return whatsoever.
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  15. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    There were about 35 open phases in the new open world, Apocalyptic Gotham, last I looked, each with between FULL to 27 people for the most part; a couple of phases with fewer.

    Just for the record and for those who can't look.

    US PC/PS, just after 4 p.m. Central Time in the U.S.
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  16. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    These things have nothing to do with one another, aside from the fact that you don't like both of them. Please try not to conflate issues. Thanks.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Just my 2 cents (which apparently is worth like 1 mark now?)...I won't personally ever buy a mark...I've never bought a mark. I'm not 100% sure who will be buying these marks, but yeah, if they were inclined to buy replays, I can see this option probably working out if priced right (I haven't been on to see it or do the math).

    My biggest issue with the fact they are adding them to MP is if the prices are ramped up (vendor prices), including how much stuff will be added to give us things to spend the marks on....that AND (as someone else pointed out) if they reduce or remove 2x/3x marks weeks. I'm not 100% sure we had any 3x marks the last few episodes, and I think we only had 2 2x weeks the last DLC, although 1 of those ran 2 weeks long.

    IT does all smell like a desperate move and is just another 'we'd rather have you pay...than play' move.
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  18. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    I don't know. They still sell replay badges. We'll see.
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  19. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    Someone teach me how to post a gif here, please!

    Edit: the wonderful TheLorax has already showed me how through a simple search. Thank you @TheLorax!
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  20. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    10 Coney Coins (or any of the most recent three currencies) for $5. ($4.50 if you're a member.)

    25 replay badges for $1 (.90 if you're a member.) 150 for $5 ($4.50). 350 for $10 ($9). And there's now an option for 1000 replays for $25 ($22.50), which I'm pretty sure is new.

    It's 12 replays to replay a solo/duo, 29 replays to replay an alert, 85 replays to replay a raid/weekly.

    I'll leave the math to someone who enjoys math.

    Presumably at some point replays will be on sale again, though who the hell knows?
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