Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. C0de Well-Known Player

    Already see people walking around with the full vendor gear. They KNEW this would happen
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  2. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    Worst idea ever.

    I can log in on day one (assuming the EU server comes up) buy all the gear, then log out and wait for the Halloween seasonal.
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  3. Captain Catalunya Active Player

    Come on devs!!!

    In the US someone will already be full CR and the EU server unopened.

    All this is ridiculous xD
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  4. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    Well this just killed more of the game and hurt the broker even more. If your like me and used your alts to farm op materials to sell this just hurt because now people will just by the extra stuff on alts from the vender and not grind. This was probably the worst decision you can do to a mmo. You killed end game
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  5. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    Lmfao I’m not on right now but I’m willing to bet people in lfg are requiring full vendor gear already for raid
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  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Episode currency on the MP... This is absurd and just unbelievable and just downright stupid. Devalued Content Online Universe. lets just slap the devs in face on their work to make new content then offer episode currency on the MP so players can just out buy current gear (not counting elite gear) with out running content that the devs made.

    And they wonder why crap doesnt turn out and meet expectations, like EP47 with player engagement. Crap like this is why players regardless of how long they played the game badmouth, critique constructively or not, do not spend as much and/or walk away.

    And this is the new exciting direction the game is going to? They say you cant polish turd, but by cracky you better take what crap is left, get out the clear coat spray cans, spray heavily on said crap to make some shiny to keep the goldfish smooth brained whales thats left to keep the lights on and servers running and the devs fed on ramen noodles.

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  7. ElChupaCabras New Player

    Agree. Will be uninstalling the game as soon as I get home. This is 100% not the way to make the game thrive and what is the purpose of playing if I could come back in 5 years (if the game is even around) and buy my way through (which I would never do)?
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  8. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Can I get that Batman Anniversary Emblem, I'll buy it in the Marketplace, 5 bucks?
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  9. bigbadron alt Dedicated Player

    You think there are enough people left to do the Raid after this crappy decision?
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  10. zNot Loyal Player

    What do yall expect from a dev team whos allowing artifact swap to exist, Do you really think they care about our gameplay experience or fair gameplay? $$$$$

    Just prepare the wallets for the next time capsule :)
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  11. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Love this. Watching this thread!
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    This is another thing. The devs that actually worked on the episode get put to one side as well in this senseless decision. Having episode currency on the Marketplace benefits no-one.
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  13. Clear New Player

    They probably just gonna ignore it like every other post giving criticism on the decisions being made lol
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  14. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    I'll buy 250 souce marks for 1000MC
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  15. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Maybe they will add it to the EP48 vendor for 500 Coney Cons.
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  16. Siramez Well-Known Player

    since no one asked, i went ahead and deleted dcuo on every platform its on. i might be lurking around forums but i lost hope in this game (technically i lost hope back in 2017) but this helped me. good bye.
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  17. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    Ooh ooh ooh yes yes please haha
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  18. jpharrah1010 Steadfast Player

    We haven’t heard from the producer since his initial producer letter really .. a few interviews here and there

    He damn sure won’t address this either.

    They may as well put prestige on there too and whatever the new token and past tokens are to get elite gear why not
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  19. Kayla El Committed Player

    All i can say is that this game deserved better and i feel very sorry for all of those who worked so hard to keep this game going for all these years! I would also like to apologize for saying this to all of those who thought this was a good idea but seriously instead of doing this to the game and to us don't you think it would be better if you just shut it down and be done with it? I mean it's clear that there is something wrong at this point if you considered that this decision was a necessity! If this is truly the direction you guys wanna go with this game then please allow us to buy all the feats directly from the marketplace as well because when the game will shut down i wanna have all the feats to feel like i've at least "accomplished" something lol!
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  20. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    We love you, Siramez. Never met you in game, but be well!
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