Episode currency on Marketplace after GU, seriously?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheLQ-DCUO, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    One would have to be quite daft to grab a pack of these coins. 4500 mp cash for 100 coins equates to roughly 45 USD, which will net a combination of 2 to 3 pieces of gear, maybe 4. Frankly, I am over it. Let them have at it. One man's junk is another man's treasure. I will not participate in it, however, we know that some certainly will.

    I think it is steep to put it lightly, but if it will keep the game alive, it remains to be seen. Just know that contribution to this method of leveling will only make other desirable things harder to come by in the future for the entire community. If the addage holds true that time is money, then some can pay with their time and others can pay with money.

    Best of luck to everyone. Whether we like it or not, it is likely here to stay. Let's not give it anymore thought and do as some have said and move on from this topic. It is not up for debate.

    We love you, Quantum Edge! Be good to yourself and others along your gaming journey.
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  2. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I was always a supporter of the idea that its a catch-up mechanic. Life happens and some people have less time due to family or more money due to work but also less time.

    Replay badges allowed them to keep up, however, it was always bad to have them be able to be used instantly when an episode released.

    On the other hand you have more activity during the early days of an episode due to some players spamming the content, which makes finding groups easier.

    I'm sure almost nobody cares if they sell past episode currency directly, because it doesnt discredit the own progress.

    On top of that its the communication that annoys me the most. No word about it before, no word about it after. I cant wait for next episodes unannounced early access for members one week ahead of everyone else because it seemed to have worked in some other game (i know we already had this but it wouldnt be the first time progressive changes get reverted). Its a game entirely forged around whales now and its sad to see, but i guess that happens when you're not properly investing into the future despite it being repeatedly requested.
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  3. Catastrophic Repercussion Dedicated Player

    I was joking in my league's discord that they'll directly sell the latest gear in the marketplace.
    So fret not! People might soon be able to be completely geared in three minutes after a DLC drops!
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  4. FaithfulJudgeDC Level 30

    Thia madness has gone to your head and clearly suffering from its brutal attack on your mind. I suggest you lay down and take a nap. So we should just roll over and take this injustice inflicted on us and deal with it NEVER. There are better ways they could make tons of money but they won't listen and nobody is home these days to listen pal.
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  5. catplaysxoxo Loyal Player

    That sounds personal, however one chooses to play is their choice. Things outside of our control can only be voiced and maybe even heard but we have a choice to either play how things are now or just become a forum nonplayer like Ghostrider lmfao
  6. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

    Better yet, As soon as they announce that EP49/50/whatever is on the test server. They will also start selling the next dlc Non-elite vendor gear on the MP. So You'll have 2 or 3 weeks of the next dlc vendor gear to crush and dominate the last few weeks of that current dlc.
    [Insert advertising campaign and dlc hype]

    Might as well sell unlocked OP gear on the MP too. "Dont have enough time to farm catalysts or in game currency to make MR Miracles OP belt... but have real money to burn. 15,000 mp cash"

    You know, I'll walk back my comment on buying current dlc currency. I'll wait for some whales, old or new to spend 10s of thousands of dollars more, or new, only to to see the game shut down not long after, how ever long that will be and see them blow a gasket and completely get unhinged and rage on my rageward son. That will be chefs kiss.

    So who cares about how they micro-transaction the game. If I see value in it, I'll still be here. Whatever they sell and I personally like whatever it is and priced right... I'll buy it. I'll enjoy this game with whatever I run my main and alts through.

    They need that money, they really really do that need that money. For their EG7 bills, their D'ink bills, their electric bills, internet bills, their server bills, catering bills, their licensing bills, new small rocks to kick rocks bills, [laundry list of everything thats a bill]
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  7. ArtemisWonderWoman7 Committed Player

    After playing the dlc for the last couple days. Its that they increased all the grinding and added more step for the ones that are willing to play the dlc. Daily mission went from 30 to 60. Boss bounty went from complete on death to having to kill extra adds. mainly before or after you kill him. This is the least extra they added. Then there is this convoy bounty easily the worst they ever added. Letting the tank get to end don't add nothing!! IT DOESN'T spawn more adds. So you have to kill this bounty 5 to 7 times.

    Then you have that this dlc is short on content. we only got 3 on duty missions. A solo, a alert and a raid that only has 2 bosses. So no second raid and the one we have only has 2 bosses. Compared to the usual we are short 40 marks that we normally get a week.

    So they increased the work to get marks while lowering the amount we normally get and didn't ajust the price for this. Fact is these are tactics to make it harder to catch up. Anyone who works in any kind of retail or sells see this 4 what it is and its not to help casual player's
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  8. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    Seems replay badges isn't making enough.
    It's about, what 300$ in total to get alts skill points to 500? Per toon.
  9. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

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  10. Gassius_Spray Loyal Player

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  11. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Yes right before security escorts them off the property.
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  12. Andreas Denali New Player

    Still zero communication from management.....
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  13. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    They aren't losing any sleep over the game, not anymore... but they could be laughing, yes, I think there is much laughter.
  14. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I dunno. The convoy is way less time consuming and grindy than 200 Brainiac Tumblers. I took out two convoys solo today (first day I've played the new DLC), and overall it still took less time. And I breezed through the dailies. Even with the doubled counts, it took about the same amount of time as 30 Brainiac bots in the last episode.

    Also, I'm seeing a lot of complaints that you have to take out Brimstone twice? I fought him once, then took out a handful of the Lava-whatevers. I mean, it's not that different from the Wonderverse bosses, where the boss counts for half of the count, and you make up the rest by fighting the adds.

    I do have complaints, though, and I'll get into those in a separate comment.
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  15. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I got them after running the solo.

    The order on this one is weird. It looks like you're supposed to do the solo first, then the dailies/weelkies.
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  16. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    Adding currency to the market is a bad sign, and like everyone else I have a bad feeling about it.... but reading such delirious posts it seems that people are simply juggling the facts... remember Atlantis where you didn't get credits for killing a boss if you hadn't killed the ads before, remember Age of Justice where you had to kill 4!!! different!!! bosses that spawned in turns less often than a convoy, or Flash Point bosses that were scattered across different maps in several different places for a separate boss, or 100 speed vortexes scattered across the entire map , 400 ads to kill, or Thanagar where two bosses for different bounty spawn in one place in turns... and the list can be continued...
  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Depends on:

    a) What time you decide to do the 200 Tumbler mission and how long to wait for Tumblers to appear (and if you are in group)

    b) how many phases are active for convoy mission so you can go between phases and get Convoys back to back

    Once the episode dies down in population (which it is currently doing very rapidly) Convoys will take considerably longer to do.
  18. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    a) The problem with the tumblers is I can take care of all the other missions (the dailies and both boss bounties) and go make myself a snack and eat it before the tumblers start. Add to that, when I go in there, there usually aren't many players, and the ones that are there are just doing boss counters. If I don't manage to get all 200 solo, I'm usually stuck having to wait until the next batch. It's less of a problem on my main (Mental), who can kill them pretty quickly, but until we got the free CR skip, my Ice toon was barely over CR100, and took a lot more time to dispatch the tumblers.

    b) Even without phase-hopping, it still takes less time than the tumblers, or at least feels like it, because it's a lot less tedious. When I took my alt through the new content, I started with Brimstone, because there was already a group there, then I did the first round of the convoy, then did the dailies in between convoys. At least the convoys respawn every few minutes, unlike the tumblers.

    My main complaint about the convoy is why don't more adds show up if you don't wipe out the truck right away? Like "Ooh, the Earthers took out the escort! Well, I guess we'll just let them have the truck, then, because sending out another group of guards is just too much trouble."
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