Episode 49 And Forwards !

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by MystoganJella, Aug 31, 2024.

  1. MystoganJella Well-Known Player

    episode 49 and episode 50 is when we will see the real change I think who knows who says we’ll see till next time :)
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  2. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    Hopefully this is true but my optimism for this game is really fading. I feel episodes from now on will just be recycled content. Guess we’ll see but I doubt my hunch is wrong.
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  3. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I've hearing this and waiting since Ep. 42 Legion of Doom Doomed Washington DC came out back in '22. It's always wait till the next one it will be the one.

    Idk, I'm just tired. Maybe I'll take a cat nap.
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  4. imSmooshy New Player

    That dlc was absolutely amazing, same with 43. Probably were the last quality episodes ever...
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  5. Rorrigam Active Player

    The waiting part wouldn’t be as bad if at least they would communicate with the community, engage here and there (livestreams playing, dropping world bosses, etc.), work on making the game run better (maybe they are doing it but not like someone will let us know), improve membership and what not so people want to actually get it/keep it, but oh well - let’s wait for the next ep, or maybe the next to that, or the next to that or the next…
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  6. Sollace Committed Player

    For a few episodes now, people are beginning to understand how episodes work, with crude recycling here and there, more or less the same sort of thematic rotation that ends up annoying most players, while other characters are still waiting for DLC in their name, like their fans...

    At the last report apparently the group said it was disappointed by a disappointing result for the latest DLC, but maybe that means the community is expecting something else now!
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  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    You do remember them saying they were able to change the direction for ep 48 and that they were excited to show us and can't wait lmao i don't think the direction is ever going to change dcuo is what it is and that's all there is to it. I think what we're experiencing is the effects of everything in between the layoffs eg7's problems and the cost of bringing NextGen update to the PlayStation and Xbox. you're just going to have to deal with these crappy same old episodes
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  8. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I remember, and so does Pepperidge Farm.
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  9. Aiden_Warren Committed Player

    To change directing of omnibus, so you don't feel handicapped.
    So you can feel powerful like this again against npcs as a girl

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  10. ThePerc30z New Player

    I patiently waited for episode 48 to drop so I could see what new ideas the new dev team could bring to spark life back into this game. After looking at we were given on test server, it seems this game will remain in the same spot its always been in. I doubt episode 49 or 50 will be any different. I will take this as my wake up call and move on from dcuo as its clear nothing will change.
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  11. KhariXD New Player

    I fully understand where you're coming from and I agree. It's time to leave dcuo behind, we've been waiting for years for some solid consistent content. Yet I see 85% of the community on the forums blind and excited to buy the next time cap/booster bundle, which is the only thing DCUO seem to be consistent with. It's been revealed that ep47 didn't do well and now they releasing an episode that's even worse. I'm tired of the false hope, episode 49-60 won't be any different. A lot of people were excited to see what the new devs would cook up but it seems they're following the same formula as their predecessors.
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  12. Dominic Blue Dedicated Player

    I honestly would’ve been cool with if they simply said “hey everyone we wanted to bring you X but because of time restraints we ended up bringing you Y and maybe next time we’ll bring Z”. That way this feels way less disappointing. I dunno what “new direction” they meant with 1 solo, 1 alert, 1 raid, recycled maps and one gear set with a pretty bland storyline? Seems so average it just insults us why the new production lead would hype it up? I’d have been happier if they hadn’t hyped it up really instead. The new dev team hates communicating with us so we’ll probably never get an answer to this either. It’s one thing to be same old same old fine but saying it won’t be but it is feels like gaslighting to me. If your video game RPG is messing with you it’s kind of time to hit the road I think at this point because this is becoming borderline abusive at this point. Seriously?
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  13. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    It's absolutely ridiculous lol. I thought we would be getting at least a world boss to compensate for the lack of content but this is like monthly content levels of disgrace.

    Everyone waited in good faith for the 10th time and for the 10th they disappointed us, now we don't even have Mepps to complain to. Episodes 38 and 41 were the last ones with innovation and that was 3 years ago during the pandemic.

    DCUO pretty much always managed to recovery from bad decisions (considering it's a 13 years old game) and we even managed to reach peak level of players not that long ago, but people can't take this level of disappointment forever. If you don't have much resources then it's time to innovate and do more with less.
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  14. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

    Yes, this just makes us think they don't have a clue how the game works and what our expectations are. You can't promise innovation and more stuff and delivery the most disappointing piece of content in a while (And thats considering we've been getting disappointed for more than a year now).
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  15. KneelBeforeZodd Dedicated Player

  16. Tiffany6223 Devoted Player

    I LOVE Epic NPC Man on Youtube! lol

    It might be bikini armor but it gets the job done lol
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  17. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I hate to admit it but "Harley vs. Apokalypse" doesn't rank high on my excitement scale. It is a fun idea but moving forward my biggest priority is I want to see characters we haven't seen in game yet. At this point it's a tall order but there is still an entire universe of characters out there. If were going to keep rehashing old content we need to get a little more creative and look at what characters we have in game that have seen the least amount of play. Same goes for maps.
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  18. BƖack Dedicated Player

    I don't think so. The fact that Dcuo have new developers doesn't change anything. It's this business model that sucks. The game will continue to be milked and will be kept on life support and it will serve you low-quality content made with the lowest possible budget.

    Like they said in their presentantion they've lost thousands or even milions can't remember exactly u have to watch the presentantion. But what i see is they trynna
    get this money back. I mean its stupid to believe to serve ur customers abad quality stuff and expecting you'll get huge revenue from that lol What I also think it's not about this game anymore and that it is not priority and that it's gonna be on life support, what i think it is about the entire company to probably not bankrupt.
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  19. CGEMINI Committed Player

    They need to hurry up and sell this game off.
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  20. zNot Loyal Player

    The likelyhood of it getting sold i assume goes up if episodes continue to perform as bad as ep 47 ? so i know what im doing :)
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  21. inferno Loyal Player

    I agree.