Dev Discussion Episode 48: Open World - Apokoliptic Gotham City

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Quixotic, Sep 24, 2024.

  1. Quixotic Developer

    Welcome to the discussion thread for the Episode 48 open world zone! Darkseid's forces have invaded Gotham City, and they are using Gotham as a starting point to bring Apokolips to Earth! Join Harley Quinn, the Birds of Prey, and other notable Gotham characters in fighting back against the invaders.

    Please post your feedback and thoughts on Apokoliptic Gotham City. Thank you all for your feedback!

    - Quixotic
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  2. Hellnympho New Player

    Cant finish The main DLC quest Mister miracle doesn't accept the turn ins
  3. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    2 teleporter locations dont take you anywhere and have 0 purpose. Having to go to multiple buildings all spread out through the map to just pick up your dailies and weeklies is extremely inconvenient and a waste of time. Also the quest in your journal that takes you to the NPCs that give you the quest appear in a weird order and you have to collect your journal missions after finding one to just find the next one. All the NPCs that give you quests should be centralized for ease of access.
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  4. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Apparently the 2 extra teleport locations were already secretly removed as well after. The Warzone location and the Steppenwolf Spotted location were removed from the teleport menu.
  5. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    Who gives the daily mark ? This whole map is a hot mess.
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  6. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Catwoman, in the Gotham Docks spawn point.
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  7. WhiteLanternNC Active Player

    Thanks I was looking and really couldn't find anything
  8. Viizmal New Player

    Hi Daybreak so the Main Quest hand in for the Op item is Currently Broken and in a Closed Loop system its repeating the missions rather then handing it in to Mr Miracle and he is bugged out and not accessible not sure if you know this or if anyone has said but figured ill report it ! Thanks Viizmal
  9. E.K.75 New Player

    Apparently it’s the type of situation where you need to visit him once per day. Yes, it’s ridiculous. Yes, the map is a hot mess. Yes, you can tell Daybreak doesn’t have enough people to deliver what they promise.
  10. Ash clown New Player

    Where is the new Escape artist belt?
  11. Quixotic Developer

    Mister Miracle not updating the Not Just Another Belt mission has been fixed. That should be in an upcoming hotfix, though I don't know when exactly.

    - Quixotic
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  12. Quixotic Developer

    I'm going to change defeating Brimstone for the Lava and Brimstone mission to give 100/100 mission credit instead of 90/100 credit. I was trying something for that weekly mission to incentivize fighting some of Brimstone's lava fiends in addition to the boss, but based on feedback will be updating it to have defeating Brimstone give full credit. Lava fiends will still give a small amount of mission credit when defeated as well, but the mission can be completed without them.

    - Quixotic
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  13. Brit Lantern Active Player

    This is happening to me on xbox too.

    Are new graphics coming anytime soon for Xbox?
  14. RookJL New Player

    I agree with the others that the open world map is not only inconvenient, but also confusing to both old and newer players. There have been so many people asking where an NPC is. Since they're so spaced out, people don't find or forget to talk to some NPCs for dailies. This is in stark contrast of previously having everything so organized with daily NPCs in one area, weeklies standing in another, and a teleporter to locations. Also, talking to Commissioner Gordon and Mister Miracle not being a true daily mission, but only to guide players to another NPC compounds the confusion.

    While I could understand having NPCs nearby important areas such as the weekly bounty to "lead" players to these locations, I highly recommend against this in the future. A possibility may be to have duplicate weekly mission givers close by these locations like in previous episodes. If someone forgot to pick up the weekly, they can quickly get credit for participating.

    In the meantime for this episode, it would be highly appreciative if there are teleporters to NPCs such as Harley Quinn/Mister Miracle and Big Barda.

    Also, I've heard numerous complaints of having to redo the same convoy weekly mission numerous times to receive full credit. People don't like receiving partial credit and also do not enjoy having to wait around until the next convoy respawns.
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  15. KiraStone New Player

    Mister Mircle quest is not working in the open world. I cannot get my op waist, This needs to be fixed asap please and ty :)
  16. vRad Well-Known Player

    The convoy seems too fragile, or should probably reflect some damage so people rethink their approach, or maybe the shield should only come down after more of its squad is KO'd? While in a battle heal build casting flourish and throwing plants, things seem to die before I could land a hit or others could take damage- a healer w/ no dps build will have it rough if not in a group.

    Shout has been full of people instructing not to KO it so more adds come out as it runs, but that's always followed by the announcement "Apokolips Convoy Destroyed!" I promise I'm not exaggerating when I say people are getting downright irate over it and it's been constant in every phase and toon I've run. I think its current state is also conditioning people who even know to wait to still burn it on entry- because if they don't, the person next to them will and they'll miss credit. Personally, I'm going to reattempt at an odd hour in a few days since most will have knocked it out already- it worked for tumblers :p .
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  17. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I agree, but I think to centralize things, one NPC should be talked to to open the missions in our journal and then we should be directed to traverse the map to turn in the various missions to their corresponding NPCs upon completion. I liked exploring the map, but for the sake of people's time and confusion, the whole of the daily missions should activate when speaking to the main NPC. Finding and completing the weeklies are less daunting; we only do them once per week, save those that replay for whatever reason.

    I remember, I believe, the last DLC had a similar problem and all of the NPCs were relocated to the central hub. I think speaking to one NPC should open the missions up and then we traverse to the various NPCs to complete. It is a nice looking map and can be enjoyable this way.
  18. Forum Junkie Committed Player

    I think Catwoman should open all the daily quests once we speak to her and then we travel to the corresponding NPCs to complete the daily missions.
  19. vRad Well-Known Player

    Thank you for taking feedback into consideration and adjusting it. A lot of the player base insists on new things, which is tricky because the way something is asked doesn't always convey the true desire- so it's not unusual to get a "no, not like that!" reaction from every direction after launching a new take on something. This reminds me of one of my favorite programming memes- as someone who has done (non-gaming) dev work, qa testing, and is the user here- no matter what the product is, it's impossible to predict how a myriad of users will operate OR receive a change:

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  20. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    The convoy seems to pop up every 5 minutes, it seems that you can get like 26 credits out of the 100 needed for every convoy, by that math you need 4 convoys to do finish the weekly mission, meaning it takes 20 minutes to do one weekly mission. It shouldnt take 20 minutes to do one weekly mission, this was poorly designed.
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