Test Discussion Episode 48 Artifact: The Omega Totality

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Ranmaru, Sep 4, 2024.

  1. Ranmaru Developer

    Howdy everyone Ranmaru back again with a new Artifact, 'The Omega Totality' - Gain access to the powerful ability Omega Beams and smite your foes with Apokoliptian might.

    Listed below is its rank information & leveling table

    The Omega Totality

    Grants Ability: Omega Beams
    [Vulnerable to Interrupt]
    Unleash the power of the Omega Totality, causing damage.

    If the target is below 35% health, the attack deals extra damage.
    Cooldown: 4s
    Power Cost: 200

    Embrace Finality
    Using Superpowers empowers your next use of Omega Beams.

    • 2 Superpowers: Damage increased by (5/10/20/30)%
    • 4 Superpowers: Channel time decreased by (0/0/50/50)%
    • 6 Superpowers: Explodes at the end of the channel dealing (10/15/20/25)% extra damage to nearby enemies
    • 8 Superpowers: Finisher Damage increased by (5/10/15/25)%
    • 10 Superpowers: Omega Beam hits all enemies near the target within (2/2/2/10) meters for the full duration.
    0 - Scaling Stats - Might
    20 - Might - Percent - 01
    20 - Scaling Stats - Health
    40 - Might - Percent - 02
    40 - Scaling Stats - Power
    60 - Health - Percent - 01
    80 - Might - Percent - 03
    80 - Power - Percent - 01
    80 - Embrace Finality (1)
    100 - Health - Percent - 02
    120 - Might - Percent - 04
    120 - Power - Percent - 02
    120 - Embrace Finality (2)
    140 - Health - Percent - 03
    160 - Might - Percent - 05
    160 - Power - Percent - 03
    160 - Embrace Finality (3)
    180 - Health - Percent - 04
    200 - Embrace Finality (4)

    As always I am looking forward to your feedback, and please enjoy -Ranmaru
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  2. NeoSelkie Well-Known Player

    So I am probably going to go against the grain here, but I'm not really a fan of this further contributing to the "Iconic Channel" meta for might.

    Its so boring seeing all the might DPS using the same iconic powers plus a power finisher over and over for boss fights, and this looks like its going to just further contribute to that.
    • Like x 1
  3. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The artifact is messing with how the timing on the "Dreadful Blast" combo works for Rage.

    It messes with the combo timing and makes you unable to finish the 2nd part of the combo, failing to do the proper damage.

    Please look into this. It was extremely frustrating trying to work with this.

  4. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I tried to duplicate your bug, didn't have any issue with using dreadful combo after the omega beams. You might want to check your mouse, might be dying, I know I often have problems with combos registering if my mouse is close to failing on me. It usually just dcuo that has issues with input errors when I get that point on a mouse. If your hardware is fine and you weren't laggy, then, idk what it could have been for you.
  5. Rumor New Player

    Art looks really nice, and ais a nice way to incorporate a finisher in aoe lo/ raise efficacy of might dps in boss fights with adds. Hoping for more cool darkseid themed stuff in the episode as I personally like the theme and Grail.
  6. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I wasn't lagging and my mouse is corded with the latest drivers. It's an issue with the latest artifact. It only happens when you follow the Omega beam with any combo ability.

    Many other leaguemates and friends are having the same issue with combo abilities.

    I'm waiting for a developer response, because this needs their attention.

    I appreciate your attempt to troubleshoot, it but that wasn't the intent of my bug report.

    • Like x 1
  7. BUDOKAI101 Dedicated Player

    This was absolutely a missed opportunity. the artifact should have been called "The Flurry Shot" or "The Shirkin Storm" Honestly though isn't it time to stop making artifacts and just relaunch the system before making more of a mess lol I'm not going to say it but I feel like I can totally exploit this with precision yall need to slow down with the artifacts. Take a breath and relaunch the system
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  8. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I was referring more to the actual click limit of the mouse itself, not that you were low power or on old drivers. I had an issue about a year ago where I would fail dw-flurry shot combos at seeming random, that I had to adjust my timing to compensate and, at the time, I thought it was because of something with the dcuo servers but it turned out to just be something off with my mouse itself since once I replaced it I had no issue with the combo. I've never used a wireless mouse for gaming and dcuo was the only game I had an issue with at the time. DC can be really hard on input devices and it can be a lot of wear over the years that finally adds up.

    When I tried to duplicate your bug, all I did was Omega and Dreadful, I tested it with and without a weapon tap between Omega and Dreadful, I never failed a combo as was shown in your video. I was mostly offering troubleshooting because if your I couldn't replicate your bug I thought maybe it something other than just combo powers being the problem. I didn't try to dupelicate your bug with Brawling, I was using Dual Wield, maybe it something with Brawling and combos and not just the combos themselves and if so, it could be bugged with other weapons and combo powers as well. I just figure if we can nail down and replicate a bug, it will be easier for a dev to fix.
  9. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    The mouse is only a year or two old.

    I can do Dreadful Blast with Heat Vision and Channel Hate all day, no issues.

    Only issue is after I use Dreadful Blast after using with the new artifact ability.

    You have to slow yourself down a sec between using it and activating Dreadful Blast or use another power between them in rotation for the issue to stop.

    I was literally just talking with "Solar" on test who was using Dreadful Blast and Frenetic Bombardment, with the same issues.

    So this isn't a hardware or software issue on my side, it's affecting others as well.
    Let's not gaslight ourselves into saying it's fine and no issues to be seen.

    I don't want a broken artifact I can't use on live, just because Im being told "It's fine, it's just you."

    It's a real issue, let's get some real help for it.
    • Like x 1
  10. IonHero Committed Player

    I see 8s on test

    On another note, I'm am intrigued by possible playstyles with Lernaea's Amulet;
  11. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Interesting artifact, as a main Might DPS I may consider levelling this.

    As I can't access test server currently to check, please can someone let me know if Omega Beams be used in a form change ability, like Ice Elemental, Gorilla Form, Primal Wolf Form?
  12. Iconic Simulation YouTuber

    I got it.

    If you wait and let the full animation of the ability play out, combos do not get interrupted/cancelled.

    Somehow, however its built or maybe the stance, if jump clipped will break/interrupt combos maybe because its still internally being played out.

    I noticed when you end the ability early you get the problem, if you don't you never see the issue.
  13. Forum Junkie Dedicated Player

    I am a fan of expanding iconic abilities. Artifact or otherwise, more iconic abilities are welcome. Just watched a video of the artifact being tested. This looks crazy. Way to go. I like how the ability changes when the combo meter of abilities increases. This allows for variables in play style. A new finisher, does this replace/disable the power set finisher or can we use two finishers? I can see running it on its own being optimal, being an AOE finisher. I seem to remember you/someone talking about frost breath perhaps becoming an AOE finisher if there was an artifact made/created for it. I like the use of the omega beams for this idea, very cool!

    I hope it gets through testing without a hitch, hopefully it is in a releasable state when the new episode drops! Well done.
  14. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    The finisher doesnt break stealth before it dealt its full damage. I am not sure if thats intended.
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  15. Siramez Well-Known Player

    its because the game replaces the normal omega finisher with a new omega finisher after getting certain activations and that interrupts any combo abilities. im having this issue too with atomic neutron bomb combo.
  16. Mr.W Committed Player

    Glad to see there is a new artifact, might single target is being invested into, & this concept also considered adds that spawn in most boss fights. I would however still appreciate older artifacts getting a refresher.

    Questions, is this also supposed to affect the combo version of light blast? Should light blast cause multiple explosions, & does each combo count as a separate power activation?
  17. Geri_mester Active Player

    Why not just put it on the Iconic tree? I know greed is above everything.
  18. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    • The finisher doesnt break Gagdets stealth before it dealt its full damage (same probably applies to Mental). I am not sure if thats intended.
    • Sometimes the ability doesnt update the circle color in the ability tray when using stealth. The effects still seem to apply correctly (at least the one for 10 abilities used). So I get the 10 ability effect on AoE though the ability still shows a white circle around it.
    • I had an 11% damage increase with my usual Gadgets might playstyle while slightly shifting the base rotation to account for the longer finisher cooldown. It feels nice and seem to tie perfectly into our already existing playstyles while at the same time dethroning Strat Card in some setups, which has not been possible before. (I havent used the Omega beam in Stealth for this).
    • Aoe damage at 10 stacks is currently not splitting, though I have yet to determine if thats out of line considering mights great disadvantage compared to brawling shuriken-storm.
    • Sometimes combo abilities get interrupted.
    • The cooldown is longer than stated in the artifact description, though its not bad in its current state and could stay as is.
    • The channel time decrease at 4 stacks should be increased further, while slightly increasing the cooldown - to counter artifact swapping abuse. If its 6 seconds channel at base, its 3 seconds at 4 stacks. Thats still slightly longer than normal finisher animations and those are already used to abuse Dks. (If it wouldnt be for Dks swap, this could stay as is). If there is no Dks fix in the works, I would suggest an animation time of 2 seconds and a Cooldown of 9 seconds when used at 4 stacks. 8 Seconds cooldown should remain at less than 4 stacks.
    • Finisher abilities dont increase the counter for Omega Beams.
    • I think the artifact icon on the artifact itself could use a bit more color. Dark brown on light brown doesnt look too great, especially if the Omega symbol is bright red everywhere else in the game.
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  19. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    You can equip it in any form change alongside the normal finisher too.
    • Like x 1
  20. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    I wasn't trying to say it was fine and I wasn't trying to gaslight, I was just trying to nail down the bug as to be as reproducible as possible. I could see from your video and from your comments that you and other were experiencing it, I just wanted to figure why it wasn't happening for me.

    I found out how to reproduce it based on your comment of having to go very quickly between them. Idk if I'm just getting slow as I get older or if I was just out of practice with a might rotation but playing with my normal pace I was fine, but if I tried to push as quickly as possible then the combos would break, usually more often with Frenetic than Dreadful. I seemed to be having a similar issue when I used Heat Vision on test as well, I didn't try to reproduce it with channel hate or test another power but it could be a wide spread issue that is easiest to see with the Omega Totality. And looks like you were also able to nail down the reproducibility based your other comment in this thread.