Dev Discussion Episode 47: Hall of Justice Raid

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by BeanCan, May 23, 2024.

  1. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    More Elite Plus feat ideas:

    Defeat each Controlled Justice League member and Sub-Avatar within 8 seconds of each other:

    Booster Gold and Sub-Avatar (of Tech)
    Supergirl and Sub-Avatar (of Meta)
    Red Tornado and Sub-Avatar (of Magic)

    Defeat the Controlled Justice League members during the final boss encounter within 6 seconds of each other.
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  2. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Elite Sub-Avatar Balancing Feedback Summary:

    The Sub Avatar that spawns with Supergirl (Avatar of Meta) is balanced about right imo for elite, relative to the rest of the elite version of this raid.

    Sub Avatar (Avatar of Magic) that spawns with Red Tornado is under balanced, even an add is more threatening to the group than this. Its abilities should hit far harder and its Pull attack should do large damage or KO affected players who aren't blocking - this would need a red skull icon if this change occurs. (Minotaur/Eagle/Lion phases would be even better but not a must)

    Sub Avatar (Avatar of Tech) that spawns with Booster Gold needs red skull icons for its various abilities, and a means of surviving the red marker if a player is affected by it outside of a well-timed Phase Dodge. It becomes cheesy if the only way to survive a KO mechanic is to use Phase Dodge just before/during the moment of impact - even then if Phase Dodge is still in cooldown this doesn't always work if the player gets red marker twice in a row. It's other mechanics do hit hard but players can just run around behind it and have good situational awareness, there just needs to be better communication with tells for these mechanics. Maybe at a stretch when Avatar of Tech spawns it can look in the direction of where it is going to do its first mechanic and pause for a few seconds so players can position accordingly.

    Both the latter two Sub Avatars seem to be balanced by accident, not sure if these were tested previously at any point internally or on PC test.
  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Going to amend my previous statement a little. Sub-Avatar (Avatar of Meta) is mostly balanced about right for elite.

    However its Pull ability has no tell and will KO the affected player in elite version. Please can a red skull icon be added to this Sub Avatar's Pull ability so that players know to block when this occurs. Otherwise no other issues.
  4. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Possible bug: the ads right before the second boss don’t need to be killed and so the cutscene can be started with ads trapped outside the room along with the npc allies. Then when oracle does the red and blue pools on each side to dispose of it, it never shows up so we stuck being red or blue and taking the damage. Do the npcs need to be in the room to activate those? Just curious as I have been running into a lot of tanks lately who are…insert asterisks…dumb.
  5. KlarkKent Creator League

    Bug report:

    (This bug applies for both Hall of Justice Elite raid and Hall of Doom Elite alert)

    Rank 24 adaptive augment bonus is bugged. And there are some layers to that:
    • You don't die with no augments maxed.(One exploder bot dmg)
    • You don't die with 2 augments maxed.
    • If you got only 1 maxed augment, you die.
    Also it looks like a single Exploder Bot deal 2 ticks of damage when it blow up if only 1 augment is maxed out. Maybe this is the main issue.
  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Feedback for all versions but especially the elite plus version:

    There is a recurrent issue where sometimes Skeets' name does not appear above the drone's head in the fight with Booster Gold. This makes seeing its location and Skeet's Energy Blast difficult.

    While this is a minor issue in most versions, in Elite Plus Skeet's Energy Blast will fire in one direction and bounce off the wall it hits, KOing anything and any player impacted by it. Knowing where Skeets is (typically it will spawn near entrance of room and move anti-clockwise around the perimeter of the room) will be beneficial to groups when they run into Booster Gold.
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  7. SingingCoyote Well-Known Player

    Elite plus:

    - First boss: It would be great if we got some sort of visual cones of the avatars attack; sweeper attack, flame attack and 360 rocket lauch attack for the tech avatar. A skull for the avatar of meta's pull. And to be honest, i don't quite know what the avatar of magic really does aside from those fire balls, since nobody died or got hit by him.

    Most of the deaths seem random, and the positioning can get quite awkward since you can't really tell what the ranges of the attacks are.

    Booster Gold fight: Cannot see skeets' name unless you look away from it's spawn point, and that is very problematic because he is the main threat in that bossfight.

    - Last boss: Would really appreciate a visual tell of where the flash's tornadoes will spawn. Would love if manhunter's slam was brought back, since it made the raid quite challenging and you needed to focus to stay alive.
  8. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

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  9. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    A post like mine on this dev discussion board about a raid breaking mech should have beeb fixed out now, and im honestly kind of angry its still broken and its been reported about before.
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  10. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Should not take this long its the newest content
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  11. Miserable Dedicated Player

    Nova is right. The last boss room is very poorly designed and has many line of sight issues. The obvious one is the table. You can't heal or damage anything if the table is between you and your target. There also seems to be LOS issues besides the table, like near the middle of the room where the floor is elevated.
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  12. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Can we get some attention to this please, makes it very hard for heals to go out because of this issue, especially in elite plus.
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  13. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    queue it up, spawn in, first set of ads invulnerable, disband. I really don't do the raids anymore due to all the bugs in here especially when you are banana-blocked by an ad or adds that wont die!!!
  14. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    How has this not been taken care of yet devs?
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  15. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    please red comments devs, game breaking bugs
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  16. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Invisible wall bug at last boss fight thats extremely noticeable hardcore in elite and elite plus content.
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  17. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Please fix this
  18. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    Both elite plus avatars for supergirl and for booster gold have one shot mechs you cant block, dodge, avoid or hide from at the first boss. Without cheating how is this supposed to be done? The boss will just target each player 1 at a time with an unavoidable 1 shot mech and kill everyone each and every time. This is the only boss in the entire game that has a mech like this.