Dev Discussion Episode 47: Hall of Justice Raid

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by BeanCan, May 23, 2024.

  1. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    There were more feats on Test Server. For the duo & alert too. I assume they were removed to be added later because they were bugged. I recall a feat where you need to let them complete the different sub-avatars on multiple runs. Hopefully they will add those back soon.
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  2. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    C) Make it so that in elite plus you have to beat the iconic plus all 3 sub avatar types in a single boss encounter. One of the sub avatars could be out already at the start of the fight (this would be random).
  3. KlarkKent Creator League

    HOJ Elite Last boss:

    Flash's Cyclones supposed to not have a tell? Cyclones appear sudden and they usually one shot whoever steps on it. Since it changes the ability bar rolling away from that initial hit is also clunky.

    They are not much of a problem in Elite but in Elite plus; longer the fight, more people will get KOed by them randomly.

    If they do have a tell and it didnt appear on me visually, dont mind this feedback.
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Furthermore would it be possible for these cyclones to have a mechanic name in the combat log? Currently when you stand in them it just says "The Flash damaged [Character Name] for [x damage]"
  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Regarding second boss in all versions:

    Is it intended following the Exostatic Blast phase for Oracle Bot to have approximately 7 seconds of buffed defence once her shield has disappeared? There is no green defence icon on her UI but damage you deal towards her will be mitigated during this time.
  6. Royal Knight Kiryu Well-Known Player

    The developers need to prioritize above everything else fixing the lag. The time capsule’s, potential double artifacts, the gay pride, and everything else should take a far backseat in a distant galaxy like a repressed memory. When you login, you have to completely log out of the application and play these reindeer games, half a dozen times to get it to fix itself if it does it all. You can’t play any power that has even the remote appearance, even if it’s not by definition a channeled ability. Every role whether it’s support or damage in nearly every instance on every map, even in your own bases is just littered with lag. There is literally nothing you can do in this game that isn’t deprived of joy and the simple ability to do your role without getting bogged down with lag.
  7. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    Multiboss mechanic overlap is always irritating. Last boss be doing lantern aoe under ya, hawk girl be spinning her stick at ya, and the green guy wanna mind control ya, do you die mc’d or hammered or whacked.

    Second boss is okay if visuals appear, not good when the red blue balls released and no color on the floor for where to stand at. Boss takes several seconds to take full damage after shield drops.

    Too many ads to fight in the hallways. Some get to be invincible and have to wipe in order to continue.
  8. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Elite Plus Feat Idea:

    Have a combo feat for first boss for the following (Please? :)):

    Supergirl and Avatar of Tech
    Supergirl and Avatar of Meta
    Supergirl and Avatar of Magic
    Booster Gold and Avatar of Tech
    Booster Gold and Avatar of Meta
    Booster Gold and Avatar of Magic
    Red Tornado and Avatar of Tech
    Red Tornado and Avatar of Meta
    Red Tornado and Avatar of Magic

    Also combo feat for last boss (without allowing any to be revived):

    Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter, John Stewart
    John Stewart, Hawkgirl, Martian Manhunter
    Martian Manhunter, John Stewart, Hawkgirl
  9. Stranger Committed Player

    Oracle Bot hardly possible to kill the adds in time before the explosion...
  10. imSmooshy New Player

    Why was martian manhunter's AOE attack removed? Now this raid is super easy...
  11. Miserable Dedicated Player

    I'd love an explanation for this as well. They could have reduced the range or made it blockable. What is the reasoning behind removing it altogether? Did anyone ask for this?
  12. Too Many Toons Dedicated Player

    bugs encountered..
    warning for red / blue orbs in oracle fight very iffy about showing up (many times)
    end bosses reset after 2 were downed. (once so far)
    and of course..random team members disconnecting most runs
  13. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    This is awful. Just no.
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  14. Korlick Loyal Player about....NO.
    Thats a terrible idea.

    This one is ok. I like it.
  15. Red Apple New Player

    hello, ive got issues with the gear drop, whenever i completed boss raid, i only got 360 gear, no dlc 370+ gear, its been 2 week like this, and i even run the elite raid, thinking the 370+ gear only drop from elite, i even use my replay badge, but still no dlc gear drop from both new dlc raid, is there anyone with the same situation or is it just me

    edit, ive got issues with both raid, Hall of Justice and The Command Ship
    as for the duo and alert, no problem,
  16. NovaRandom Well-Known Player

    When going after the demolition derby feat in the elite version of Hall of Justice Raid the avatar connected to booster gold has alot of mechs that dont make sense and just auto kill the group. All of his moves are one shot and theres no way to hide from them. You end up playing ring a round the rosie with the boss and never get a chance to actually dps the avatar. He seems to do a series of 3 types of attacks, a half circle flamethrower move that attacks from the front, a circle attack that shoots rockets in all directs in front of him that damages everyone in a radius, and an attack that targets one person that you cant block, cant drop off like in darkseids war factory and it seems whoever has the symbol besides the tank will always die. Thats not a thing in the game where there is absolutely no way to avoid a mech and someone just has to die, this isnt a thing for any raid in the game. Theres definitely some sort of mech missing to avoid dieing to the avatars nonstop 1 shot abilities and it definitely needs to be looked at in elite.
  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    You can ensure the playable character is behind the boss, even if that means running around it. That being said Avatar of Tech really needs some red skull icons for its devastating abilities. The red marker that goes on a player is only survivable by timing Phase Dodge around the time of impact, otherwise it's a KO in elite. It should at least be able to be blocked to ensure surviving the mechanic, or like with Darkseid's Omega Beams make it so you can pass the marker to another player or ally NPC in the fight.

    This isn't even factoring in elite plus, where Avatar of Tech will be even more devastating probably.
  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    On the flip side, Avatar of Magic (the Sub Avatar that typically spawns when Red Tornado is the first boss) is very under balanced for elite. Provided the tank aggro's it when it spawns it does nothing that really threatens the group, all of its attacks hit for trivial damage regardless of role.

    For example its Pull attack could do much more damage and require the player to block. If this attack does get buffed it may also need a red skull icon.

    A nice to have would be to have Avatar of Magic like from the Battle For Earth raids where it has his lion/eagle forms and subsequent mechanics. Outside of Avatar of Meta not having tentacles around the perimeter of the room, the other two Sub-Avatars have most of their mechanics. But this is an optional boss at the end of the day (at least for the current versions of the raid on live) so it does fall into "nice to have" and not "need to have".
  19. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Regular and Event Version

    General note - I miss the days when if anyone but the tank started the fight they were immediately slapped into next week by whatever enemy they were fool enough to attack. The way raids are made now days the enemy gives them a suggestion to not start the fight. Also when superman says "above you" what does this indicate? he said this several times during second boss and I have never seen anything above me.

    First boss - So far I have seen supergirl, red tornado, and booster gold. nothing special about this boss. Quick spank boss that runs around the room like a chicken with its head cut off. The control effects by all these bosses is over used. the bosses should stick with the tank for longer period of time. The subavatar has never been built in any runs, so I am not sure what this adds to the fight.

    Second Boss - lots of bugs. colored floor still does not appear all the time to move to the right side of the room. Event Version - I am all for this version being easy, but can not following the mechanics actually do something? For instance when players don't separate when different colors in Event one shot the offending players? It is version like this that can ignore mechanics that makes bad players.

    Final boss - John Stewart green hammer AOE spawns too often. the random spawn vortex that removes powers is annoying. This should just be removed. PS Stop stealing the players power bar. This is just annoying not challenging. Especially when there does not appear to be a way to avoid or prevent this. It is just if the vortex spawns under you , you lose your power bar. Bosses constantly running around the room is a lack luster final battle. It would have been more interesting if they perform like a role specific Alert group than just 3 random NPCs. Nothing special about this fight.
  20. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Seems as though the avatars are tied to particular Justice League members so nothing to see here anyways.