Test Discussion Episode 47: Hall of Doom Alert

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Shadoweaver, May 10, 2024.

  1. Shadoweaver Developer

    Brainiac is back, and he’s after Lex Luthor’s secret data files stored in the Hall of Doom! Join Lex to stop Brainiac from taking the files and discover his true motive.

    This is the feedback thread for the Episode 47 Alert, The Hall of Doom. Please leave feedback, thoughts, and comments on your experiences in this zone.

    Thank you, and have fun!

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  2. Stranger Committed Player

    The Feat "Turretific" is supposed to be a counter feat?
    Or is it actually 160 Turrets in one run? Because it shows no counter.
  3. KlarkKent Creator League

    Hall of Doom regular feedback

    • FPS drops are still present in alert.
    • Alert somehow keeps players in combat all the time. I assume turrets causing it. I was healing that run so I probably was in hate table all the time but even after destroying every turret we faced, I was still in combat. Makes it hard to switch armories or change abilities on the fly. It can cause issues on elite/elite+ versions.
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  4. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    also wrong renown in elite + green healing barrel

    most of the times felt like i had 10-20fps same when we had 200-300 people in open world about 2-3years ago.
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  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Hall of Doom [Elite] Feedback

    MASSIVE fps drops, primarily on 2nd and last boss. This is not related to test server but the instance itself. I have never had drops like that in other content on test


    • Health barrel in Elite Calculator-Bot boss fight
    • Are the room mechanic beams specifically tied to different boss fights? There is a red, purple and blue beam. Just wanted to confirm if its 1st boss = red only 2nd boss red and purple and 3rd boss red+purple+blue? Purple damages you and pushes you back. Would rather purple had a different effect then just damage, such as draining supercharge, just like blue drains power. Or have it apply a debuff

    With the map being modeled after Hall of Doom previous instances, the Security Turrets have always caused issues. It unnecessary added extra time because you had to destroy each one to progress and if you skipped they would keep you in combat the entire instance. These don’t serve a purpose but to annoy players and add 3-5min of duration to the alert, especially when groups run 1 dps in their group makeup. If the turrets can’t be removed entirely, just reduce their health in all modes. As if you made it to defeat 1 to open the door the other 3 would lock you in combat which would interfere with players still.

    • The slowbots immediately respawn after destroying them, multiple bots can spawn and they have quite the large health pool. This leads to the entire Parasite encounter you are slowed 100% of the time, which makes it very difficult for the tank or players in general where all you can do is roll away. This also leads to Parasite draining players to increase his healthpool, thus extending the duration of the encounter because we cannot properly avoid Parasite. There needs to be a respawn delay, and the health needs to be reduced on the Slowbots.
    • As noted above MASSIVE fps drops throughout the encounter

    Legion of Doom

    • As noted above MASSIVE dps drops throughout the encounter
    • There does not appear to be a teleporter once the encounter starts and you are outside
    • When Bane as last boss remaining he had a shield around them the remaining of the encounter, it did not seem readily apparent what effect the shield had.
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  6. RTX Well-Known Player

    I´ve checked performance aspects of this alert and the fps drops/stutters people mentioned seem to be mainly caused by the "room beam" in combination with other effects, dunno the real name, forgot to look that up.

    The Environment Artist did a good job, the map itself runs decent and stable, but the VFX Artist has to take a look at it.

    While we fighting a few more boss NPC´s in here, the amount of their attack effects scale up with the environment effects. Some of those boss attack effects already hitting harder on hardware performance as they used to back in the days, some require double hardware performance.

    Edit: This is also the case for some effects in the previous episode, where it however doesn´t hit as hard to cause massive drops (depending on hardware) could still need optimization.
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  7. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Build DCUOT.570175

    When we que up and spawn into the alert all 4 group members spawned under the floor falling, we had to warp rally to correct it.
  8. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    5 and 6 fps in the alert, during parasite and when fighting those 2 big bots... it's been a very long time see i've seen so low fps. I hope we don't see it on live server too.
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  9. Gravedigger Active Player

    Is it intended for there to be a humongous difficulty spike in Elite when Ursa is the chosen boss? She does not display a skull to even warn players when to block, while they are struggling to see thru giant lasers, getting stuck from slo bots & also fighting the lag.. she is the only 1 of the 4 that just feels really “off” with cheap non telegraphed 1 shots
  10. Gravedigger Active Player

    I was wondering why it seemed that way, only had Parasite once so far & he seemed to be getting healed out of nowhere especially when lex was hugging him during his sap attack, glad other ppl had the issue
  11. RTX Well-Known Player

    Parasite getting healed when players don´t keep max range/distance to him including the tank, meaning the whole group wanna rotate in the room close to the walls. The bots you should kill first, which is fairly easy for 2 DPS or 1 DPS and 1 Troll doing debuff.

    The other bosses at the 2nd boss fight should be either tanked in the left or right corner of the room entry, where the other 3 players of the group would stay in middle of the room entry, close to the wall to avoid the orbitals. That way the group will face 1 corner and don´t render all the orbitals inside the room, reducing frame drops/freezes and won´t get hit by them aswell as having it easier to pickup team members or support with supply drops.

    The last boss fight should be done similar, where the tank is rotating behind the table to avoid some of the damage done by bosses while facing the wall with camera, to also reduce frame drops. The other 3 players should stay at the end of the room together either left or right side at the front wall so that you either have the wall to your left or to your right, for same benefits as mentioned for 2nd boss.

    Hope this helps
  12. vRad Well-Known Player

    What's frustrating, for me and the team I've been running the alert with, is blocking does almost nothing against her eye beams. I don't know if it's lag or what, but it seems cheap to have a boss that one can do almost nothing to mitigate their damage. I've seen her burn up someone who is shielded, blocking, and standing in a philosopher stone supply drop, turning them into a crispy mess that needs revived afterward. It's completely unbalanced in the sense of giving players has a near impossible chance of escaping a boss's insta-death maneuver.

    On top of that, aside from feats, the elite duo and alert award the same amount of commendation. I'm genuinely curious to know that the idea is behind that, and how it's supposed to motivate players to run the elite alert (beyond feats). I'd rather spend the 12 replay badges to run the duo in under 10 min than chance getting parasite or ursa in the alert and it run into (at least) 30+min....