Dev Discussion Episode 45: The Terrorium Raid

Discussion in 'Developer Discussions' started by Quixotic, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Quixotic Developer

    Welcome to the feedback thread for the Episode 45 Raid, The Terrorium. DeSaad conducts his nightmarish experiments in his Terrorium and we have the misfotune of facing him on his home turf!

    This is the place for your feedback and constructive thoughts on this raid.
    Thanks and I hope you enjoy the raid!
    - Quixotic
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  2. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player


    In the elite version after DeSaad is defeated, the Nightmare Voids will still spawn in the end cutscene and will KO the group (Nightmare Void Blast) during the cutscene. These will continue to spawn thereafter, ie. as players can re-enter the encounter after the end cutscene/scoreboard they can interact with Nightmare Voids that will spawn and can still KO players.

    Not sure if this also occurs in the regular version at this stage as have yet to run the regular version.

    This was on EU server.
  3. Quixotic Developer

    I haven't been able to reproduce this so not yet sure what cause it. But I'll see what I can do to try and prevent them from continuing to spawn outside of the fight with DeSaad.

    - Quixotic
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  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    No worries! I ran the elite version of the raid three times (so far this evening), and this issue only occurred on the first run. So it isn't something that occurs on every occasion.
  5. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Is the Relentless Misery damage over time caused by pets? (Robot sidekick, pet trinkets, etc.)

    Wasn't initially sure what caused this mechanic, but in the combat log it seems to be the initial cause of the impact is via a Robot Sidekick or pet trinket. Could just be coincidence.
  6. KidKretz Committed Player

    loved the raid. played it on normal. short sweet simple, my kinda game :)

    loved the text on the screen and in my chat giving me pointers for the mechanics.

    loved the sneaky little blended in investigation, very nice!

    wiped first time thru right at the very end of the 2nd boss, was so close. not sure what took me and others out, but the next time thru nothing of the sort happened.

    glad to see save spots between the bosses, enjoyed that! woulda/coulda been a real pain if we had to go thru it all again.

    cheers and thanks!
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  7. BumblingB I got better.

    I... I am currently nauseous due to a mild migraine after running regular. I don't think I will be able to replay this raid much. At first, I thought the strobing was the problem, but I think it's the textures on the walls and who knows, the changing colors to it as well. I'm not sure, but this raid is a problem for me. A leaguemate also is having a similar feeling, though they felt better after taking a break. I'm just logging for the night.
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  8. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    Ran it twice in a row. I never have problems with this stuff, but even I felt a little swimmy headed. The orange cube seemed the worst.
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  9. farm3rb0b Committed Player

    We ran elite tonight, and I have to agree with BumblingB and EconoKnight. The green cube isn't so bad, but the orange and yellow cubes are rough. I have a major headache following this. I think it's a mix of the colors along with the moving effects on the walls. This is coming from someone who spent a lot of time in Paradox Wave with all its bright and shifting colors. This raid? Spending time in there sounds like a nightmare, and it has nothing to do with the mechanics, and everything to do with those cube colors/effects.
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  10. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    We ran the elite version yesterday. It's not as hard as I hoped it would be on day one but in general its well balanced for the elite version.
    All mechanics seemed to work as intended and it was generally quite fun.

    Im not sure how long it stays fun, but overall I'm looking forward to the E+ version in the future.

    Also, nobody in our group had any issues with the colors, although I think I can relate to the feeling others posted. I experienced it in another game with certain color/glowing effects although it was due to very cold colors in that game.
    It passed by, but it took some time to adjust to it. I still don't know what caused it back then but it's definitely gone and maybe it's also why I haven't had any issues with this raid's colors/visuals.
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  11. OneWhoLaughed Committed Player

    We ran E twice last night, both runs were smooth enough.

    Few minor bugs/unintended things/comments:
    - if static stands on one of the pools, he will spawn additional enemies, I know were supposed to trigger that mechanic as players, but is it intended for an NPC to do it?
    - the symbols need to be looked into during 3rd boss. the visibility is very poor on those and a few people couldn't see them at all.
    - is there a tell for Desaad's misery? or is it just rng?
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Is there any chance Apokoliptian Nightmare's Steel form can have a brief red skull icon tell before he does Lunging Strike, please?

    For all versions of the raid.
  13. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Feedback/Ideas for The Terrorium Elite Plus

    Based on what I have played of the raid so far:

    First boss: Nightmare Static and Nightmare Rocket

    Nightmare Static and Nightmare Rocket will buff each other if they are too close together. This includes defence, attacks etc.

    Second boss: Apokoliptian Nightmare

    This would have the most drastic change in difficulty.

    Rather than have one boss that transforms into multiple forms, there will be separate bosses, each representing the forms.

    The fight will start with Nightmare Clownsanity and Nightmare Babyface.

    When a boss gets to 20% health, a random third sub boss will spawn, out of Nightmare Grail, Nightmare Steel and Nightmare Supergirl. When another boss gets to 20% health, another sub boss will spawn.

    A total of 4 subbosses will be available in the entire fight. It would be recommended not to have too many out at the same time due to various mechanics and the size of the room.

    Scornful Blast will still be as frequent as in other versions of the raid, and will not increase in frequency due to more Apokoliptian Nightmares. This will primarily be used by the sub boss with the higher health.


    Nightmare Clownsanity will gain a Spike Wave ability.

    Nightmare Babyface’s Primary Attack will leave a fire AOE on the ground for players who are hit directly by the primary attack. This fire AOE will deal considerable damage over time, however it won’t interrupt players trying to interact with Nightmare Voids, and those players will take reduced damage from the fire AOE.

    Nightmare Grail will gain her Omega Execute damage check from FGSe, however it won’t be as steep as that boss encounter.

    Nightmare Steel will spawn a spinning hammer, which will follow a player for a time (the targeted player will have a red arrow). This will do damage and knockback to affected players (Spinning Cleave) - similar to The Merciless in SWE. The spinning hammer will disappear after a time.

    Nightmare Supergirl’s Cold Breath will encase and hard stun some players in ice. When that player breaks out they will do large AOE damage to nearby players. The Cold Breath will be stronger and have a further range than in other versions of the raid.

    Players who stand in a Pool of Nightmares will receive a heal debuff on impact. If that player stands on the Pool of Nightmares for 2 seconds or more they will also receive a damage debuff.

    Last boss: DeSaad

    During the symbol phase, if two players with different symbols stand too close to each other, they will arc raidwide damage over time to the whole group. If too many players do this this may cause KOs or even a group wipe. This will be similar to the Exostatic proximity mech from CTe last boss. Furthermore if a single player is KO’d from the symbol phase as a result of Terrorium Torment, the entire group will gain one layer of heal debuff for a time. If this happens on subsequent occasions the group will receive further heal debuffs. These heal debuffs can only be cleansed by being hit by Terror Snare.

    Nightmare DeSaad will be his own optional sub boss alongside DeSaad. Furthermore if Nightmare DeSaad’s Charge impacts a player it will leave a dark fire field AOE on the ground over the fallen player which will last for approximately 5 seconds.

    If Nightmare DeSaad is stood too close to DeSaad it will buff DeSaad’s defence.

    Three Nightmare Voids will spawn at a time rather than two when DeSaad is at 25% health or lower.
  14. Maxwill Dedicated Player

    Dome feats are bugged, both normal and elite. we tried, we disbanded, we wiped, we even stopped using pets, and feat didn't pop
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  15. Korlick Loyal Player

    Run the Elite version today and, at the last boss fight, after a few wipes, the room started to switch colors constantly. Wasnt as fast as the flashing change that was present when the raid hit the test server, but it was really really annoying.
    And it was during that fight alone.

    Those who are having issues just by the regular color of the room suffer this problem...theyre in for bad bad ride.
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  16. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Regarding the changing colour of the room - was this a design choice or is there a mechanic tied to it? Either a current mechanic or one meant for e+ in the future that isn't in the other versions?

    Thought I'd ask as a few players have mentioned about it in the thread now.
  17. Quixotic Developer

    These will be fixed in the next hotfix.
    - Quixotic
  18. SilkyPawz Bunny

    We had the same issue we had some that had an issue with some colors others with all colors this isn't something a lot of us in my league even want to run anymore, the moving effects and color changes, why couldn't it be plain see through and with stars and planets like your floating in space this cube after awhile is just awful on the eyes.
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  19. Proxystar #Perception

    Yeah, I wasn't sure about this raid as didn't run it much on test, but I was in there for a first try today and I thought the coloring in there and ripple and lighting effects would be okay, but damn was I wrong.

    This is a visual atrocity that just leaves the player with a migraine, yeah, dial this back, please I mean imagine if someones color blind or prone to seizures this is just terrible, not a fan and not feeling that pleased after the run. I don't know how much I'll be running this thing if it's left like this, all I can say is the least amount of times possible and I'll probably just leave feats behind too if it means being in there for any lengthy period.

    Also I can't say I'm a fan of these NPC's that need to be CC'd to prevent a mechanic when that NPC is also susceptible to immunity mechanics that simply make it for an RNG Christmas Russian Roulette experience, where's the pistol, let's just chuck some random bullets in the barrel, well done lads.

    Can't say I was impressed, just being honest.
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  20. AZPrime Active Player

    Feedback for The Terrorium Elite here, but I'm sure some of it likely applies to the other difficulties as well;

    In general the idea if the walls having visual parity with the bosses can be good on paper, but in practice it makes some already tense fights worse because it impacts how players can react to information. I already heard of a couple of players with colorblindness having intense difficulty seeing the screen with the bosses' affects being put up against glowing green and yellow walls and floors. Others have reported eye strain after running this raid as well. Also, this appears to be an issue across the entirety of the raid but some of the messaging tends not to show up for everyone at the same time. In some cases it only came up after the mechanic had already happened.

    In regards to Nightmare Static and Nightmare Rocket, some of their VFX can be difficult to make out, especially with the room changing colors to match. The dome in particular can be very hard to see from any significant distance, and especially if it happens to spawn anywhere near the bosses. Some of Nightmare Static's attacks can end up overlapping and causing wipes, especially with Taser Punch and the dome happening almost at the same time.

    The Apokoliptian Nightmare was fine overall, though I think having a message pop up when it changes form to tell players who it transformed into would go a long way in making it easier to tell what the boss is going to do when a skull pops up.

    DaSaad is by far the worst. His combat mechanics are fine but the problem lies in the mechanics around him. The puzzle on the floor is hard to see, given the light orange symbols on a green floor, and the symbols that show up above player's heads, aside from being far too small, can sometimes bug out and not show up, causing problems. The adds that come out to spawn others can be very finnicky in when they want to be pulled or not. Also, the green coloring of the floor can be very annoying when contrasted with other effects of the same color, like the green circles from EoG or certain supply drops.
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