Test Discussion Episode 41: Call For Allies Mission

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Quixotic, Aug 6, 2021.

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  1. Quixotic Developer

    After you tour the House of Legends, Cyborg has exciting news for you. But first he needs your help investigating an ominous message he received.

    This thread is for feedback on the Call For Allies mission and instance. Let us know your feedback and if into any problems with the mission. Note the known issues - we'll get them addressed as quickly as possible.

    - Quixotic

    Known Issues:
    • The "Open Allies UI" mission stage cannot be completed. Waiting on code support for the mission to know this has been done.
    • For Villains, the mission stage to "Use Ally: Calculator-Bot item from your inventory" does not complete. This will be fixed in the next update to PC Test. You should wait for that update before using your Ally: Calculator-Bot item.
    • If a Villain purchase Calculator-Bot or a Hero purchase Oracle-Bot before completing this mission, they won't be able to use the Ally given as part of this mission and progress the mission. Fix is underway.
  2. Cypher Well-Known Player

    First issue, if you pick up the Ally Box from the vendor and collect Calculator Bot, you cannot complete the mission because he is already collected and won't progress.
    Would suggest leaving Calculator bot out of the vendor box.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

  4. Eve YouTuber

    Same thing happened with Oracle bot ally(Not sure if random or faction based but yeah)
  5. Cypher Well-Known Player

    Yah, Hero side fails to complete if you collect Oracle Bot before the mission, and villain fails if you collect Calculator Bot before the mission with Cyborg. Wonder if it's the same thing that they had for known issues.
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  6. Spyeedy Active Player

    • Looks like there is no dialogue for Cyborg during the "status update", there were no subtitles for Cyborg before we enter the Dark Multiverse Batcave. I'm unable to confirm if there were audio
    • I'm unable to proceed for "Open Allies Menu"
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  7. Kestral Committed Player

    You might want to move Cyborg a bit farther from the portal I qued him at least 3 times trying to enter.
  8. FazlaBakmaKafaYapar Active Player

    [COLOR=var(--neutralprimary)][Daybreak Games] Re: Test Server Mission Bug[/COLOR]

    [COLOR=var(--neutraldark)][COLOR=var(--themeprimary)]İletiyi şu dile çevir: Türkçe
    | [COLOR=var(--themeprimary)]Şu dilden hiçbir zaman çevirme: Ingilizce

    [COLOR=var(--neutralprimary)]Daybreak Games <support@daybreakgames.com>
    [COLOR=var(--neutralsecondary)]8.08.2021 Paz 03:28


    • Siz

    Your request (996026) has been updated. To add additional comments, reply to this email.

    GM Aurora Cloud (Daybreak Games)
    Aug 7, 2021, 5:28 PM PDT
    Greetings ***********************,

    Thanks for contacting Player Support. I am afraid that we do not provide assistance for issues regarding content on the test server.

    Please report any bugs or issues on the test server to the correct section of the forums:
    [Testing Feedback] https://forums.daybreakgames.com/dcuo/index.php?forums/testing-feedback.13/

    If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know. Thanks for playing DCUO!

    GM Auroracloud
    Daybreak Games

    Aug 7, 2021, 5:15 PM PDT
    Merhaba. test sunucusunda görevim olmuyor. Lütfen yardımcı olur musunuz?
    Mission Name: Use Ally: Oracle-Bot in your Inventory and add them as an Ally
    Daha önceden hepsini satın almıştım ''Vendor'' 'dan. Zaten hepsine sahibim. Ama görev kabul etmiyor.


    This email is a service from Daybreak Games.
  9. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    The Mission is fine.... even fun to fight the EEViLLL Batman Who Laugh. ;)

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