Test Discussion Episode 40: Flashpoint Gotham City (Open World)

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Charon, Apr 2, 2021.

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  1. Charon Lead Content Designer


    Welcome to Flashpoint Gotham City.

    For Episode 40 we have the following for you:
    • 4 Daily Missions that can be completed doing multiple activities related to their primary objective.
    • 2 Weekly Missions:
      • An open world boss weekly where you confront Doomsday. This open world boss is more in line with the Anniversary Bosses rather than the Bosses in Legion and Wonderverse.
      • A Bounty weekly where you fight the bounties for the lion share of the points or you can solo down their minions throughout the map to get points towards this weekly.

    Please leave feedback and bug reports here. All of Content Design pitched in to help out here as everyone was working on elite versions of all the things, so we'll all be checking this thread and addressing issues for our related content.

    Thanks and enjoy the World of Flashpoint!
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Open world seems to be big, a lot to explore and to do. I like that we have again multiple quests to same NPC. (If I understand correctly). The idea of letting us solo if we don't want to go in a group is great and appreciated for those who prefer to go solo on things. I only played a little bit, but everything seemed to be fine and haven't seen any issues at all. I will come back again tomorrow to see if I found any issues. But overall this open world is well done!
  3. Drewbolt Greatest Healer of this Generation

    If you position yourself behind Flashpoint Penguin, you can see through his mouth all the stuff behind him. I can take a screen shot if necessary.
  4. whitemouthgag New Player

    Hello. I noticed on the right side of the rally point, on the street level, there was something odd about the cars. There were cars merged with other cars, one was even glitching a little (the color or detail didn't load or something), and they weren't moving. I took a quick photo of it.
  5. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    So I want to add after finishing all open world missions:
    The 100 mission where you can either solo or do big bosses in group (I saw a few but won't reveal ;) )
    There are groups of about 5 NPC's you can beat (Atlanteans and Amazons) but I think the damage output they do is abit high for an open world event. Depends on player experience and loadout, they either burn fast or take time to kill, and with that many adds that hits 5x you can die pretty easily. Just for personal opinion I think open world adds should hit less hard, especially in big groups of adds.
  6. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Switch phase seems like an excellent idea. One note; when the U/I pops up the print is too small to read. Increase the size of the U/I box (could fill the screen if necessary) to make the font much bigger.
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  7. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    So only 1 world boss & no more world boss currency? Unfortunate. Getting the alt currencies made it easier to use only 1 toon to get vendor items instead of using all your alts.
  8. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    Do only v40.0 mods drop? Then you have to craft v1 to v4?

    270 Wayne Chips to buy all plans is not a welcome change compared to using world boss currency to buy v4 mods as it was in Legion.
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  9. DoctorP2 Well-Known Player

    One little glitch I noticed. When trying to teleport into the Flashpoint open world using my base teleporter, two "World of Flashpoint" locations appear under "Urgent Warfronts," and both drop you outside of the open world area.
  10. Captain1Dynamo Committed Player

    This is an EXCELLENT change:

    • A Bounty weekly where you fight the bounties for the lion share of the points or you can solo down their minions throughout the map to get points towards this weekly.

    Naturally a player can still complete the mission accidentally by just doing the daily missions every day, but having the ability to get this counting-type Weekly done very quickly is a great option.
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  11. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Penguin seems to be posing as if he's leaning with his hands on a cane (or umbrella more likely), but there's nothing there. It's very awkward looking.
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  12. FreyDCUO Well-Known Player

    Flashpoint Ocean Master is using the old model. Not sure if intended or not.
  13. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    Probably intended to match his Flashpoint appearance:
  14. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Intended. I thought I'd be clever and try to match them up. Hawkgirl, Ocean Master, and Huntress all use older models that better match their Flashpoint art.
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  15. Proxystar #Perception

    Hi Charon,

    There's something a little weird going on with the new 'Phase Switch' feature.

    You can use the feature to swap between the PVP and PVE Phase, but when you do so it isn't triggering and activating the PVP Flag.

    Alternatively if you were already in the PVP Phase if you switch to a PVE phase then it leaves your PVP Flag on.

    If you're going to allow switching on the fly like this between PVE and PVP Phase then the flag should activate and deactivate accordingly.

    I'm sure some people might like to jump in to the PVP phase and be immune to player combat but that defeats the purpose of the phase, if you venture to the PVP phase then it should be open season and you're free game :)

    It may also be worth putting a warning on it so that if people are going to switch to PVP they're appropriately warned, like the new text box with the big red warning you've put on the phaseshifter :)

    If you could look in to this that would be awesome, thanks.
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  16. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I'll pass it along to Engineering. Thanks.

    EDIT - from said Engineering - "Right now I've got it so that it will only send down the mode you're currently in. So if you're in pve, you'll only see pve phases. In pvp you'll only see pvp phases." That should role out in an update soon.
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  17. Proxystar #Perception

    Thanks Charon, It would be cool if you can actually switch between pvp and pve, just needs the flag to go on, maybe something for the future :D
  18. Charon Lead Content Designer

    I think we'd like to have that but with the restriction on time lines we're shipping with this and can see about that improvement later as the feature evolves.
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  19. MsTickle Fate Devoted Player

    That's always been the case with cars since forever. Mostly cars bump, but sometimes they just ghost and merge. Goes back to the beginning of the game and has never been fixed or addressed.
  20. Kaegrin Well-Known Player

    Definitely doesn't mean it shouldn't be addressed now.
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