Dev Discussion Episode 37: The Clock Tower (Raid)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    I stand here with the others to find out why this has changed.
  2. StephDaw New Player

    Immunity IS a mechanic of the game. Immunity is often used to protect the group, like merciless' suck in in PCe last boss. It was previously used for Oracle bot's skull. It's up to the tank to figure out when to use it. Like in USe for the electricity, to prevent a knock back. We had some people get knocked back into a nuke. One tank refused to use immunity. That was a personal choice for the tank, and encouraged the group's awareness, but it was a choice. If it can be and should be used to protect the group, why now should they remove it or disable it? There is no way to avoid it besides immunity. Blocking does not work. CTe is already difficult enough for the average player. Federation league spent 3 hours in CTe AFTER the update and they did not beat it. Because it's easy for you, and you choose not to use it, doesn't mean it is easy for others, nor that it's being "abused". Using an immunity does not avoid mechanics, it can avoid ONE, if timed properly. I've seen many tanks fail at this. There is also a cooldown, so it's not infinite immunities. You can't use an immunity for the skull and the teleport. It's one or the other. And what about breakout trinket? It can be used to cut animations and avoid mechanics. I watch many dpses use it for oracle's skull.
  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Canary’s knockback attack is a bit unfair in normal. No warning just 100k damage out of nowhere.
  4. DamageControlPS Active Player

    Fix this raid already you let enough people get their feats and headlines, now you can bring back the actual raid please if you don’t mind would be great
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  5. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Agreed. We long for mechanics that actually require good execution and that's what we got. Ppl only wanting Elite gear can spam Brimstone for all I care. If someone can't cope with placing some circles (which isn't really hard) they should stick to only caring about how blueish or redish the next guy or gal is in normal and leave it at that. This only for 3 more marks per week for some people but at the same time sh*ting on the ppl who actually care about a challenge is not cool.

    That is, only if this is indeed an intended change. If not, just revert it asap, even though the damage is already done. So many people now being smug about how this raid really wasn't that difficult while being stuck in there for hours the weeks before... it's nauseating, really.
    And for the next patch, if this is a bug, before each update, hop into your own elite raids of the last few episodes, devs, and see if anything changed for the worse. Thanks.
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  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Another thing I notice after GU104 is I have started crashing mid-raid more often here (this is in the elite version). So I'll be in the middle of getting hallway adds or damaging a boss and then my game will completely freeze (I will still be able to be on voice chat however and hear what is being said). Then of course I have to relog.
  7. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    During the first boss fight, is it intended for the electricity ground DoT to kill tanks waaaaaay faster than other roles? When DPSing or trolling, when I get a green arrow I can go on top of an already existing one and block for 3-4 seconds until I’ve layed mine down and then roll out with no problem. In tank role It kills me in 1.5 seconds or less, even with hard light shield and hitting my supply drop. Even with really good ST burners focusing on the drones, not being able to stack those electric field DoT’s quickly erases usable space, especially if the idea is to keep them separated.
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