Dev Discussion Episode 37: The Clock Tower (Raid)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, Apr 16, 2020.

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  1. Quixotic Developer

    I found that there was a periodic gap in the protection now and then that lasted about a second or so. Should be resolved in the next hotfix.

    - Quixotic
  2. Quixotic Developer

    In the next hotfix, I delay the immunity from triggering a field until right before the field drops.

    - Quixotic
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  3. Stephen Nix Well-Known Player

    How soon till we get that hot fix? ^

    Also is there a way you could look into the pulse bots being adjusted somehow. My attempts have been the same over and over, pulse bots come out and we get the 2nd tank to hold it and lunge it but its never enough, the pulse bots just do too much damage.
  4. Juggurnaut Level 30

    Has anyone beat this raid since the pulse bots were “patched”? I’d love to see how it’s done. What is the mechanic at the last fight anyway? The pulse bot shows the lunge-able symbol, but you can’t lunge him fast enough. Even if you continuously lunge him the group still takes damage. Not to mention he’s not very susceptible to stuns. Chronic only seem to work once if at all. How are you supposed to continue to lunge him when the pool you drop is the opposite color? There’s been times where I roll from my pool and try to pull the pulse bot and he doesn’t move. We are using two tanks and still can’t seem to figure out this mechanic. It doesn’t make any sense. We’re supposed to cc them, but they are immune from the cc? Earthen grip only stuns on the initial pull of the bot and doesn’t work for stunning after that. Only lunges seem to work and as I’ve stated the group still takes damage. Also, why are there 2 bots? One has shield drones and is untouchable, but why is it there? It makes it even harder to pull the correct bot and if you do get the correct bot you have all of 4 seconds before the group is dead. Many times I’ve attempted to pull the shielded bot on accident and by the time I can target the correct bot he’s already killed the group.
  5. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    From personal experience, the pulse bots become quite a nuisance for the group if everyone doesn't have their augments up to 17, since the one w/ shield drones will not be lungeable for a period of time. This may be the reason why your group wipes so quickly. Even then, it is still doable w/o augments, as the group should communicate where each pulse bot is so one can be pulled and lunged immediately. Having a tank or even another role lunge the pulse bot that doesn't have shield drones prevents a wipe for the first 10 seconds, until the shield drones on the other pulse bot are dead. During this time, it's on the healer(s) to keep the group up through the damage taken from the shielded pulse bot, and on the dps's to take the shield drones down. You may drop orbitals on shield drones if you choose to. After that, the tank holds both and cc's/lunges as needed and people will just need to worry about pools. Cc'ing and lunging them has been doable since release. The change that was made was that one bot won't be cc'd or lunged until the shield drones are dead. After the shield drones are dead, it's the same fight as before the update. Anyone is able to lunge clip the pulse bots btw, technically. If a tank needs help, the group can most definitely help, especially the dps's.
  6. Stranger Committed Player

    Is it possible to place a teleporter at entrance to last boss (when reached once)?
    Since you're making the last boss harder and harder... and ppl keep crashing at last boss -> for the untrapped resources feat
  7. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    You gotta kill the shielding drones before you can lunge the other pulse bot.Thats why you take too much damage.
  8. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    But why should there be an immunity to pools in the first place?Standing in an opposite colour pool for more than 2 seconds should wipe the group everytime, except when someone changes colour while already standing in a pool which also gives immunity.
  9. Happy® New Player

    This raids needs a buff maybe a 3th pool or something plus this pool immunity and tank immunity issue need to fix people abuse it most of groups stack pools and stay in pools all the time tanks use immunity in teleport phase and no one get teleported to boss so they avoide machanics whats to point of playing that raid if u just abuse and try to avoide machanics of raid
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  10. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I tested stacking pools yesterday after the latest hotfix. I was Blue, the other guy was blue too. I rushed next to him before the pools spawned. As i spawned my pool right next to him, he was already standing inside of it, triggering it instantly and wiping the Group.

    Idk what stacking or immunity you're referring to. o_O

    If you mean the immunity after deploying your own pool, try using Combo abilities with long animations. If the immunity duration gets shortened, its going to end up like the Meteor at 1st boss of Shattered Gotham Elite, where, if you used channelled or long animated abilities, youre 100% dead.

    Imo it feels good the way it is now. Since there is not even a special reward to this raid, 95% of Players will avoid it anyway since Fire & Brimstone is way more conveniant to farm marks/ renown/ elite base items.
  11. Happy® New Player

    this is what i mean people can freely walk on first pool its shouldnt be like this its should be one shot no matter what if u touch that first pool or second until they gone and if tank use immunitiy when boss doing teleport machanic no one get teleported that also another issue this two things make raid more easier
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  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    this was pre hotfix. You cant do that anymore since yesterday. This Video was made 2 or 3 days ago.

    I agree on the Teleport immutity Topic, but if they remove it, blocking should prevent the Tp. Otherwise its too annoying for tanks to keep the boss, 2 pool Locations the Tp Animation and bots all together.
  13. Happy® New Player

    Bro you are main healer let main tanks decide that i have no issue stuning two drons put my pools to right place and check skull attacks coming forum boss as tank thats what you should do anyway
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  14. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    The thing is last boss doesnt have any artificial difficulty for the tank,meaning the tank wont die because the boss dealing too much damage,or adds hitting too hard.If the tank can manage not to lose focus nothing will go wrong which is a legit standard for elite.If the tank isnt suit for that type of gameplay then 2 tanks strategy also works.
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  15. John zero New Player

    if your tank places his pools in the right spots there is no problems with the teleport, you see it coming you can react. We need mechanics that make the fight a fight, idk why we here asking for nerfs trying to remove mecahnics by making them negatable. Mans be running 2 heals and have a dps just sit there lunge the add yet asking for changes like how much more help does the tank and grp need after that no need more free gifts. For once lets try deal with it insted of having it changed. Let the fight be annoying and hard thats what elite raids need.
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  16. zChaos New Player

    The oracle boss sometimes decides to cancel her pool animation half way through and lunge to you just when you are about to place your pool. Now you have your pool under the boss. It takes 1 teleport for someone a different colour of your pool to cause a wipe. So even placing your pools right and keeping a good distance consistently the boss randomly breaks out her pool animation and lunges just a second before you are about to place your pool . Is this intended?
  17. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    I kinda feel like first boss on the villain side is missing something in the elite version. It is interesting running villain instance compared to hero instance. On hero side you have to watch out for Catwoman's lunges on her second skull (when she does the two skulls back to back (and most likely block). On villain side there's no real threat to a non-tank in the group besides the ORCL drones and the electric AOEs to be placed when a group member has a green arrow above their head. With sufficient healing, placing the electric field AOE in a corner of room and if DPS focus on killing drones when they appear, first boss is really not hard at all on villain side.

    Maybe Black Canary could hit harder, or direct her attacks more towards the rest of the group? She was a much tougher boss in the Harley's Heist duo and even the Starro alert she posed a decent challenge relative to the other iconic encounters.
  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Is it intended for Oracle to only give two players pools in the elite version of the raid now? At first I thought it was invisible pools but no she only gives 2 players the pools to place now. Just wanted to confirm if that is intended.
  19. spack2k Steadfast Player

    If this is intended this raid became a bigger joke than the other one...
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  20. John zero New Player

    Hi Quixotic the new uptade broke the raid elite version, only 2 people get the pools and pretty much feel like the normal version now. Can ypu please change it back to pre recent uptade. Thank you
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