Dev Discussion Episode 36: The Phoenix Cannon (Raid)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Quixotic, Dec 5, 2019.

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  1. spack2k Steadfast Player

    The Laser/Heatvision attack of The Drowned does sometimes a double tick of dmg killing anyone in range, when it hits the tank its especially painful, i assume its intended to survive this attack by blocking right ?
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  2. Eve Creator League, YouTuber

    Event Version, feedback from a friend:
    After you defeat all the dark knights, the room glitches and nothing happens. They tried go back to the start to maybe get it to reset,
    but nothing happened so they had to disband.

    I will try get more information about the fight (If something unusual happened during the fight that might have caused it)
  3. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    The load screen entering The Phoenix Cannon (Elite) is kinda buggy. Every time I've run this today I disconnect mid load screen, and most of my group have as well.
  4. Quixotic Developer

    Correct - block or avoid to survive. I've also made a change that should do a better job of preventing a double tick of damage.
    - Quixotic
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  5. Quixotic Developer

    Do you know when they experienced that? Was it before or after the Saturday morning update? I'm hoping it happened before the update and the changes I made prevent that from happening or, if nothing else, makes sure that loot drops.

    Otherwise, I need to look for something else that can cause it. I'll start digging into it just in case.
    - Quixotic
  6. Quixotic Developer

    I've reported this to our engineering team. They're looking into it.
    - Quixotic
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  7. DIIV New Player


    About the tethered beam in Elite version, player not doing it because it does not one-shot anymore. It was much more fun and challenging before if the bug does not happening.
    Just so you know before you nerf the tethering dmg, the bug happen alot only after we kill the 3rd boss, when the Light Crystal Ring Phase is happening.
    My league and ! found away to make the bug happen less by activated the Light Ring thing before we kill the 3rd boss. The order we did at that time was Drowned, Merciless, Red Dearth, Dawnbreaker. We always able to complete the raid that way without that tethering bugged.

    Pls re-apply the one-shot on that tethering beam and try to fix it at same time. The raid feels like regular version without that thing one-shotted.
  8. Quixotic Developer

    I've restored deadly damage to the Tether in the elite version. Along with that, the Tether now transforms it's two targets into Metal Skeletons. Run to the other Metal Skeleton to defuse the explosion. The Tether FX is still there and will hopefully appear the majority of the time (if not all the time), but that part hasn't changed...I have no way to guarantee that the FX will be shown.

    Whether the FX is seen or not, you will always see two Metal Skeletons and they should run to one another. I wish I had thought of something like that a month ago...

    This should be in the next update. Let me know how it goes.

    - Quixotic
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  9. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    There's a bug with the tether which makes it impossible to clean it sometimes.
    The FX is working,but you can still die because the mechanic itself doesnt work...
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  10. Quixotic Developer

    I haven't been able to reproduce it not clearing when close to the other person. In my tests, it always clears the tether. Notice anything different from the norm when it doesn't work?
    - Quixotic

    Edit: I just thought of a possible race condition (meaning if two things that are expected to happen get slightly out of sync or happen in an unexpected order) that might cause this. I've been investigating this for a while now, and hopefully this is the breakthrough I've been looking for.
  11. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    We've also encountered this issue several times. I'm all or the damage of tether going back to what it originally was, however my issue is that even when both parties come together, the tether still doesn't clear and the damage goes off. I'll try to get a video of it.
  12. GoDeacs Well-Known Player

    In Elite when if you enter a small orb before the big one explodes, it doesn’t always give you protection. You could be standing inside the actual orb and run around it to proc it but it just wouldn’t give it to you. The most annoying and frustrating mechanic that works 75% of the time. Needs to be working 100% of the time. If you made it and standing by yourself inside the orb you should get immunity from the explosion and not just hope for the best. So unreliable...
  13. Healing Juice Active Player

    All the bosses are doing their one shot mechanic at once now after first boss dies. Did y’all ninja buff the raid or is it bugged?
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  14. spack2k Steadfast Player

    The tether mechanic still not working as intended, maybe we should come to a compromise at this point and let the damage be 90% of players hp instead of 100% ...
  15. Quixotic Developer

    You need to stand near a small orb when it explodes to be protected from the large one. Just running to it or through it won't do need to be there when a small one explodes. The timer is telling you when that will happen.

    - Quixotic
  16. Quixotic Developer

    In the Elite version, most of them should have always started using those abilities after one Dark Knight falls.

    - Quixotic
  17. Quixotic Developer

    I'm hopeful that I found the cause for that yesterday. That fix should get updated today or tomorrow.

    I say "hopeful" because I haven't been able to reproduce that bug, which means that I can't really verify that I fixed it. When I don't see it happening in testing, I don't have a way of knowing if it just didn't happen that time or if it's fixed.

    The condition I fixed makes sense, though, so I'm reasonably confident that it was the problem. And if not, I'll reduce the damage again in Elite (to 90% or something) while I keep looking.

    - Quixotic
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  18. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    The game is still crashing when people enter this instance. I don't know how it looks on PC, but on PlayStation it's a "blue screen" that happens as we load into the instance. This happens every time to some people in the groups, but not always the same person. For instance, it's only happened to me once, but I've seen people disconnect at the very beginning every time I've entered.
  19. Quixotic Developer

    I've passed your message along to our production and engineering teams. They have been trying to find the cause of that crash.

    - Quixotic
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  20. Healing Juice Active Player

    It wasn’t like that before the hotfix. I don’t see how you’re supposed to get to dawnbreaker’s green ring while being pulled by merc and either red death or drowned using their one shot mechanic too. If you block the pull, you can’t run to the ring. If you run to the ring, you get pulled across the map. It’s a no-win situation now.
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