Test Discussion Episode 36: The Phoenix Cannon Raid

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Quixotic, Nov 22, 2019.

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  1. Quixotic Developer

    Welcome to the testing feedback thread for the Metal Part II: The Phoenix Cannon Raid.

    The Thanagarians are threatening to blow up the Earth with their ultra-powerful Phoenix Cannon. They think that will save their world from the Dark Multiverse. We need to convince them that they're wrong...that there's another way!

    Please post comments and feedback for this raid, and be sure to let me know which version you were playing: event, normal, or elite.

    Thank you!
    - Quixotic

    Known Issues:
    - Balance pass continues
  2. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report
    It is possible for the bosses to get stuck in between the consoles. On our first attempt, the Drowned got stuck. Here is a screenshot from geoforcee100:

    You could DPS her down a little bit, but she would always Evade glitch back up to full health. We had to wipe because of that bug.
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  3. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report
    The metal pools have some graphical glitches:

    The NPC appeared for a fraction of a second, disappeared, and reappeared again.
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  4. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Is the Ring of Light supposed to have some sort of visual effect?

    All people saw were the timers. That Ring of Light can easily backfire on you. Dawnbreaker can nuke the group with an Orbtial Strike just as the timer is about to expire.

    What is the "Speed Force Corruption" supposed to look like?

    There are a lot of effects going off in this fight and you aren't exactly sure what is what.

    I know there are also some warnings related to Tethering, but I wasn't sure what the tell for that was supposed to be. Sometimes I saw some red spikes on my character's feet. Sometimes I saw a red arrow over my head. Sometimes I saw a pulsing red aura on another player. There was one time I saw a pulsing red beam being directed at me:

    What exactly was going on there? I didn't see that effect at any other point in the fight.
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  5. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Can Dawnbreaker's Orbital Strike sound effect be changed to something else? It sounds too much like the player Orbital Strike. So you're never sure if someone else is firing off an Orbital Strike or if you need to be looking out for Dawnbreaker's attack.
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  6. Quixotic Developer

    Let's see:
    • I'll see what I can do about the bosses getting stuck on the consoles. I have a couple of ideas I'll try.
    • The "metal pool glitch" is a side effect of their spawn animation. They aren't really disappearing...they blink in very briefly when spawned before the animation kicks in. Because that animation has them "crawling out of the ground" the offset is greater than usual. I'm not sure what I can do about it other than choose a different animation. I'll see what others around here think on Monday.
    • Yes, there should be a "ring of light" FX for Dawnbreaker's Dark Construct Eruption. I'll look into why it isn't playing.
    • I also need to adjust the timing of the mechanics in the Dark Knights fight so that they play better together (example: no orbital strike while the Dawnbreaker's Dark Construct Eruption, the ring you need to stand in, is up). Still needs a good bit of tuning and better pacing.
    • Speed Force Corruption is a red speed force fx on the player. Kind of like tendrils of red electricity.
    • Tethering should appear as a pulsing red beam connecting two players. The one in your video. Run to the other player to stop from blowing everyone up.
    • The red arrow over your head is for a debuff that snares (slows) anyone near you.
    • I'll look into the sound effect on Dawnbreaker's orbital strike, but it may be too late to change it. I'll see if I can find other options if that is true.
    - Quixotic
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  7. Penryn The Gadgeteer


    1. I'm not so sure the Speed Force Corruption FX is being displayed correctly. I didn't see anything in my videos that looked like tendrils of red electricity.

    2. Should the Tethering mechanic still be happening even after Red Death has been defeated? I saw the tether mechanic happen once near the end of the fight long after he had been knocked out.

    3. What is causing the knockback in this video?

    The knockback occurs at 2 seconds, 17 seconds, and 32 seconds.

    I got a DoT placed on me at 7 seconds from something. Not sure what though.
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  8. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    On the first boss fight of this Raid in Elite mode, the Message about the Energy anomalies (Big red Energy) is displayed in big red text, but only for the first time of every attempt. After that its not displayed anymore. Is this intended?
  9. Eve YouTuber

    Feedback from my other thread:
    Tethering didn't show who to go to.
    And neither we saw any tether.
    Bosses healing - not sure if intended.
    Bosses getting stuck so they don't participate in fight then completely heal during a fight.
    Dawnbreaker sometimes don't participate in the fight, he just stands there.
  10. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


    Last Boss fight: As we started, The drowned was behaving normally, but after the 2nd Sub-boss died, she froze on the spot and was unattackable. We had to disband since everything reseted except the bosses.
  11. DIIV New Player

    The Phoenix Cannon (Elite)

    The Tetthering pulse beam (bug) it does not appear after we kill Red Death, We can see the arrow pointing on player..but there is no beam connected between 2 player. The Boss order we about to do/doing is Drowned, Red Death, Merciless, Dawnbreaker.
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  12. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    it seem to not be a mechanic of Red death. It didnt Show for us aswell and we tried all other combinations. The Arrow should be a different mechanic as Quixotic said.

    The Tether is always beginning whenever the 2nd Subboss dies.
  13. Cyro Committed Player

    i disagree, he just floats there doing nothing ;p

    Constant stuns the whole fight was very annoying as a tank

    Tether seems to happen too often and not sure how to solve it seems unclear
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  14. Eve YouTuber

    Yeah, I was looking for a proper word but couldn't find it. "Float" it is lol
  15. Quixotic Developer

  16. Quixotic Developer

    Most of the hints are only shown the first time a mechanic appears.

    - Quixotic
  17. Quixotic Developer

    • The Tether should be a pulsing beam between two players, which would show you who to go to. I'll look into it.
    • The remaining Dark Knights heal a bit every time one of them is knocked out.
    • How or where are the Bosses getting stuck? Is it the same as Penryn posted with the consoles?
    • Dawnbreaker is sooo lazy. I'll whip him into shape.
    - Quixotic
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  18. Quixotic Developer

    The arrow is a different mechanic...a dark energy snare that will slow other nearby players...and not connected to the Tether. But I'm looking into the Tether beam not appearing.

    - Quixotic
  19. Quixotic Developer

    If this is only happening with the Drowned, sounds like something is wonky with her. I'll make sure she doesn't have something unexpected going on in her ai.

    - Quixotic
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  20. Quixotic Developer

    • Do you know the source of the stuns? Some mechanics have knockbacks, but none of the primary mechanics have a stun.
    • I'm looking into the Tether.
    - Quixotic
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