Dev Discussion Episode 36 - Metal Pt II: Into the Dark Multiverse

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by TLantern, Dec 5, 2019.

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  1. nawanda Loyal Player

    So is your insistence that there is no way to avoid being KO’ed in normal when people are earning a NO DEATH feat in ELITE.
  2. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    If others have already posted about it, I'd like to add my name on the list of people who've had their game crash when going through the portal to get cards. PlayStation player.
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  3. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Every portal/teleport in this game is a crash risk.
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  4. TLantern Well-Known Player

    How frequent is the crash? Are you the only one you know of that crashes?
  5. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Few of my leaguemates crash in the portal. It's quite annoying
  6. zor ile Well-Known Player

    pc does it also unless that got fixed
  7. ROOTE Well-Known Player

    Truth, it's always somewhat of a relief when the loading screen passes lol!
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  8. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    i posted earlier in thread about this! Every time i run DM, me or somebody gets booted out the game when doing portal mechanic to get cards!
  9. Tabby Belle Well-Known Player

    It's happened to me twice. I'm not always on card-sending portal duty, but I would say in my experience... it's happened 10% of the times I've gone in. If I were to add the times other people who go in disappear from the group when I'm on card-placing duty, and they go into the portal... one out of every three (33%) times I've run though ItDM, someone has disconnected/crashed during the Card Game section.
  10. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    U broke lb hawkman wont do mechanic
  11. spack2k Steadfast Player

    LastBoss in DMelite is buged Hawkman stops at 3/5 forged metals.
  12. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    Also here to say that Hawkman bugged during the Barbatos fight. I was in regular, not Elite. He stopped at 3/5 and Barbatos stopped taking damage. The tank had Barbatos over in a corner of the room so I told him to bring him back to the middle, and when he did Barbatos started taking damage again. Hawkman got up to number 4 and then Barbatos stopped taking damage again. We couldn't fix it after that.
  13. TLantern Well-Known Player

    We've identified the issue with Hawkman in the final fight against Barbatos. Essentially any actions performed by an NPC had longer and longer delays, to the point where it appeared to just stop. This should be fixed after the server restarts in the morning.

    Please let us know if it continues to happen tomorrow. Thanks!
  14. Penryn The Gadgeteer

    Bug Report
    Hawkgirl isn't showing up in the cutscenes for anyone in my group tonight for this raid.
  15. NotifyEU New Player

    I can't login at all, been stuck on the connection screen and it's been 2 days, I took to twitter and nothing has worked :/
  16. spack2k Steadfast Player

    since last hotfix the Red Death sub-boss can one shot ppl with his whirlwind pull ability, its not exactly an one shot but there are like 3-4 ticks of 40k dmg each in less than one second, impossible to react to avoid getting knocked out... we had that before in different raids but idk if this is intended to be there this time in an encounter where a "no death feat" can be achieved.
  17. maelona Level 30

    The Phoenix Cannon is also bugged when coming into the raid most of us disconnect
  18. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Feedback for Into The Dark Multiverse (Elite):

    Anyone finding 2nd boss buggy lately? Sometimes I'll hide behind rock then after boss does his main skull he'll lunge rock, destroying the rock and KOing me behind it sometimes too. The rocks seems to be getting destroyed far too easily by the boss even outside of the main skull/immune phase, and they don't all always return after a wipe, including some of the main bigger rocks. Sometimes he'll move quite a way across the map when lunging a target player.

    Sometimes the boss won't walk towards the middle but towards a different part of the room for his main skull attack.

    The rocks going more easily makes it not only harder to kill the boss in less phases, but also makes it harder to kite away from forge embers in some instances.

    These things don't always happen in every run, but when they do it is very annoying and messy to say the least.
  19. Brav Well-Known Player

    Hello TLantern,

    I just have a question about Barbatos, LB in DME. Is his Eradication Cone suppose to be a normal attack or a special? As of right now it happens consistently, usually after 1-2 of his combos. There is no special tell/skull at the moment so I'd assume its a normal attack though it is a scripted attack and seems to be a set mechanic that takes 50% of your health each time. Blocking it after his combo only reduces it by 10% (so down to 40%). This is a burst damage so its quick and doesn't seem to be avoidable and can't be countered. So the only option at the moment is to mitigate the damage with heals and shields. Is this intended?

    The rest of his attacks range from 30-40% damage of your health (primary = 40% (x2), Slam = 30%), besides his range tap which is about 15%-16% (x2) and leads into his pulse beam. Now his Pulse beam is another interesting one, it's actually set to 50% of your health (5% x10 = 50%) which also can't be countered or avoided. So we have high percentage burst damage usually one after another/back to back with no way to avoid or counter it besides trying our best to just mitigate it. On top of the other hazards/damage/mechanics going on in the fight (Environmental, Subs/Adds). Is this also intended?

    If this is all intended can we at least get a tell for his Eradication Cone, so that we can at least try and block quickly for the slight reduction each time. He does it too often usually after 1-2 combos even though I am aware that he can do it after a combo, it is not realistic to block after every attack each time as there are other things going on in the fight that we need to be aware of and avoid which can be a distraction from his attacks. At least with a tell we know to get ready and block even after performing another action during the fight/before his move.

    Preferably I would like to be able to counter his pulse beam attack as that move can normally be countered throughout the game unless given immunity. But since it is a manageable damage over time with heals/shields I can understand somewhat why it was set up with an immunity (besides the obvious normal explanation of some/most dc god like boss moves aren't meant to be countered). Although he can do that move back to back and it is a 50% health reduction over time which can lead to another burst 50% health reduction move. So honestly something has to give here.

    If we're keeping the lore aspect of certain god moves can't be countered even though pulse beam is a normal weapon combo (and so is his melee combo which can be countered but hits harder than his tap range, so staying melee for too long wouldn't be ideal even though he can also perform range attacks at melee range) and his Eradication Cone is a power ability, which can be considered a special and shouldn't be countered but at the very least be an avoidable mechanic or better mitigated mechanic while performing correct actions to reduce its damage impact.

    So if both will remain the same in terms of not being countered then can we at least get a better/more rewarding mitigation reduction from his Eradication Cone when blocking in time. Perhaps instead of only a 10% reduction when blocking, maybe a 25% reduction which will make it a 25% health reduction from its normal 50% damage. With a tell and better mitigation for this mechanic it should definitely help balance this fight out a little more. As of right now there is just too much damage happening just from Barbatos alone, not including the other aspects going on in the fight. Since mitigation is the main element in this fight as avoidance and counters are disabled from most of his moves then a better mitigation reduction from his special move should help alleviate some of the damage that is going on in this fight.

    The reason I suggest a 25% reduction when blocking his special in time is so that it is more rewarding and so that it remains slightly less than a 30% health reduction as to not proc the menacles artifact effect each time. Thus giving more viability/necessity back to the artifact for when it's truly needed, if performed correctly/in time.

    I believe this would definitely bring more balance to this last fight. Please give a little more control back to the Tanks. As of right now its just a aggro/self mitigation rotation, avoid environmental hazards, pray for healer mitigation effects during cool downs/gaps, rinse and repeat.

    At the very least, please add a tell/skull to his Eradication Cone move/special so that we can at least try and block for the minimal reduction that it currently gives.

    Thank you for your time and dedication. I really appreciate it.

    Sincerely: Brav
  20. Perdition Committed Player

    Question: Can someone verify if the Dark Robins drop in the normal version of the raid aswell? I know they drop in elite, since i got them from there. But i wanne know if they drop in regular aswell.

    I assume they do? But i’m not a 100% sure.

    The Dawnbreakers orbital strike drops in normal aswell for the Phoenix Cannon raid. Is it perhaps you have a higher chance for it to drop in elite?

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