Dev Discussion Episode 36 - Metal Pt II: Into the Dark Multiverse

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by TLantern, Dec 5, 2019.

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  1. TLantern Well-Known Player

    Is Hawkman doing the attack? And is it no longer doing damage? or are the rocks not getting destroyed?

    What attack is hurting the healers during the cutscene? That can help me narrow down what's happening.

    i'll look into her Dark Water pools, thanks!
  2. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    It's usually the pulse beam. He is already attacking the group the moment they come out of the cutscene.

    As for other issues w/ the boss, if you watch this video, at around the 35-40 second mark for example his stomp forces the tank out of combat for a second causing an aggro drop. Happens again at 1:19. Just pay attention to the top left to see when I am out of combat. This has been the second most problematic thing about the boss, outside of people dying coming out of the cutscene. There's multiple instances where for a second I am out of combat throughout the fight, and I'm not sure if it's always just the stomp:

    If this is intended, it's fine. It's just a nuisance.
  3. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Hawkman is doing the attack but the stones dont get destroyed
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  4. Arkkynator New Player

    Hi, first i have to thank you for bringing this game to Switch, i played it a lot on PC before.

    This episode is pretty good, one of the best i think.

    But i have one question, is it me, or there are some hints for episode 37? I'm especially thinking of a scene that happened during the Duo of Episode 36...
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  5. Hellclown127! Well-Known Player

    Given the way mechanics are set up in these raids please look into decreasing the cooldown for Mental's "Bastion" group shield supercharge from 60 seconds to 30 seconds like the other trolls have.
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  6. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m sure I’ll get crucified like usual, but I think Barbatos is a bit OP for normal. Pulse Beam and Eradication Cone are lethal and have no obvious counter-play, causing unfair wipes when the healer is targeted. Constant shockwaves make revival nearly impossible too. Dark Spirits stunlocking the tank doesn’t help.
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  7. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    Barbatos is fine in normal. :)
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  8. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

    But...i portaled into the card gathering crashed on the way out! Totally kicked me out of dcuo! Please fix!
  9. madaoturles Active Player

    Is Barbatos supposed to constantly stop attacking the tank to pulse beam the healer? This seems to happen very frequently.
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  10. TLantern Well-Known Player

    He drops hate on his main target when he does his knockback AOE.
  11. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Then make him vulnerable to counters so we can save ourselves. This is fake difficulty.
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  12. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Not sure what happened here, could have been a momentary server lag and unfortunate timing. But when I went to do bomb in last boss (the elite version) I got stuck and couldn't do anything, until I died from Dawnbreaker's Orbital. I notice another player also got the same bomb, so maybe the server lagged with just enough timeframe for me to interact with the bomb at the same time, and then glitch out.

    Either way it was strange and annoying.
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  13. nawanda Loyal Player

    Fake difficulty really? It seems like actual difficulty to me. Particularly after two hours trying to do the no death feat in elite. What’s wrong with it being everyone’s responsibility to pay attention to the boss?
  14. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Because there’s no way to stop him from koing people?
  15. nawanda Loyal Player

    How do you think people are getting the no death feat?
  16. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I don’t know, do I? I honestly cannot figure it out. Also, I did say normal. If elite remains unchanged I really wouldn’t mind that. I just think it’s a bit much for normal, especially with everything else in that fight.
  17. nawanda Loyal Player

    I’ll give you some suggestions.

  18. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    Pulse Beam is a BLOCK BREAKER. I’m sure blocking a block breaker will go really well. And if we could all just heal and shield through a raid boss’s concentrated onslaughts, the tank role would be obsolete! It is the tank’s job to take string finishers like pulse beam! Because they are the only ones who can survive them!
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  19. nawanda Loyal Player

    Try blocking. It works.

    You can be healed and shielded through it.

    Again, how do you think people are getting through last boss in elite with NO DEATHS if it can’t be mitigated by non-tanks. You’re just wrong and continuing to reply for the sake of it.

    If you’re wiping to that in normal, it’s not fake difficulty, it’s terrible play.
  20. 9001BPM Steadfast Player

    I’m wrong about blocking a block breaker being a terrible idea? Do you not realise how crazy that sounds? Even if you’re correct, it’s gonna be one heck of a uphill battle trying to convince everyone else in my raid groups to do it because it’s an extreme violation of common sense.
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