Dev Discussion Episode 36 - Metal Pt II: Into the Dark Multiverse

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by TLantern, Dec 5, 2019.

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  1. TLantern Well-Known Player

    Hey Everyone! Welcome to the testing feedback thread for the "Into the Dark Multiverse" Raid! This is the second raid for the Episode. Please feel free to leave your feedback and discussion topics here!

    Will your road end in darkness!?
  2. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Are all of the rocks supposed to be destroyed after a set number of slams, on 2nd boss? I may be missing something, but I've seen them all destroyed both after 4 slams and 5 slams (we drop orbitals at the beginning of the boss and got it back one run to give you an idea of the time, and in another run he destroyed all rocks before even orbitals were off cooldown).

    Wiping on last boss left me with a dot called Dark Spirit's Shadow Hold whenever I respawned, and killed me.
  3. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Barbatos loves pulse beaming the healers even though I'm spamming taunt. Is this intended?
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  4. MrDevilz Well-Known Player

    Bug Report
    The feat for ''Destroy each of the Unstable Energy in 30 seconds or less'' is bugged and not completing,had enough burn to kill them in 6 seconds and tried 3 times but didn't get it.
  5. 1 ncmike Dedicated Player

    Just got of a run and Barbatos stopped taking damage around 10% and after the group got knocked out he didn't reset.
  6. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player


    This is especially annoying right after the portals cutscene. Very hard to kite out of that one especially in elite. Would be nice if after the cutscene the boss wouldn't attack the group straight away.
  7. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Also you have to roll away from the boss in time (not just roll around as if you roll nearer to boss you still may get KO'd anyway) - or if 2 heal the other healer needs to be really on it healing you.
  8. Charlieboy Well-Known Player

    Had real problems getting the trigger cogs to pop up on last boss when you have him over the Focus Point. Ran the reg version probably 10 times now and 6 of those were abandoned as spent a good 20 minutes on last boss just burning and moving him around the Focus Point and they just would not trigger. This is with a seasoned group and we have all done the raid before successfully. I wont spend money on resetting this again only to miss marks and gear at last boss cos of a glitch. Maybe needs to be looked at.
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  9. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Sometimes in this raid I freeze and have to relog. Can still be in voice chat to group but my game is frozen. Think others may have the same issue, at least on EU side.
  10. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    People who are still in the room where cards are sent from when the puzzle is finished have not received loot in one of my runs.
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  11. TLantern Well-Known Player

    To both of your comments, Hawkman can actually damage the rocks with his standard attacks in addition to his big AOE. That's likely why you saw them break at different counts. There was an old bug thought fixed where Hawkman would do his big AOE twice in a row, if that is happening let me know!

    I'm changing it so that Barbatos won't use the beam attack when you're supposed to take him to the X on the map. (I played it over the weekend with some random folks and saw that this lead to frustrations, it's a high priority for me ;p)
  12. TLantern Well-Known Player

    Did you see this happen in Elite or Normal mode? Because you will not be able to get the feat in Event. Otherwise, 6 seconds should trigger it so I'll look into it. Also, the timer starts from the moment one of them spawns.
  13. TLantern Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the report, I'll look into this.
  14. Olli Malicious Active Player

    On the second boss, would it be possible to make it so that orbs can be pulled or at least aggroed?

    The problem is that might dpsing is CLEARLY subpar to precision in there because of the dmg split... to a point where it's simply not viable. This fight is just a slap on the face to people who have chosen to level up might artifacts.

    If you want to stack your group with 5 precision dps, that's fine be my guest. But you should be able to sacrifice some burn by using two tanks (one for boss and one for adds) and still be able to beat it with might dps (granted that they are good ones).

    Basically I suggest to make the orbs “Taunt-able” just like the spores from the Ivy fight in MOME.

    Thank you.

    *Edit: I'm obviously talking about the elite version here.
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  15. MrDevilz Well-Known Player

    That happened in Normal mode,i tried it 3 times and 3 different runs,didn't get the feat.Dps was good enough so should have popped the feat but it didn't.
  16. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    In Elite mode,Hawkman bossfight,even after 7 phases of him going to the middle and doing the 1 shot attack,no rock was broken and people hiding behind them didnt die.Isnt it supposed to 1 shot everyone, even the ones hiding behind rocks,if he reaches phase 5?That was the only "challenge" in that bossfight.

    Also in Elite version,while barbatos reached final phase, we were able to trap him even though not everyone activated the cogs.It was supposed work only with a synchronized activation.
  17. Elipsed Level 30

    I kinda agree but don't get me wrong.
    I like a challenge. I like when bosses are tough. I like when you have to move around lots to avoid mechanics but it really does annoy me that I have to stick to my support role because I can't dps with my power on certain bosses being so immobile.

    I don't think making the adds tauntable is a fix.
    Honestly I think you guys need to start looking at might dps becoming a viable option.
    (With the exception of nature, since nature is pretty much almost there in terms of mobility and damage output)
    Most of the might powers do minimal damage in general (exception of nature), there's no way for them to be able to beat this content without switching to precision. No way in hell 5 might dpses with ST can beat 2nd boss in DM.

    On top of that... I g
    ot my artifacts at 200. Can't dps this boss as celest might because theres just way too much moving around.

    At the moment, combo based might powers can keep up to precision. It's a struggle but the only way we can keep up is by being immobile, standing in the same spot and not moving too much because interrupting ourselves mid combo, makes you deal basically 0 damage. For example for a celestial dps the transition stage between combos does no damage at all.
    If might powers become viable again, combo based might powers like hardlight and celestial will suffer. (I believe it's also a similar struggle for atomic tanks)
    In that sense, just dropping a new might based artifact to fix might powers might will not work... because there will always be a discrepancy considering these powers will always be less mobile and unable to perform as well as other powers, especially during content like DM second boss where they are forced to be mobile.

    A fix would be to consider making all powers as mobile as prec and deal similar amounts of damage.
    Keep the content difficult, if not make it even harder.
    Stop the entire notion of "NERF PREC DPS, THEY'RE OP". A nerf will do nothing at all. Prec are still on top of the scoreboards even WITH the nerf for a reason and will continue to be. It's time to make might more mobile and in turn more viable to use in elite content.
    All of the powers should be sitting on a more equal stance. People should NOT have to switch to certain powers every time a new DLC drops.

    Just my two cents. Definitely a rare thing for me to come on forums and doubt anyone will listen to me but I think this is something that needs to be said.
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  18. Olli Malicious Active Player

    I agree with you, I love a challenge and yes they should definitely balance might powers. And I’m not asking for a precision nerf. It’s just that I don’t think a balance pass is coming so making these adds tauntable seem to be the only simple solution to make this raid more “might friendly”. I like damage check mechanics, but I want might powers to be able to run them too.
  19. Illumin411 Devoted Player

    I'd be fine with the adds remaining untauntable (actually welcomed the unique challenge in 2nd boss of FI before thy fixed it) if they would simply drop all aggro and/or stop attacking during the boss's one shot mechanic. It seems unfair that the intention of one mechanic makes us sitting ducks for another. It's one thing to have the rotten luck of running in to Dawnbreakers ring only for his orbital to come down or a metal pool to spawn underneath. That's only gonna happen once every ten attempts or so. But people dying to one shot from adds while waiting behind a rock for boss' one-shot mechanic happens multiple times in a single attempt. And while Amazonian Deflection is an option, much like Tala's meteors in SGe, I can't imagine that is the intended solution. The fact that healing is dependent on LOS only adds to this dilemma.

    Also, IMO, slightly reducing the range of the aoe one shot from the adds is needed. It's KO'd me multiple times while I was tumble-mastering away and also when aggro'd to another player who wasn't all that close to me. Anybody who plays this game has encountered some wonky hit detection here and there but this is occurring way too frequently.

    Right now, this feels like tala in SGe but there are 4-5 meteors, who they spawn under is random and she has a 2nd one shot whose frequency is completely independent of the meteors.
  20. spack2k Steadfast Player

    Elite version:

    On second Boss, Hawkman lost the ability to one shot the group on his 5th phase, i dont know if this is a bug or intended but there is no more dps check... one can play now safe just by running around and finish him on 17th or 19th phase lmao

    Also Barbatos, once all Ghosts get cleared and the stones were brought to Hawkman, the healers die the instant the group gets out of the cutscene... really hard to do a "no die" feat that way, i would say....its pure RNG.

    Another observation we have noticed is that since last hotfix the dark water pools of The Drowned in the LB fight one shot players, even tanks... there is barely any reaction time available for the incoming damage from the dark water pools.
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