Dev Discussion Episode 34: Rewards

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Mepps, Mar 28, 2019.

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  1. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    I am actually Very Pleased with this change...Makes actually HAVING the OP Items worth Much More now im My Opinion
  2. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Ran Fellowship of the Arcane Elite and I am on the Rank 4 breakthrough and instead of receiving a Enhanced Sorcerer's Chaos Essence I received the regular Sorcerer's Essence that would drop from the Regular version. Is it intended that both essences can drop from elite and the actual elite essence is even rarer of an RNG?
  3. AquiloFury Committed Player

    As far as the OP back goes.. Im about to throw everyone's theories out the window...i got it running the event version of Shattered Gotham on the first try, without running fellowship first. Maybe there is no rhyme or reason?
  4. Millefune PSN Well-Known Player

  5. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"


    Everything Wrong - Not-Intended? - Working As Intended? with the OP Back
    • Essence will not drop until you are actually on your current tier breakthrough
    • Vendor Essence is CR locked at CR268 & CR270 at the R3 and R4 tier
    • The Vendor essence totals 375 Marks but since you require CR270 which is an entire purple drop set + 3 pieces of elite at 211 marks first; in actuality its 586 Marks for the OP Back complete breakthrough
    • You have to need-greed-pass roll on all essence in group content
    • If you aren't CR270 the R4 Elite essence will not drop in elite raids for you, instead you will get the previous tiers regular essence. So unless you are CR270 regardless of the breakthrough you are on you can't get the elite essence. (*confirmed by multiple players)
    More importantly what is DISASTROUSLY wrong with the OP back Concept
    • The group leader in content can set the loot to "Master Looter" in the Duo, Alert, Raids so that the group leader will be the only one to get the Essence drops and steal them from the other players which has lead them not only to quicker breakthroughs but to become instant multi-millionaires in game.
    • You can grief pugs by kicking players from before the last boss fight and bring in league mates for attempts at the essence because they only need the final loot table to get the chance at the essence drop.
    • Not that there can be anything done but the numerous Speed Hackers within leagues on DCUO have speed hacked through content and already have the OP back and now they are selling the quick essence and making BILLIONS of in-game cash. The elite essence are currently selling near instantly for 300mil each and they can speed hack through 1 elite raid and make quick money.
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  6. Rigel Cygni Well-Known Player

    Had no idea it dropped in event, was your CR 253 or below?
  7. AquiloFury Committed Player

    It was above 253, I believe it was 258 or 259. I run event a few times before I jump into regular lol. Doesn't matter though, I don't do elite stuff, so I'll never be able to fully obtain it lol.
  8. MiLady Well-Known Player

    My one toon (CR255) got the cloak in event version of the last raid. But my other toon (CR256) did not get the cloak. I guess it does drop randomly. I also followed the sequence of content to run (duo, alert, fellowship raid, last raid), but I dont think that makes a difference since my 2nd toon didnt get it.
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  9. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I have a question for the Devs, regarding the Elite raids and Renown. I used a Renown Booster on 3 pieces of Renown, but none of them got a boosted amount. Are these Renown Boosters not supposed to work on Elite renown anymore or is it yet another bug that made me spend unecessary Marketplace cash?

    To be clear, I popped a Renown Booster before equipping the pieces of Renown.
  10. Millefune New Player

    I saw the Hotfix Notes. Thank you for allowing Event Players that messed up acquiring it the normal way, the ability to purchase it through the vendor!

    On a side note, I'm getting a "Daybreak Auth Error: 44" when I try to log in to the forums with a PSN account.
  11. Wholesome Pervo New Player

    can you please let the players that are free users or didnt pay for a month or two the membership to use all his Money as they want?
    i understand people dont have same privileges by been free or premium tham lengedary players, but cmon let us use our Money in game, cant put stuff in broker fine, but let me buy stuff if i have Money for it, let me buy stuff with the Money i got in game for playing it.
    end the ****** escrow from game
  12. PftTisBetter New Player

    This group loot stuff is cancerous. For real though. I've been kicked from a bunch of content right at past boss so they could get a buddy in to get essence drop. Plus of you are in there and nobody else is on your OP tier then it just doesn't drop. I've run the alert 15-20 times with lower level pugs to test.

    Why can't it drop the way OP collections did and multiple people could get an essence from a run? And why only on the last boss? Hell why only on bosses at all? I mean it seems like this way is even harder to get the OP than the old way so far.
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  13. spack2k Steadfast Player

    the new OP system is fishy
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  14. PftTisBetter New Player

    Why are they being so silent on these massive issues?? As it is the US Xbox server is a ghost town and the people who are playing aren't playing this for the most part. C'mon DCUO team help us out here!
  15. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    The group loot is a bug. We are looking at all the feedback on the new OP system.
  16. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I'd lke an answer on this:
  17. ObsidianChill Community "Trusted"

    Not sure but when I used a Renown Booster then consumed mine it gave me the boosted. Was it the renown booster or the XP booster? cause I know they have a similar icon.


    normally the renown would be 600 but 25% of 600 is 150 etc
  18. Zneeak Devoted Player

    It's the Renown booster. I popped one, then proceded to equip 3 pieces of renown, didn't get a boosted amount.
  19. PftTisBetter New Player

    I appreciate the hot fix for the group loot but but this whole OP system needs to be hotfixed.

    For one, I have yet to have one single children of chaos essences drop in the alert. I've run it 22 times this week. That's a crap ton of replays I've spent and it hasn't dropped once. That's ridiculous. So before when you were trying to get a collection to drop it was a little different else you only need one of each piece. But even when I do finally get one of those essences to drop I have to do it 4 freaking more times! And that's just for the second tier breakthrough. My leaguemate has been running the crap out of the elites to get the essence from those and hasn't seen one. I mean it almost really feel like you guys used this OP change as a way to sell more resets. I mean you already are using it to sell more seals which you can't get in game anymore so you HAVE to buy them.

    And off topic, why in the heck did you think it was a good idea to make shattered Gotham a pain to traverse? I mean fine you wanted to ground us and I guess even fine we are going to take B.S damage just walking around to the point it kills you if your healer isn't five feet away from you. But to have us have to make these stupid Mario jumps from rock to rock while inhibiting our movement was just evil.

    I've been playing this game for 8 years on 3 platforms and the Xbox server is the deadest I've ever seen this game. This content just came out s week ago and you can't get anyone to run it. This is usually the time when people are running new dlc like crazy for progression feats and Mark farming but people just aren't. That's on you guys.

    I don't log onto a game to be challenged to the point of pissed offness. I have kids for that. I log on to hang with my buddies and have a good time waxing bad guys. But when just walking to the boss in a raid is so much of a headache that I'd rather not play then there's something wrong. You can make content challenging without making it torture. You can add mechanics and make bosses more fun by requiring team work like DWF without add spamming and one shots.

    I really hope you guys can make some changes to this content to make it more fun and make people want to play it like they have past dlc. And please I love DCUO so do something about the OP because I know y'all wanted something that would grow with us through the dlc, and that's fine, but locking drops behind cr walls and making drop rates on things you need multiple of the same of isn't it chief.
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  20. Charon Lead Content Designer

    Your feedback on the raid needs to go on the raid thread. This is for rewards. The designers who made rewards did not make the raid. This way the right people will see your feedback.

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