Dev Discussion Episode 34: "JLD: Shattered Gotham" 8-Player Raid

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Millbarge, Mar 27, 2019.

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  1. Heywiar Committed Player

    Just beat elite today after the buff with league. I have to say that this was one of the most fun raids we've had in a while! This DLC is really impressing me. :)
    Our group did have some issues on last boss with Shazam, though. Sometimes his cog doesn't appear almost at all and forces the group into a wipe. I'm not sure if there is a way to make his cog appear faster but I did also notice the timing on his cog varies.
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  2. Heywiar Committed Player

    By "launch" do you mean lunge?
  3. Vampo New Player

  4. Miss Adora Loyal Player

    we have a portal to take us back to the beginning of the raid. Any way we can get a portal to take us back to the boss fights or safe spot where aren't sent back to the beginning?.
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  5. Heywiar Committed Player

    Sometimes she gets a blue immunity from someone blocking!
    Her exact tell is when she sticks her hand in front of her and a beam appears from her hand. While she does that move, she begins to glow green and yellow.
    Be careful because sometimes she does moves that look similar to that!
  6. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    Feedback is for Elite only

    • Her meteor attack (not sure what it's called), where she lays down fire, then you have a raining shower of rocks? Lava? Idk the name lol. But that attack, would it be possible to have the color of the fire changed? Right now it looks like it's the same as fire's inferno. With everyone's animations, sometimes it's difficult to see. Making it brighter, or more intense would be nice. It seems like if we did have a fire user in the run, it'd be difficult to differentiate or see when Tala is doing her attack.
    • She sometimes does the animation that looks like she's going to do the meteor shower attack but doesn't. So she'll go a very long time without doing it. Is she supposed to? She does the fireball barrage attack quite a bit. But the meteor one seems as though it's missing? Idk, just was odd and something I observed.
    • When he teleports he de-taunts. Regardless if you tag him during or after his teleport, he will immediately attack someone else. It's not a scripted attack, just his regular attacks. He does the same thing in the other raid.
    • I know it's a scripted attack (the teleport), however, if someone gets caught in a weapon attack and countered, it's an automatic death if you're not a tank. It doesn't seem right to die to an attack that's meant for the tank. Mordru also teleports, however he doesn't de-taunt. It'd be nice if his teleport was similar to Mordru's or even Gentleman Ghost to where he has a full scripted attack when he teleports to someone. If they're not blocking, they die. So it's on them if they die.
    • His shield comes up back to back to back sometimes. Is that intended? It doesn't seem right.
    • When his shield explodes, it also has a range. So you can avoid the damage if you don't break it by just going out of range.
    • I don't like this fight. It seems odd and a bit pointless. There's just not a lot going on (from a tanking pov) that's really engaging.
    • Fighting him as a normal boss and not getting loot, is also lame. Even if we don't get marks, getting something at the end would be nice and not feel like such a waste of time.
    • One of his artifacts, I'm not sure the name, Mark of Cain? It's the one you can't cleanse from Constantine, are you supposed to block it? Or is there another way to avoid dying to it? Those that got marked, blocked, but still died. We're not sure if there's another way to get rid of it or if it's more of a gear check.
    Tyrant 2.0
    • Why does the Madness Meter not reset if you wipe? You can only get it down to a certain amount, I'm guessing since there's less than what Shazam can clear. But it's annoying that you have to wipe to the Tyrant when the meter is at 99 in order to totally clear it. Is it because of the feat? The one where you have to keep the Madness Meter at 50 or above the whole fight? I guess it would make it more difficult as you couldn't wipe if the MM reset if you wiped. Idk, it's just annoying combing that with the sporadicness of Shazam
    • Shazam's cog is not consistent throughout the fight, especially at the start. We had it where it came up the first time when the Madness Meter was at 40. Another time it was 30. (I don't have clips of those, I forgot to save them) Sometimes you can hit it back to back.
      • In this clip, you see his cog comes up at 28

      • In this clip, you can see his cog come up at 1:30 and then again right afterward, his first cog also comes up at 24?
    • Constantine will fall off the platform. Shazam can get locked out of the fight. Love NPC's.
    Other thoughts
    • As others have mentioned, it would be nice to have a teleporter at the beginning if someone DC's or has to leave, they can go directly to the end. It does take a long time to reach the group.
    • If a party member is not at the final boss with the rest of the group, they are unable to enter, you need to wipe in order for them to join you
    • I don't find the platforming difficult. Nothing special was needed to get from rock to rock. I think the only "difficult" part was when you had to jump through the moving teleporters, but I found it to be something different and fun. Plus it's really funny watching people fall off the rocks or knocking people off the platforms with a beachball :)
    • Aside from having our movement mode taken away for the jumping stuff, would it be possible to have it back when the fights started? And then grounded when it was over? While I hated swimming, I also very much dislike not having our movement mode throughout the whole raid. It seems like a trend to take away your movement mode. I don't like it. Please don't let this be a thing in the next episode.
    • Is there a way you could make a failsafe with the adds? If they get knocked off the platform you're on, and land on one that you can't reach, you can't proceed b/c the add is still alive. Is there a way you could make them teleport back to their original spot to avoid that?
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  7. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    Can only get the madness meter down to a certain amount after wiping lb, because Shazam lowers it by 20 each time. Anything below 20, I never saw the cog come up. Would be nice to add teleporters from the entrance to lb, as well as fix the madness meter issue with wiping on lb.
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  8. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I figured, however, it doesn't make sense that you can get the Madness Meter to zero in the fight when you can hit Constantine twice in a row.
  9. Yaiba Committed Player

    Is there anything wrong with the feat "...beat the raid in 17min or under"? We finished in 18min but that included cutscenes which were around 2-3min (could be 4...) o_O. So the real time could be around 13-14, should the feat pop?
  10. Belthazur Dedicated Player

    My League has not Yet tried Elite but Fully intend too very soon. However ONLY Thing i can see we need to add perhaps is a Warp to Group option in THIS Raid. Seems people are having issues with the jumping. I can only imagine that Elite is Less forgiving for the Rocks.
    Especially if all but 1 or 2 members are with the group could take a while to get everyone huddled up.

    Otherwise LOVIN this DLC as a Whole
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  11. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Our group could not figure out what to do when the sigil doesn't appear by Constantine. One time I got the mark there was no sigil and I died, then I got it and there was a sigil and I cleansed, then got a 3rd time no sigil.

    Some of our team members were able to hold block and survive, others tried and died. I'm not sure if it was luck on timing of heals, or if the ones that lived had level 23 augments that helped absorb the madness tick while taking the Mark "1 shot".

    It would be good to know if we can always cleanse, or if we are expected to block through some and cleanse others.
  12. BRITTENY Dedicated Player

    I think you guys were on the right track. You’re supposed to split the damage of that artifact with the group. I’m so used to getting away from my group when you’ve got the “bad” on you lol. :)
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  13. Brother Allen Loyal Player

    We did some trial and error last night during one of our Shatter Gotham Elite runs and we figured out how the Mark of Cain works...we think. lol. The player that gets it needs to get as far away from the group as they possibly can and block. They have a limited time frame to do this and as long as they are far enough away when it goes off, they won't take any damage. I was recording some of that run and I will check and see if our testing was during the period of time I was recording. If so I'll throw up a quick vid of it highlighting how it worked.

    P.S: This also kind of goes with the curse of Cain lore. That is, "Modern interpretations of the Hebrew verse 12 suggest that Cain went on to live a nomadic lifestyle and that he was also excluded from the family unit.". Go wikipedia.:p.
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  14. Millbarge Committed Player

    The following changes were checked in internally and will make their way to the Live Servers over the next few Hotfixes:
    • Players on the first platform of the Raid can now use a teleporter to move to the most recent Rally Point that is unlocked.
    • Fixed an issue where Shazam would, at times, be inconsistent with his Wisdom of Solomon.
    • Fixed an issue where Faust's Overcharge would not affect all players.
    • Fixed an issue where the platform would not raise after defeating Mordru so players could re-enter the boss area to confront the Harbinger of the Devourer.
    This was also checked in but will be delayed until the next next hotfix:
    • Fixed an issue where players could not apply DoT/HoT when the Harbinger was visible during Tala, Faust, and Mordru fights.

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  15. Heywiar Committed Player

    Thank you for the fixes!
  16. Schimaera Devoted Player

    No more prec dps for my main \o/
  17. High Troller Loyal Player

    does this mean if at least one player in the group reaches the rally point, all players have access to the teleporter? or only that one player gets unlock?
  18. Millbarge Committed Player

    The rally points work exactly the same as they did before. You clear a platform to unlock the rally point on that platform. Now, once it's unlocked, players that are at the start can use a teleporter to reach that rally point.
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  19. High Troller Loyal Player

    Thank you for this, Millbarge. This is a decent compromise for this raid.
  20. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I have a question for the Devs, regarding the Elite raids and Renown. I used a Renown Booster on 3 pieces of Renown, but none of them got a boosted amount. Are these Renown Boosters not supposed to work on Elite renown anymore or is it yet another bug that made me spend unecessary Marketplace cash?

    To be clear, I popped a Renown Booster before equipping the pieces of Renown.
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