Dev Discussion Episode 34: "JLD: Shattered Gotham" 8-Player Raid

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Millbarge, Mar 27, 2019.

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  1. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Keep the platforming coming, devs!
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  2. Schimaera Devoted Player

    I did not but welcome in my opinion anyway mate :) it's cozy in here isn't it ^^
  3. Zeph El Level 30

    I have played Champions Online, City of Heroes, World of Warcraft raids. The Shattered Gotham Raid is the worst because of the jump mechanic. I attempted the raid on launch day - Event version - and rage quit after 25 minutes of trying to get across the 1st 3 bridges. Life can be frustrating. Some challenge in games are appropriate. This was an insipid experience.
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  4. not_again Dedicated Player

    Not sure if this is a bug or intended. My group had someone go down simultaneously to when Mordru was defeated. The cut scene began and the downed timer ran during the cut scene. There was no opportunity to pick that person up and the was no portal to rejoin the instance once the cut scene was over.

    Again not sure if it was intended or not. If it is not intended, possibly leave the dialogue in place but remove the cut scene so the pickup can happen.
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  5. E Clip Dedicated Player

    One thing that's been a pain in the *beep* is when someone gets KO'd and the group is still fighting the bosses, they are still affected by the madness meter DoT, so they either have to keep dying over and over or stay dead until the meter is low or a healer goes to help them out. Wouldn't it be better if people who res out during a fight stop being affected by the DoT? Im talking about the Elite version, havent tried the normal one yet, so dunno how that works there.
  6. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Why is laying down bad? You won't re enter the fight anytime sooner if you wipe
  7. E Clip Dedicated Player

    The issue is that if the meter is high they will res out further from the group, so a healer needs to go back and heal them until they regroup with the rest. Its more of a nuisance than anything else.
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  8. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Have you tested that? Because in all the last raids/instances, once a battle is completed, there is a new rally point usually close to where the battle took place.

    That basically means: If you go down, and couldn't be ressed, stay down. If the group wipes, they all start at one rally point and can jump to the boss fight together. If the group beats the boss, just get up after cutscene or whatever and your new rally point will be close to where the group is.

    Many of the things said about this raid are basically just people unwilling to just do something different for a change and the usual response to some other perspective is "yeah....but ... I don't wanna". If someone really fails at jumping, I don't know what to say.

    Another interesting point is that people only complain about jumping and sh*t.

    Granted, the add phases on Faust and Harbinger will be added soon but right now, Faust is just perma blocking if the tange is far away enough meaning the group just ... kills him. There is no challenge whatsoever.
    The harbinger is the paradox tyrant, almost an exact copy. This fight is the easiest elite fight I have ever seen. And remember, people kept wiping on the tyrant back in OC times. DoTs disappear, some deaths are just luck based.

    In general this raid is annoying and boring right now - and I'm talking about elite. I imagine that normal and event will be free loot that takes half an hour or so....
    But heck yeah glad we could take about how some people can't follow a pattern of "Get to the closest edge -> jump + move in the direction of the next platform -> roll if you struggle -> win. " I really start to believe that it is moving plus jumping at the same time that gives people a hard time. Maybe the vault is a saver place...
  9. NibellaRin Active Player

    So I played Shattered Gotham (regular) three times. Twice from beginning to end and once as an assist on the last boss. The jumping does get easier with practice but it also became clear that there isn't much else to the raid. All the boss fights are straight forward with just the added madness meter. It would help if the npc alllies didnt aggro the adds before the group gets there. It takes sso long to get to each boss platform and let's say it's just the healer and controller who make it first; they then have adds coming after them and may die before the rest of the group can come save the day. Not cool. Or is that meant to be part of the challenge? If you show up first be prepared to stave off the hoards or repeat the whole process of arriving?

    As to coming into the raid to help with the last boss there is a glaring issue; it took 15 minutes for me to make it to the group. This wouldn't have taken as long if there had been a warp at the start allowing new comers to jump to where the raid was in progress, first boss, second or third. As it was not only did it take that long but when I died after reaching the first boss platform from simply missing a jump point, I was sent all the way to the beginning. So it took awhile just to jump my way there and if I died, all my progress to reach the group waiting at the far end was completely reset. If I'd been in that raid from the start I'd at least have been allowed to respawn at the last boss checkpoint but as a latecomer it didn't count for me. This needs to be fixed or groups doing that raid will find it almost impossible to find replacements. I was the sixth or seventh person to join and only stayed because a friend was in the raid requesting help. Please add a warp option at the start for those entering late and make the boss respawn points count for them so that dying isn't such a hassle for those waiting. If I'd die in the last boss fight and had to flee, would the group really have to wait till I made my way across the whole board again? By the way, I was the tank. They HAD to wait for me. That's just not fun for anyone.

    Finally after the Talia fight, John Constantine launches folks across a wide space to a platform with a tree. Except sometimes he doesn't launch you far enough. At one point without me adding my own jump to his, he launched me and I ended up missing the platform because he didn't send me far enough forward.
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  10. Melusine Midnight Rainbow Phoenix

    Why? What do you like about it?

    Do you find it challenging? Are you falling off a lot?

    Do the others in your group seem enthusiastic about it?

    Is it interesting in any way? If so, how? Do you think you will still find it interesting in a few weeks?

    Like, you can go ahead and continue to troll-stalk a middle-aged mom on here (me), but at least make some sense, or have a point when you chime in.

    By "y'all" earlier, I meant the devs, to whom I was giving feedback. I'm not sure how to decipher the rest of your statement here.
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  11. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Not sure if that's how it works. Most of the time the healer had to go back to the previous checkpoint and heal them back to where the rest of the group was.

    I think a better solution is to have the DoT affect only the boss room once the boss fight is started, after the boss fight is over, either because of a wipe or successfully beating the boss, the DoT goes back to being a raid wide DoT that affects the whole dungeon. I dont see any reason why a KO-ed person needs to stay KO-ed or take DoT damage if they are ressed out. None of that impacts difficulty in any way shape or form, but it is an unnecessary annoyance.

    Wont address rest of your post since that does not apply to me and my proposal.
  12. Ala Rebeldex Loyal Player

    I like the jumping, but at the same time understand the annoying aspect when you have to wait to a new member of the raid or if a member of the group got disconnected, so i suggest to add summon crystals on the boss platforms or portals that once are activated by at least 3 players remain that way for the rest of the instance.
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  13. Schimaera Devoted Player

    The fact that people are super mad about a few jumps, that they are literally posting how they will never play this raid ever again and how it took ages for a group to organize and not die... I don't know it just tells you so much about this community. g
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  14. E Clip Dedicated Player

    Shazam seems bugged, his meters stays up all the time and he wont let you lower it from time to time. He also refuses to enter the boss room of Tyrant and stays outside of the dome. John Constantine fell off from the bridge and didnt come back, Im not joking. Perhaps Shazam isnt joining the room because of that.
  15. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Classic devs.
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  16. Shark Dental Devoted Player

    Yep. I mean, Atlantis taking away the movement modes went over incredibly well. Not sure why people aren't thrilled about it this time. :p
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  17. Schimaera Devoted Player

    Because of the same comfy ways players "used to play". Atlantis was cool. Something about movement modes is just first world problems.
  18. Hollow Gohan Well-Known Player

    This raid, especially last boss with the adds is in a great place now. DPS check that requires great coordination to pull off. Great job with this raid :)
  19. recoil2 Dedicated Player

    well jumping from rock to rock i got the hang of fairly was trying to target the moving wisp portals with constantine's sigils on them that killed me about 12 times+ my 1 initial fall off a rock at the very start. so 13 fall deaths and 5 at the end fights due to completely destroyed and ineffective gear. not doing this one again............
  20. Vampo New Player

    Hi all.I have a question and i hope for some good replay.I was trying to play JLD Shattered Gotham Elite.On Tala fight i see and understand when she geting healing back,but how to STOP her to Heals back,im trying to lunge her but its not working.Can some body explain me how and what to do exactly.Thanks in front!
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