Dev Discussion Episode 33: Atlantis (Open World)

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Meowtapes, Nov 8, 2018.

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  1. Jay Smeezy Dedicated Player

  2. Meowtapes Developer

    I've identified the issue and fixed this on my end! It should be in an upcoming hotfix
  3. Brit Loyal Player

    I just wanted to thank you for the timers on the various interactable mission objectives in the Atlantis open world.

    In previous episodes, there has been a trend towards short timers and narrow windows, so if you kill something and then something else aggros before you interact, you pretty much either need to have a shield or miss out. Typhon's Invasion, for example, if you're playing an at-level character who is not DPS role, killing the Cocatrices before the eggs expire is already a narrow window, and if some random Cyclops aggros, you will not get that egg in time. In Atlantis, all those interactables have significantly longer timers, which means that even if three pockets of enemies all end up attacking me, I can kill them, and then collect the relics or open the cages afterwards without having to worry about them expiring.

    So thank you. That was a much appreciated Quality of Life improvement that I didn't even realize I wanted until I saw it in action.
  4. TheLQ-DCUO Loyal Player

    Lots of nice open world missions in this episode. However.....

    Please can you get rid of the first objective of the Trench Mother bounty mission (Swarm Attack). It's very annoying and most players just want to do the bounty. In LFG you'll see "swarm here" but by the time you get there the bounty is out - but you have to do the objective first before bounty. If no-one is doing the bounty and you have the mission or have done the first part of the mission and only need the bounty part of that mission it is quite annoying to then find players to help finish the mission off. Especially on EU server with less players.

    Alternatively update the objective so the Trench Mother appears with the swarm and you can then beat the Trench Mother along with the swarm optionally.
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  5. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    The quest givers in Atlantis keep moving around. It’s really bizarre. This happens on Titans Island as well, so it might be some glitch.
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