Episode 21 Drops - some data...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Polymerase, Feb 10, 2016.

  1. Polymerase Well-Known Player

    With cross play and episode 21 coming out last Friday (US), and the census updated yesterday, it seemed like a good time to checkout what items are currently equipped - no-one appears to be moaning about drop rates ;)

    So what's going on.....

    * Data are from the census as of ~12:00 GMT (10th Feb 2016).
    * Data are dependent on a character logging off with the items equipped.
    * Data are from US & EU.
    * Census identifies items are either "rare" or "epic", thus vendor 138 items are classed as epic - 140 are drops.
    * Only subscribing/legendary members can access episode 21.


    The numbers:

    Quality Rare    Epic    Epic
    Item    136     138     140
    Chest   6688    4378    3658    14724
    Back    6829    3778    3389    13996
    Waist   7088    2425    3381    12894
    Legs    7311    2474    3621    13406
            27916   13055   14049
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  2. IIThe QuestionII Loyal Player

    I think they finally nailed the drop rate.
    Things are not dropping like crazy but also not scarce enough like to make people mad.
    Elite runs seem to be giving at least 1 elite piece by run most of the time, making the run worth it, as opposed to those 3 to 4 green loot runs we had before.
    Idk if intentional but i like it, not too over the top and it allows you to gear up both roles at a decent speed, which makes modding worth it again (as opposed to getting your piece only days before you needed to replace it :D )
  3. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Maybe cause there's nothing to complain about anymore
  4. Ichiro Loyal Player

    I have gotten several runs with 3 rare drops in one run and have gone several streaks of 9 bosses without a drop. Both seem on par with expectations.