EOG is getting changed

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by ArtemisWonderWoman7, Apr 5, 2023.

  1. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    Bro you are one of the few I always seem the share thoughts with, That Art has been one of the most toxic things introduced to this game, glad its getting worked on.
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  2. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    just swap it for scrap if your not feeding super and just want to regain your own.
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  3. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    I get what you saying but this art clearly was never meant for that. So many better options for tanking itself.
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  4. Tolly Committed Player

    The meta players are really the worst, some of them take the big head, thinking they are strong by playing the most cheated thing until sometimes they come to make fun of you because you don't make incredible damage, "because you are not a meta player" and then they come to cry on the forum because their little comfort has been modified and it is there that we see where are the real players and the bad players, that's what meta systems create...
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  5. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    To be honest, I’m not hot or cold from the changes, I just pointed out the moment at which the artifact was a working option for the tank before the changes and useless after the changes (I checked with both 2500 and 5000 ... for any option there are more useful artifacts ...) ...for beginners EoG was convenient because it worked well for both the tank and the DPS, it was convenient to have one good artifact for 2 roles...
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  6. OGMyDpsIsBetter Active Player

    I get it it's the reason I'm using M.E.R.C.Y for earth tanking. Doubles and saves some money.
  7. MisfitCircusInc New Player

    Perfect response. I fully support this change.
    Thanks for the insight, and transparency.
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  8. Cyclonic Dedicated Player

    If the timing is off even slightly for a couple circles it can be a huge difference. You can easily tell by just doing Proma's anguish is TSWE. The same group could devastate Proma by half his health with the first set of circles. Then barely touch 25% with the next run. It's that sensitive of a difference.

    There's never any risk in regular content for anyone running any thing close to a meta with the knowledge of the instance with or without EoG. So that's moot.
  9. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    I don't think there was a single soul who didn't think this thing was broken....but if you look at the post-nerf video next to it, the nerf is wayyy too much of a nerf (it reduces the effectiveness by 75%). Remember that this is how the supercharge will re-fill yourself (because I had the extended supercharge chest mod on), but will only fill your group member's SC by 3% (most of them will NOT be using extended supercharge), from the first video clip. It's not even worth the travel time to go get into the green circle at this point if you're a DPS.

    If you're using a 5000 SC as a DPS - this is how much the healer will fill your bar up - and that's IF the healer has popped a 5000 SC themselves (this would be half if the healer popped a 2500 SC - check other image below):


    It'd be roughly this much of a re-fill of your 5000 SC bar, if the healer popped a 2500 SC (yes, this was a quick edit, lol):


    Both are pretty negligible, and if the healer isn't using a level 200 Scrap of the Soul Cloak - it will take them quite a bit of time to re-gen their OWN bar back up to proc EOG again.

    Point being...this artifact is nuked if these changes stay, there are far better artifacts to put in to replace this, that would provide more benefits to the group (ie. Clarion's shield, Demon fang for more damage, etc..). EOG would be a rare tac swapping art at best.
  10. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Also, they sure are spending a lot of time on the forums now. Hey! That's a win, right there! Increased traffic on the forums! And it wouldn't have been possible without the confirmation of something people have been complaining about in-game for over a month!
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  11. The Multiverse New Player

    I know I'm not asking for the Gemini not to be nerfed, I think we can all agree that the ability to stack it was broken. I'm here to voice my displeasure that after fixing that they kept going and nerfed it to uselessness.

    All it needed was for it to become un-stackable. Then it's not broken but still viable.
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  12. MisfitCircusInc New Player

    The problem is that somehow people wrongly believe that a supercharge should be constantly available.
    It’s a supercharge.
    Generally, an OP ability.
    This should never be something that can be continuously spammed.

    It’s a welcome change.
    And, now maybe we can get back to people actually having to learn now to play the game with mechanics and roles instead of relying on unrealistic, mindless burn without any skill required.

    Thank devs for prioritizing gameplay and mechanics.
    True players respect this so very much.
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  13. VIRALITY Dedicated Player

    Most people are not saying that supercharge should be constantly available - most people are saying that part is the broken aspect of this artifact. Healers could spam supercharges to refill their teammates bars with overlapping supercharge EOG green circles. It's been that way for 5 years now. I think most people agreed that this made the artifact OP as hell. Everybody knows this. Nobody is running around demanding that their supercharge needs to be full all of the time. Even the LFG groups shouting for 'Need EOG healer for XXXXX' know how broken this art is.

    My point is that this artifact is virtually useless now with the nerf, because the supercharge regeneration it has is now negligible and completely ineffective for actually doing that part of the artifact's abilities. It's a complete joke.
  14. zNot Loyal Player

    By your logic a healer using 4 SC isnt broken? Because that is going to remain the exact same if the only removed the stacking.

    the stacking is not the only big issue with EoG lets stop pretending like thats the root issue. The ability to give Almost endless SC is the broken part about EoG which also allows the dps/troll to spamm SC and allows them to spawn red circles.

    The current „nerfs“ are fine as they are though because the ability to give SC remains and is even buffed at 100%.
  15. Rejchadar Inquisitor

    From the very beginning, the main problem was the supercharge regen, all EoG changes always affected the regen (from the beginning they removed the regen in non-combat, then changed the shields to 10000, changed the CD for 2500, increased the SP of nature from 2500 to 5000...) but for some reason, some stubbornly insist that this is not a problem ... to be honest, making supercharge regen a group one, in my opinion, was a mistake.
  16. zNot Loyal Player

    Exactly group buffs in general are far more potent then anything else so they need to be adjusted based on the fact that 8 players will/can benefit from them.
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hilarious. The test thread was updated recently. For anyone that remembers the original title of THIS thread, looks like it's more applicable than ever...just in the opposite direction.

    "Update: the Eye of Gemini changes are still not quite finalized and will not go live with Episode 45. We now expect them to go live with our next Game Update after the Episode, but that could also still change."
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  18. LowFlyingMoon Loyal Player

    Whaddaya know, I guess forum users do indeed control what happens with the game... I'm feeling an immense sense of power. What should we complain about next? I know - how about another "EOG is OP" thread? We can be playing this tug of war for years to come...
  19. Quantum Edge Steadfast Player

    Just used the ones I get as the daily reward, I also used in game cash to buy Nth metal caches, I had about 8 billion, I'm down to 4 billion now, if you wait until after the double XP events, the prices on those caches crash hard. I keep them in the bank as well. Last spring and fall, I wasn't on 8 hours a day, but 3-4 as I explored the content that was new after a break.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yes....I'd guess 4B in game will go a long way if used right. I personally have never bought any from the broker, so I'll take your word for it on the pricing.